Levi Winchester

My mouth hurt a bit and sure I tasted a bit of blood all around my mouth. I think I might've even loosened a tooth. But I couldn't help but smile at the success of my plans without being noticed. I managed to save Tyler in time as he was now standing in the crowd shocked at me.

Would he forgive me for using more violence? I mean, I did it for him. He just got back to school and he's already fighting so I couldn't just let him get in trouble, especially for something he believed in so strongly. I couldn't let him get suspended again. Luckily, he didn't look upset whatsoever.

Giovanni was pulled off of me before breaking free and striking again. We tumbled around and I managed to kick him a few more times. "Weak little pussy bitch!" I snapped at him dropping my guard so he could strike me again.

"GIOVANNI!!! LEVI!!!! STOP THIS NOW!!!!" A red face screamed as he walked towards us. Giovanni froze and looked down at me in pure shock.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked probably realizing that he's been duped by me. The panicked expression on his face spoke volumes to me. He seemed to snap out of his fog as he looked at the huge crowd of students watching and recording us. "You little...you just...."

I lay there motionless pretending to be in pain. "G-get off me...." i pleaded pathetically once the Dean was in earshot. I looked at Tyler who looked shocked as ever. I wonder if he could tell I was actually in real pain? "I'm sorry!"

I just hope he wasn't too hurt. I knew he was cornered and I didn't know how many guys Jason brought, but Tyler was more than capable of handling those guys.

"You just never learn do you?" The Dean scowled. "Get off him!"

"Dean....I swear this isn't what it looks like-"

"What is it then?" The Dean asked. Giovanni desperately tried to explain to him how the scene was actually because I attacked him for no reason, which was the truth. But who would believe that this big fight was over absolutely nothing. But he failed miserably, I've seen Tyler have many panic attacks like this.

All I had to do to defeat Giovanni was trigger his panic disorder. And now to let him explode in this pressure cooker. It was worth letting him hit me a few times for this.

"BOTH OF YOU, FOLLOW ME NOW!!!!" The Dean screamed.

Giovanni jumped up off of me and kept trying to explain before I slowly got up. I couldn't help but smile at Giovanni much to his irritation. Probably because brains and tacky tricks got the best of him.

Poor guy was almost pissing himself.

We walked to the dean's office and sat looking at the older mans red face. He took off his glasses and sighed before rubbing his temples. "Boys-"

"I was about to leave for my next class and this asshole called me out! Then he sucker punched me!" Giovanni spat. "I didn't do anything to him, Dean! I have no idea what this was about!"

"So, Levi hit you first?" The Dean turned his glare to me.

"Yes, I'm telling you this prick just charged me out of nowhere! I haven't done anything but defend myself from him!"

"Keep your voice down, Giovanni." The Dean snapped turning back to me. "You tell me Levi, did you really hit...." the dean trailed off and Giovanni looked stuck in disbelief at my theatrics I learned from Tyler back in middle school, like crying on cue to really drive your side forward.

That little spoiled brats fake tantrums have taught me well.

I let the fake tears fall as i feigned misery and guilt. "I-it's true, sir. I hit him f-first. He just..." the Dean handed me sympathy tissues to wipe my face. Would he buy this act for real? Of course he would, he was always a dummy. "He gave m-me such a hard time. He kept forcing people to come after me and to do his homework. And he said he was going to hurt me. I was just scared! Th-that's why...." Burst into tears again.

In my peripheral, I could see Giovanni steaming in disbelief.

"Is that true, Giovanni?" The Dean was mad as hell, we all knew he accepted my story as true. Giovanni sputtered a bit trying to find what he should say before getting quiet. His past actions had already sealed his fate. Suddenly laughter filled the room. "Do you find this funny?!"

"This entire situation is funny and confusing, don't you think so?" Giovanni asked and nudged me a little bit. He knows he's already lost this round. "Ah, cheap tacky fucking tricks!"

"Well-" the Dean was cut off by The soccer coach barging into the office.

"Dean, we can't suspend Giovanni! We have a game in two days! I already lost Liam, Chris, George and Tyler! We'll lose for sure!"coach Nichols yelled.

"This isn't a small matter! This is everything against our bullying policies! This was a serious fight! Just look at Mr. Winchester!"

The Dean and the coach were at each other's throats as they screamed at each other. Was Giovanni going to win because the coach was here? If they looked him up they'd see he wasn't even a student! Or was Coach Nichols assisting on Giovanni's mission?

Just run his stupid name!

"Now Dean, I'm sure the cause of this fight was  his fault." Coach stated pointing right at me, does he see the black eye and nose bleed on my face?! I felt like this guy could see right through me sometimes, that's why he so boldly spoke out against me when he could.

The Dean was steaming towards him, as he counters "Are you blind, Nichols? Your little thug of a player gave our top student a black eye and a nose bleed. Don't say that he did it to himself, because I saw Giovanni hitting him in a crowd of everyone myself. A few students even have video of it all. What if this gets to the media?"

"But the next game is in two days! We need this win!"

The Dean sighed and reply "Giovanni, I'm sorry, but your getting 5 day suspension. But that doesn't mean your going to skip out school work." He then turns to me "Mr. Winchester, since you're too injured, and we're trying to not risk a lawsuit against the school again, I'll notify your guardian to pick you up early. But since they're banned from coming near school grounds - in any vehicle - I'll let Mr. Moss to drop you off."

"Wait, why Mr. Moss?" I asked, it hurts when I arched an eyebrow when I have a black eye. Either way, why call Tyler's parents? And what parents were banned?

The Dean shook his head and shot me a scolding glare. "A few days ago, Mr. Moss came by with your updated emergency information like you were supposed to a while ago. If we couldn't get your parents call the officer assigned to you we're supposed to call him. That's why. You two sit outside the office while I sort this out."

I nodded and refrained from smiling until I was out of the room with Giovanni.

"You beat me." Giovanni shook his head. He looked calm yet scared. Still he put on his usual fake smile.  "I never would have guessed that you would go that far. Tyler must be really special to you."

"I'm just better at improvising, Giovanni."

"You're just too bold and maybe a bit too smart for your own good. Those smarts will eventually come back to bite you in the ass though."

"I don't think so."

"Yeah, boss warned me about that. That arrogance you walk around with, like you're the smartest person in the room. He Said the other one never won a game against you."

"Who?" I asked eagerly. "Which other one?"

"Whoops, I said too much," Giovanni smiled. He was fucking with me. Or then again....maybe he didn't know. Just trying to get a rise out of me? The other one?

"The phone? Who else are you tracking?"

"If I told you that, the game would end. I don't want to get killed for ruining my bosses fun game."

"You'll be in jail for assaulting a minor," I pointed out. "You could be safe in prison just tell me and I won't force the matter that you aren't a real student here."

"No, I wouldn't....or maybe you'll finally figure out that I don't know very much. You think this ends with me locked up, don't you? People will keep coming and coming, so keep picking us off. The boss never loses in the end."

"Except to me," I said.

Giovanni looked towards the door suddenly. There were two policemen there in full uniform, Speaking to the receptionist. Soon she pointed at Giovanni. "Fuck."

"Waste of time to speak, I guess," I smiled. "We'll, I'll just wait for the next one like you told me."

"You little-"

"Giovanni Genevese. You're under arrest." I watched the police handcuff Giovanni who didn't resist at all.

"Don't think this shit is over Levi," Giovanni smiled ignoring the officer reading him his rights. "You'll never beat the guy. You think it's all going to end with me? Little do you know you played right into his hands!! You're just a loser bastard child with no purpose! Know your place! Soon you'll be dead! And so will Tyler!"

"You don't want a charge for terroristic threats, sir-"

"Shut the fuck up! You'll never win the game! No one has before and you're no fucking different! You're going to lose everything! You'll be the one to die in the end!"

Giovanni was dragged out forcibly. I sat there shocked along with everyone else in the main office. More questions were arising. Who else was coming for Tyler? Did I do something wrong? Playing into the Bosses hands? Loser bastard child?!

"Levi," I heard Stan call out. I walked over to him and walked in silence with him to the car. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked in concern. "I heard a what that guy said."

I was looking out at the window, "Yeah, thanks for your help. Why did you change my original-"

"I was just trying to help." Stan respond defensively. "After what you told me, I thought I should help cover your tracks until you can find out your backstory. It's better for outsiders not to ask questions and complicate everything."

But I countered "And I didn't need it! I just let this asshole beat me up to save Tyler!! Then he barely gives me information and treats me as if I'm inferior to him! He called me a bastard child!! If I'm that, why the fuck would I want your help?!"

It was actually extremely helpful and I felt like an asshole saying all that. I actually wanted to thank him.

Fuck! What's wrong with me?!

For the moment the light turned green, Stan moved the car and make a left towards the neighborhood area. He looked at me for a second, "When I was your age, I had no friends. The girls in school would talk about me behind my back because I was a lonely, goth kid that was obsessed with Drita, a cheerleader. Levi , I was much hated as you are, and I was bullied a lot. It was only when I was older that I realized that everyone will try to bring you down if you're up. Like crabs in a bucket."


"Put a bunch of crabs in a bucket. While they try to escape they'll step on each other and even pull others down with them to try and escape first. They'll die quickly."

"Are you saying, Giovanni doesn't have a future?"

"If he keeps wasting his time, then his career as whatever will be over. It sounded like he's just a minion to me. Don't let him get you worked up. Keeping a calm head will guarantee that you come out on top, every time." Stan ruffled my hair and suddenly made a face. "You needs a haircut, you look really scruffy."

"Oh?" I asked. I guess my hair has become a bit long.

"I know, let's get you a haircut, my treat. How do you want it?"

"Um....." what was the name of that lead singer from Tyler's favorite band? Stray Kidz. "Like Bang Chan."

"Oh that K pop guy Tyler likes? Oh, how romantic, should I get you a white horse to ride in on so you can bed my son?" Stan laughed.

"How do you even keep up?" I muttered, blushing at his jeers.

"I don't, but we'll get you something similar if that's what you want." Stan ruffled my hair.

"My hair is fine."

"You look homeless. Sometimes an outer appearance change is good for character development. Besides, I didn't ask if you wanted it, only how you wanted it." Stan doubled down.

It was getting long enough to fall in my face. Who knows, maybe if I could show some confidence, things will change.

"I'm not dying it, just cutting."