Tyler Moss

I've felt this uneasy feeling many times. When Liam got hurt. When Chris died in front of me in the nurses office. When Levi disappears. When Stephen was taken care of. When I realized that Levi was stalking me...

Was it you Levi? It wasn't right? You promised me that you wouldn't do anything like this again and you wouldn't do something so bad. He wouldn't go against what I asked him again, right?

But he would if it was for my sake. He's proven that he'd do anything it takes me for me time and time again. He's also proven how far he'll go to get even with someone.

Levi wasn't any help in convincing me either. He was quiet and dejected yet clingy all day. He might as well have hung a sign around his neck that said Guilty.

He seriously sucked at keeping secrets! As soon as he had to hide something, he'd start acting weird. Did he really think I wouldn't notice after all this time we had together?

"3...2....1." I whispered as was my usual routine. And like that the class was over. "Levi?" He jumped and looked at me as if terrified. "Let's go somewhere private and talk, ok?"

"What about Jay?" He asked sarcastically. "You shouldn't leave your friend."

"The girls have him now," I smiled. Jay was surrounded by girls now that he changed his look so he was preoccupied. But Levi just rolled his eyes and frowned. "He's learning to socialize."

"Your friend is actually being harassed," Levi muttered.

"Dammit," I hissed understand my breath. Was he really going to continue being stubborn about this? This was really annoying.

"What happened to you?" I heard a girl ask Jay. Of course it was Jessica...that whore. Jay sunk down into his seat a bit looking terrified. "You went from gross to hot! Did you get surgery or something?"


"Why'd you wear glasses? You look so much better without them!" Jessica continued causing Jay to sink lower into his chair. "Hey, let's hang out sometime, give me your number!"

"I don't-"

"Give me your phone, I'll put my number in."

"I....you can see me at school."

"School isn't the same as being alone."

Jay frantically searched around the room until his eyes landed on me. "Tyler-"

"Hey!" Jessica grabbed Jays arm, nails digging into Jays arm. He flinched a little. Was she always that aggressive? "Don't ignore me!"

"Why the hell are you touching me so much?" Jay snapped much to everyone's surprise. I knew he could handle himself! "Let go of me."

"Excuse me? Do you know who you're talking to?"

"I really don't care because I said let go!" Jay snapped and pulled his arm back and rushed over to Levi and I.

"Good job," I smiled. Jay smiled back. Levi frowned intensely. "You handled that like a champ."

"It's everything I learned from you. That reminds me, thank you for helping me Levi. If it wasn't for you, I'm not sure where I could be doing now." Levi stayed quiet and avoided eye contact and didn't respond.  "I....I know you were only around me because of Tyler, but I would like to be friends with you too. I can also be of some help, but I just wanted to thank you for-"

"Why?" Levi hissed. His response didn't surprise me, Levi was usually rude and standoffish to other people. He just wasn't a people person in general. It was just painful to watch Jays confidence plummet. "I'm not nice to you and I don't like you at all. Your existence is bothersome."


"It's my decision, Tyler." Levi scowled. "I asked why!"

"I-I wasn't sure if I should say this....but," Jay desperately scrambled for words but seemed to decide against it. "S-sorry! Just forget what I said! I'll get going! I'll see you in the next class, Tyler."

Jay hurried from the classroom. "Levi? What the fuck was that? That was just being plain obnoxious and rude!"

"It was just a question! He knows I didn't intend to help him, and I honestly couldn't care less about him. In fact, I'm bothered by him existing at all. I hate that he breathes and I hate that's you want to be his friend so badly. Why would he want to be friends with me knowing that?" Levi explained clearly annoyed. As harsh as he was being, I understood. "No one tries to appeal to someone so hard just to be friends. Why can't I just be uncomfortable in silence? I'm not nice to everyone like you are."

I couldn't even be mad because Levi truly saw nothing thing wrong with the situation. Still, he was acting fucking ridiculous. "You could've declined nicely."

"Again, I see no need to be nice to him."

"Don't be a dick."

"You two are friends, why does he need me?" Levi stated. "I told you I didn't trust him but I can't make you not trust him too, and I haven't tried to convince you not to hang out with him. I just don't want him around us. Anyway, let's go to the next class before free period ends. I just want to focus on school and shit right now." Levi held out his hand and watched me just stare at it. "What?"

"Can we talk for a bit Levi?" I asked taking his hand and sitting him back down. "I don't really care if we're late."

"I guess," he answered sarcastically. I shot him a look and he dropped the attitude. "Fine, what is it?"

"Are you really ok? Did something happen? Did I do something wrong?" I asked. Levi was almost impossible to read sometimes and I hated that. He really knew me like an open book, so why can't I figure him out? Am I simple? "I know somethings wrong. You're really bad at hiding things, So could you just speak to me about what the fuck happened?"

"It's nothing big-"

"How can I be happy with you if you can't tell me why you're upset?"

"You should be mad at me, because you got hurt." Levi stated. "I don't understand why you aren't more upset with me for not being there!"

"It's not your fault I got hurt. I chose to help and I chose to fight those assholes," I rolled my eyes. I hated that Levi blamed himself if I even got a paper cut. "So that's why you've been so irritating?"


"Do you want to break up or something?"


"What the fuck then?" I was genuinely confused.

"I feel like you should be angry with me for what I did. I don't know why....I just do."

"But you told me not to get involved and I didn't listen. You even told me a bunch of times to distance myself from the drama but I couldn't do it, and I don't blame you for what I chose to do. And you did save me."

"I guess. Why worry about me if-"

"Because, I love you, Levi!" I said louder than I really wanted to catching the attention of the few people still in the classroom. Levi grabbed my hand and my bag before pulling me from the classroom.

When we were outside the door, Levi cupped my face with his hand and stood very close. I could smell the toothpaste and gum on his breath. His usual scent intoxicated me and drew me closer.

"I love you too, Tyler," Levi whispered before leaning down so our noses could touch. "I'll never let anyone hurt you again."

"I know," I blushed. "My decision was to help, all you did was back me up even though you didn't want too. I didn't get a chance to thank you for helping me."

"But I got in a fight."

"We can overlook it, Levi. I was never upset with you at all. I don't care about that. Can't we just go back to being happy, please?"

"I'd like that too." Levi smiled at me and pressed his lips to My half opened ones. I almost protested, but Levi had taken the opportunity to his advantage and shoved his tongue into my mouth.

Fuck it, it's not like there were that many people around.

I completely melt into the kiss and into Levi's arms, and it was only the firm grip that he had on my hips that kept my knees from buckling. Never had I been kissed so thoroughly, and truth to be told, i had no idea at all how good it could feel.

This was sexy.

I reciprocated as well as i could, groping clumsily at Levi without even noticing I was doing it, half grinding my hips into his and mussing his hair and groaning a bit.

At long last, seeing that my lungs couldn't hold out and my heart was about to stop beating, Levi broke the kiss, I was stretching my neck comically to prolong it, moaning at the loss, my moan cut short by Levi giving another quick kiss.

"We should stop now, before we get to the point of no return," Levi breathed heavily trying not to look right at me. I took his breath away, huh.

"I'm just glad you're not upset anymore."


This was a bit sappy, but I couldn't stop my heart from beating furiously. I could use this sappy side to appeal to Levi though. "I want you to accept Jays friendship."



"Don't try to butter me up, Tyler."

"You said you would be nice."

"I am nice. He's just emotionally not there. There something wrong with him. None of his actions add up to any motive that makes sense. His words are empty and devious. He's a ticking time bomb and he's dangerous."

"So are you. Sometimes I swear it's like....well it's a bit explained considering all that you told me. I'm not surprised but I feel bad for Jay." I explained avoiding the topic of Levi's past. "You two are so similar."

Of course he was emotionally stunted. "No we aren't." But Levi wouldn't understand what i actually meant.

"You guys are almost alike in personality."

"Do you like Jay better than me because we're similar in personality?"

"Like Jay? Like romantically?" Levi nodded. I frowned. So he's scared of competition?

"No, not romantically."

"Do you like him because he comes off as weak like me?"

"What? No!"

"Then why do you like him so much?"

"I only like him as a friend, Levi. That's it, I promise. There's only one person in this whole world that I could ever like romantically." I guess I did have a habit of looking after the people I perceived as weaker.

"It better be me," Levi Pecked me on the lips.

"It's only you."

"That makes me feel better. I'll wait for you out front. So go find Jay, I know that's what you want to do."

"Will you be comfortable? I just want to make sure he's ok."

"If you're around, I'll be as comfortable as I can be. I'm only going to try harder because you asked me too."

"Then I'll go find him!" I took off down the hallway. There was still something up and I had more questions. Like, was Levi involved in killing Stephen? And if he was who would be next in line to die? Will there come a day when he'll try and kill Jay or me?

I shook that thought off, the most Levi ever did to me was make me sore after sex. It should be Jay I was worried about. If Levi snaps again, he might fuck up Jay like he did to Liam.

I felt like a shitty boyfriend for being suspicious of Levi, but I'm only have what he's shown me. And he keeps proving how violent he'll get on my behalf.

Did Levi kill Stephen?