Levi Winchester

I looked at the walls feeling happy and relaxed for the first time In a few hours. Tyler said he loves me more than anyone, so maybe I could be a bit nicer to Jay....for now. He may be shady but maybe you don't have to understand someone's intentions to befriend them.

I don't want to try with him though. I probably won't try to actually get to know him and no one could really make me.

But I have to try for Tyler.

At my peripheral left, I saw a hand waving close to my face. When I turned I saw Jason Ryan, Stephen's brother, glaring at me. It looked like he hadn't slept in days via his dark circles and puffy eyes.

"Levi, right? Winchester?"

"Who are you?" I asked. Jason seemed agitated at my question, because we both know that I knew who he was.

"Jason Ryan."

"Oh, you're that guy-" Jason had managed to punch me across the face very hard. I fell back a bit because I was honestly shocked. What was with this random ass attack?

"You told me a long time ago, to remember your face right?! And that if My brother and I ever tried to fuck with Tyler again, you'd rip me to prices, right?!" Jason yelled. I did do this but not recently. "So what are you going to do now?! Kill me like you killed Stephen?!"

"What?!" It wasn't me who killed him, I just beat him up.

"I remember that night. You beat up everyone who was plotting against Tyler being on the team. Then threatened to destroy us if we messed with him again," Jason said. "My brother stopped for a while but it wasn't his fault thAt Tyler stepped into the Jay situation! But he said you didn't do anything to him at all. That's why I helped them try and beat up Tyler again and left you out of it. Did you kill him because of a few punches and pranks?! Tell me!!!"

"What the fuck are you talking about? I don't even know Stephen like that," I shrugged fighting back my smile but failing miserably. "And I didn't kill anyone."

"Don't try to fool me! There's only one person who could do that! All my brother did was fight him a bit! There's no way you would just let that slide from what I've been seeing!"

"Stephen fought Tyler? So you're saying you and Stephen tried to jump Tyler like little bitches and now Stephen is dead? How unfortunate, how'd it happen? Who did it?" I asked with a smile making Jason flinch back before grabbing a handful of my shirt.

"You fuckhead!! Did you just fucking smile?! You killed Stephen didn't you?!" Jason was about to punch me again.

"It wasn't Levi," a stern voice made Jason freeze. I was happy to see Tyler and Jay standing there. The sight before them and the growing crowd made me look more innocent. "He was with me the day it happened."

Jason looked at Jay, then me, then Tyler. "This asshole said he didn't do it and now you're sticking up for the stalker? You're in this together huh?"

"You don't even have proof that Levi did it!" Tyler rolled his eyes. "If you're going to accuse him, have some evidence."

Jason put me down and turned to Tyler. "Proof? Evidence?! What proof do I need?! Just see how he reacts when I do this!!!"

In a flash Jason had grabbed a fistful of Tyler's hair. As if on instinct, I lunged forward and tackled him knocking him down and sliding a bit. I proceeded to hit him a few more times.

"Look at him going wild!!! This is how I know he killed Stephen!!" Jason said between punches and fighting back.

"Levi, stop!" Tyler ordered. I lowered my fists much to Jason's surprise and got up. Clenching up my fists I held myself froM hitting him again. "If you're saying that Levi's actions is proof he killed Stephen, then this could be proof he didn't do it. Levi promised me he would never do something like that."


"How do you know?"

"You can't train a human like a dog! You think you have him in line? You don't even know how much of a psycho you're fucking, Moss!"

"You're the fucking psycho here! Trying to play judge and jury! You're nothing but a goddamn thug!" Tyler grabbed my hand and together we followed Jay who now held my bag.

"You believe me?" I asked. Tyler looked down guiltily.

"Yeah, I had my doubts and thought you were involved. So I called my dad, at the time of death, you were sleeping on the couch and you'd been there for hours. He knows because he was downstairs when he got the call. You wouldn't have left without waking someone up because of how loud the door is too. And dad told me some details-" I yanked my hand from Tyler's. "Levi?"

"You didn't have to go through all that trouble. You could've just kept doubting me. Why be so nice about it if you suspected me all along?"

"It's called giving you the benefit of the doubt!"


"So you want me to not believe you?"

"That's not what I mean!"

"To be honest, it's confusing. I still don't know if I should trust you 100% or not. Everything you do is strange and no one treats me like you do, yet still my life is always easier with you in it. But thinking back on why I don't fully trust you, it's because I don't know anything about you like I thought I did. So we're going to fix that." Tyler explained.

Why take up for me? Did he know that it was impossible for me to have time to kill Stephen? Why is Tyler's entire family on my side? It should be a great help but it just made me all the more uneasy.

"Ok," I said.

"I'll give you guys some privacy? This sounds serious," Jay said hading me my bag.

"Thanks," I muttered. Jay nodded and continued on.

"You keep trying to keep that promise to me. But that's not enough. There has to be more that you're hiding from me! You haven't told me why you truly stalked me. Or why you have to protect me! If it's not just pure interest, then what's the reason?" Tyler asked.

Tyler's still giving me a chance to be honest here. It might be better to tell him the truth just so he could understand where I'm coming from. It'll make it easier to protect him.

"I was held captive...." I trailed off feeling the lump in my throat. I was choked up? My head was hurting and my knees felt like they were going to buckle. Suddenly I felt dizzy and nauseous. "I....and..."

"Levi? What's wrong?" Tyler looked at me concerned. Was he feeling sorry for me too? I didn't need pity! He was pitying me! I just needed to explain a piece of my life I wasn't even sure about. "Levi-"

"I don't want to talk about it! At least not with you...not right now...I can't," I muttered feeling my stomach stating to turn. My head was starting to hurt and I felt sick. "I forgot something."

Before Tyler could say a thing I was down the hall at top speed. Remembering or trying to remember my life always made me feel so ill, and I couldn't appear weak in front of Tyler!

Tyler could easily keep up but I was glad he didn't follow because I definitely didn't have his stamina when he's determined. I stopped to catch my breath.

Why couldn't I even tell him anything he wanted to know without freaking out?! How cowardly of me!


I rolled my eyes hearing a voice I didn't want to hear for long time. "Liam."

"You look like you're having fun running everywhere."

"What do you want? Stop annoying me and piss off."

"Shameless aren't you. I know you picked a fight with Giovanni to save Tyler. Don't you feel any guilt for screwing people over?" Liam put the break down on his wheelchair. I just stared at him completely shocked at his audacious approach. "Tyler's coming here to meet you, right?"

"You're back?"

"Starting tomorrow, yes."

"What the fuck do you want with Tyler now! I told you to stay the fuck away!" I snapped. Liam jumped a bit.

"Why so mad? It's a simple question. I heard Stephen tried to hit Tyler then died the day after. But do you know what's really scary? The killer cut him up and beat him pretty good, but what killed Stephen was bricks." Liam said. What the fuck? Bricks? Liam looked genuinely shocked. "You didn't know? It was on the news, a student was killed with bricks."


"I thought you did it, but it doesn't seem like you even know what's going on."

"Why would I know that?"

"Tyler knows. Shit, I really thought it was you but you don't seem like the type to take things that far," Liam said sarcastically before he took his break off and started to wheel away.

"You have no idea what I'm capable of," I threatened.

"Take care." Liam waved before rolling out of sight.

Where did that asshole learn manners?

More importantly, what the fuck was this about? Stephen killed by a brick? I was so caught up in Tyler that I stopped paying attention to my surroundings. I should've questioned Stephen's death and the timing of it. What are the chances of getting hit by a brick? And why did he die after I attacked him. I purposely left Stephen alive so he could suffer.

Regardless I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. I didn't take it too far! So I can reel it in a bit more and i can be where Tyler wants me to be.

Still, this can't be a coincidence, but who else would have the stomach to kill with a brick. They had to enjoy brutally beating someone, but the only person I knew who would do that sort of thing...is me.

But I didn't do it, so that could mean another person like me is out there.

It could be the one that's after Tyler! And that would mean he's had his eye on Tyler and they're closer than I thought. But that doesn't make any sense! If they've been watching this whole time there's no way I wouldn't have known about it yet.

I've felt like we were being watched before, even alone. Always inside the school too. So then they must be in the school with us.

Which might mean, they were held captive around the same age as me...and let's say we got released around the same time.

Another student? Someone who didn't stand out and can easily fly under my radar.

And I left Tyler by himself because I got a headache trying to remember my past!

Tyler's in danger! I started to run back into the hallways. I ran around and around until I finally spotted Tyler down the hall speaking to a teacher.

Lucky he was in the same place so I just ducked out of sight.

Tyler did save him and he's always been a background person. Plus he didn't strike me as the one to do a killing, but the one to order someone else too. But if Jay ordered it, who would actually do it? No one else would have memories with Tyler enough to want to kill him. Liam is crippled and George is too soft to kill. So it's highly likely he came in recently.

There's no new students though.

Jay might be the cause, but if he was, I would've found something by now right?

"-vi? Levi?" George was in front of me suddenly. "Are you looking for Tyler? He went with Jay over there."

"Why is-"

"Everyone went home already. You looked abnormal just standing there staring into space. We're starting to lock up." George looked down the hallway a bit then behind him. "So....how does it feel to be free after being held captive for ten years?"

"What?" What the fuck?!

"If you were isolated for ten years, your social skills would have deteriorated. It must be tough still trying to adjust while protecting Tyler, huh?" George smiled weakly. "Though it actually explains your entire personality really well."

I grabbed a fistful of this fuckers shirt in a blind rage. What the fuck was he doing bringing shit like that up?! I never told him! I could kill him! "Fucker, who are you?! What do you know about me?! What the fuck have you been told?"

"I just need you to listen to me for a bit, I'm on your side! I swear!" George insisted.