Levi Winchester

My body felt as heavy as lead, and I felt weak as a lay in the dark gathering the strength to move. My head felt like it had been beaten in with a fucking brick and I could smell the dried blood all around me.

How much time has actually passed? Two days? What if it's been three days already?! Was he waiting for me to be awake to start a show of hurting my Tyler? My heart beat a bit faster.

Has he done anything to Tyler?

"No, calm down Levi!" I snapped at myself. I had to get a grip so I could get out of here. I tried to stand but soon realized my hands were tied securely behind my back and my legs were also secured with rope.

Ow. My head still hurts from where that psycho hit me....but I don't have time to waste. Pain has never stopped me before. I need to get the hell up!

I looked up and as my eyes adjusted and I saw a person lumped over. It was all hus"George? George, are you-"

George! Right he was dead, how could I have forgotten that.

If I don't get up, Tyler will end up like him! I didn't even kiss him enough before I left. I've been acting like a fucking idiot! I was an asshole for thinking he couldn't handle this when I was a sobbing hurting mess right now. "Tyler....I miss you...I love you so much....everything hurts so much...."

"Testing....testing....can you hear me?" I turned from George's limp body and to the light in the other side of the room where An old dinosaur computer connected to a live stream.

"Fuck! You're watching?!" I spat out accidentally.

"Ohhhhhhh, you did wake up, Levi!" His conceited smile irked me. "It's me, Jay! It's been so boring waiting for you! It seems like online streaming is super trendy, so I thought I would be your personal streamer! It may be a bit dark, but it shouldn't be too scary since you have George in there to keep you company. Is that why you're still laying there? Have you taken interest in dead bodies?"

"I knew there was something shady about you." That asshole was nothing but trouble!

"Anyway...look at.....this!" He flashed to a spaced out Tyler, bored out of his mind and completely vulnerable. Completely open. "An evil demon is among the living! Plotting on the innocent."

"Tyler!" I kept my eyes glued to the screen. He was at least safe. I could relax a bit right? I still had time.

"So I was thinking," the camera panned over to a table full of junk and tools, "I need to catch this demon, so can you help me chose? A fly swatter? Back scratcher? Wooden spoon? What about this little mallet? It's about 15 pounds. If these aren't good, how about this?" Jay held out a shiny kitchen knife. "It's top shelf, newly sharpened, and clean. I just want to have some fun with you, Levi.

"I was really hoping you would beat me like you did when we played chess. I was so excited for it too. I thought we would have a cool showdown like the anime Tyler made me watch. But you have less than a day now. Just don't disappoint me Levi."

"Fuck!" I cursed at myself. I was out for two days for real?! I had less than 24 hours to help Tyler.

"The clue to getting out of there might be in this video. We'll just find out what happens very soon. I'll make sure you can see it too, because I'd hate for a follower to miss any content, especially when I win, until then remember to like and subscribe! And remember, I love you like a brother." Jay smiled and ended the stream.

That asshole. What a fucking psycho! How are we brothers?!

I took a deep breath. There is a way out I just have to calm down. The video held clues right?

Nothing seemed weird and out of the ordinary. Nothing stuck out when he panned over to Tyler. The tools were old and dirty but....each tool shown had letters on it that stood out.

E. X. I. T.

The door right? I hopped over and pushed all my weight on the door to no avail. Figures. I turned so I could reach the door handle, but it wouldn't turn. I wouldn't expect anything less.

Where would the key be? What other clues were there? Empty room except for me....and George's corpse....dressed as a cop.

"Sick," I spat. The cop would hold the key to the cell right? The key could only be there.

I sat and started to go thru George's pockets. Everything about this felt wrong, especially because all of his pockets were empty. "Even when you're dead, you're annoying as fuck!" I pushed the body over slightly only to catch a glimpse of something shiny.

I turned George's head towards me with my knee and opened his mouth. Lodged down far but not far enough to miss, was the key.

Without a second thought I angled myself so I could shove my hand into his mouth ignoring the teeth scraping my skin clean off. His teeth were filed down into razor sharp fangs. Finally I got a grip of the key and and pulled my hand out.

It wasn't a key though, just a box cutter. The same one Tyler took from Jay that time he pulled that pathetic performance. The box cutter sliced thru the ropes like butter.

Trying to give a false sense of security, huh Jay? The ropes weren't even tied that tightly. Could I have broken out of these ropes without the box cutter? Did I just waste my time because I was freaking out?!

Fuck! Clear your fucking head Levi! Psychological warfare shouldn't work on you!

No more time could be wasted at this point. When I got the ropes off I stood and braced myself. It was an old door, so the right amount of pressure will take it off the hinges.

I crouched before lunging full force at the door, surprisingly knocking it clean off. Motherfucker that hurt! I ignored the pain shooting up my right side, especially my ribs.

It was incredibly hard to do.

I stood up and saw a staircase leading to an open door feeling my vision fading from the pain. I could smell the rain fall and the grass and heard some dogs in the distance.

Before I walked out I covered George's face with the jacket and closed his eyes, promising in my head that I would be back to bury him after I saved Tyler. "Sorry for kicking you. I didn't mean what I said."

I ran outside without looking back and started towards the school...there was no way I was too late now, right? I could do this!

"-ter win so maybe I'll have something to be happy about." I heard a familiar sweet honey voice say. My Tyler! Still alive! I'm not too late.

"Thanks, I'm pretty sure I'll win this time. Bye Tyler!" I heard Jay call out. I stopped myself from running out from my hiding spot around the corner of the store and revealing myself.

Fuck! I still had to play this correctly and I was getting sick of it. Why did my life have to be a fucking game?!

I heard heavy footsteps coming my way. "Hello? Oh, I thought someone was watching. So this is what it's like to be stalked, sucks that you're a guy though." Jay smiled.

I lunged at him pulling out the box cutter but ended up getting tangled in and breaking an umbrella. "Fuck!"

"Come on, I just bought that!" Jay laughed. "Tyler walked me to the store to get it too."

"Since when are you so fast?" I scowled. "Or strong."

"But you lunged at me!"

"Still playing dumb?!"

"Oh, I guess it's no use trying to fool you again. The acts up!" Jay ran up to me and immediately ducked, avoiding My punch and connecting his fist, hard, with My right thigh. It was a bold move to go for the legs when they were usually not a weak spot, but it worked because I was so surprised by the sheer strength he possessed.

I let out a gasp and backed one step away before composing myself and charging towards Jay who was prepared this time and put both his arms up to cover his face, where I was very much intending to hit. My knuckles hurt terribly when they made contact with Jay's forearms, but I lost no time in attacking His stomach with my other fist, and Jay's mouth fell open as all air had been knocked out of him. I retreated slightly, knowing by now that Jay wouldn't take long in surprising me again.

Jay straightened up and moved carefully closer to Me, my arms raised and prepared to protect my face. I allowed him to attack and began blocking every punch that Jay threw my way. "Come on Levi," he said, goding me on. "Give me a hell of game! I always have so much fun!"

I took this chance to push him with all my might onto the ground. I have to get rid of this kid to keep Tyler safe. I needed to kill him!

I quickly locked Jay down by his neck and held the knife up, ready to hurt him so badly. I plunged the knife down quickly towards his chest.

But, for some reason, I didn't make contact. In fact I stopped about a foot above this guys chest. I was trembling, I felt nothing but absolute fear right now and I couldn't do this. Thinking about ending another life with my own hands was absolutely terrifying to me.

I couldn't do anything like this ever again.

"Levi...how disappointing!" Jay rolled his eyes and laughed before he quickly flipped us over. "I thought you've killed people before like me! We were raised the same way, right!" Jay wrapped his hands around my neck and squeezed. "It's not so hard, you know. Taking a life is just like taking a shit. Natural! For ten years I've been focused on how to kill, that when I actually did it, I felt nothing, because I had imagined it every single day. I'm sure dying won't be too bad either!"

I felt my vision start to fade as I struggled for air.

With all my might I moved my leg discreetly and fortunately, I was able to kick Jay off of me.

Jay rolled back. But he quickly got to his knees. "I love that fI-AAGHH!!!!" A car had suddenly come skidding to a stop after hitting Jay.

I retreated further down the road as a lady ran out of her car in hysterics at Jay, who looked to be playing possum.

I took my chance and ran towards Tyler house at top speed. I had to see him now.

I was supposed to kill him! Why did I hesitate!? I mean I've never killed with my bare hands before, but this should've been a snap. If we were really raised the same, then why was I so different? Why couldn't I kill him when the time came?!

I was here, in front of Tyler house. Was he even home yet?

"Levi!" Tyler's sweet honey voice filled my ears again. He hugged me tight, like how I usually hugged him. It felt so nice. "I went crazy without you! Where have you been? You didn't call and...wait! There's blood? Are you ok? Your head is bleeding! So is your chest! Levi, what happened to you?!"

"I'm sorry, I disappeared like I did." I smiled and pulled him back closer to me so I could hug him better. "Everything hurts so much."

"Levi, how are you even up right now?! Look at you, we have to call 911! There's so much blood-" Tyler started to lay me down and I could see him pull out his phone.

"But I didn't even try to kill him! And I could have killed him! I only fought for my life!" I felt the tears start to fall. "How do I always manage to let you down so much? I'm sorry! Please don't be mad, I just wanted to make you smile more! I love you so much! Please, Don't leave me, I really love you..."

"Levi? Slow down, you're not making any sense!Levi!" I could hear Tyler's voice fading out as I got further and further from consciousness. "LEVI!!!"