Tyler Moss

"What happened?" My dad asked. "How did Levi get hurt?"

"I don't know the details, dad," I said. "I haven't been told a thing yet. He just showed up like this, starting spiting shit about apologies and passed out."

"You said he's been absent from school for two days too right?"

"And I don't know about that either! I just called the ambulance!" I was a bit scared. I've never seen Levi in less than perfect health. He was the strongest person I knew.

How could someone do this to him? Who did this to him and why? Did he do something to make someone come at him this hard?

After my dad spent a little more time trying to calm me down the doctor walked back in. He said Levi had a high fever and bruising all over his body. Especially on his left wrist. Almost like someone had tried to scrape the skin off with a knife. Levi was most likely bound with some kind of rope due to the severe rope burns around his ankles and wrists. He didn't have anything to eat or drink for the last two days and the blunt force trauma caused some delusions in him. Not only that, but he also had a fractured rib from something hitting him really hard as well.

"It must have really been hard for him to move around." My dad rubbed my back a bit harder as I felt my tears start to fall. "It's amazing how the body can just carry you during an adrenaline rush."

Someone hurt my Levi and they had to pay.

"It's a miracle that he was standing at all actually. I'd say it was pure adrenaline that helped him get to you. You got him here in time and that saved him from permanent damage," the doctor told us. "His injuries are extensive, so he should stay overnight so he can rest."

"Ask him what happened when he wakes up, Tyler. And I mean as soon as he wakes up. Don't get sidetracked."

"I want to know too, dad."

"Don't get sidetracked! You can never focus!"

"Can you fuck off! I won't get sidetracked! Ok!"

"Are you going to stay or come home?" Dad asked. "Sorry for getting at you, I know you can focus...sometimes."

"Well, I'm already here so of course I'm staying. I need to be here when he wakes up," I snapped. "I'm sorry for cursing at you, I'm just a bit worried...that you'll annoy me to death about the ADHD I don't have."

"What do you call it then?"

"Not being interested enough to care," I said.

"We can get an evaluation done while we're here. I mean I've distracted you easily for a while now."

"Are you fucking with me right now?" I was ready to pull my hair out.

"You're freaking out right now and you need to calm down. You always start spiraling and getting anxious, I just want to keep your mind busy so you don't go crazy. I'm worried too."

How could I not be going crazy? My boyfriend has just been battered by someone. "I'm more scared that he'll disappear if I go."

"Awww, that's so cute! But he's incapacitated. There's no escape. I'll drop by tomorrow with your mom," dad ruffled my hair before leaving the hospital room. "I'll try to find out what I can."

What happened? What happened that he didn't want to talk to me about? Doesn't he care if I keep spiraling? I thought we had an understanding dad!

I took a deep breath and looked down at Levi.

He looked so peaceful as he was. Flawless skin, like it was glowing. Strong and prominent jaw and a long neck. I could tell his nose was broken but still his crooked nose suit him. Such long eyelashes. Levi was such a good looking guy....so handsome.

Was I seriously judging his looks while he's hospitalized? I'm the worst. His ribs are fractured and he's covered in bruising, Tyler! Now's not the time to fantasize about him.

"I'm going to get you some water for when you wake up, don't you dare try to escape while I'm gone." I told his sleeping figure. As I turned to leave the room a hand caught mine. "Levi! You're awake! You shouldn't use your left hand! It's injured!"

"Don't go....I'll do whatever you say...so please don't leave me. Stay with me like before," Levi pleaded as he started to force himself upright. I could see him in obvious pain.

Like before? "I'll stay, so don't worry." I've never seen Levi look more desperate than now. "I'll never leave you."

"Promise?" He prodded.

"I promise," I smiled. It shocked me how immediately calm I was saying this. I tried to push him gently back into a laying down position but he wouldn't budge.

"Can I hold you? I've missed you so much." Levi asked.

"My dad said-"

"Please Tyler," Levi pleaded.

"As long as you lay back down, you have a fractured rib," I said. Levi slowly lowered himself back into the bed and moved over. Carefully, I put myself next to him and lay down slowly as to not accidentally bump him.

It was weird to see Levi look so fragile. He always treated me like I would break, but now the tables were turned. Levi wrapped his good arm around me and sighed. "I missed your smell so much. I thought I would never see you again. I'm sorry!"

"Levi, don't-"

"I'm sorry, I acted like such a dumbass. I was so stupid to try and step away without asking you. I thought if I protect you from afar I could make you happy." Levi cried. It wasn't the first time I've seen him cry, but this one sounded like it was extremely painful, physically painful. "I always want to love and hold you and have sex and fun with you. I just don't want to mess up! I don't want you to ever leave! But I almost blew it!"


"I should have stayed and studied with you. If I did, none of this would have ever happened!" Levi snapped while tears steadily fell. "I wasn't there and in doing that I put you in more danger. I promise I'll never do that again! I'll be more mindful to how you feel....I'm sorry I let you down..."

"You only let me down when you're like this. I've never felt or been unsafe with you, I missed you too, I thought you were mad at me or something. Don't ever make me fucking worry about you like this again!" I felt a few tears slip. "What do I do if you're gone? How am I supposed to function without you? You were gone for 48 hours and I didn't know what to do with myself. I had no sense of purpose or direction. No excitement waking up and getting ready to see you. Hell, I thought you ran off with someone because I was too much for you!"

"I'm sorr-"

"Stop apologizing! Just stop running from me! It's not just painful for you! All I want to know is who did this so I can kill them!"

"You get that worked up over someone like me?"

"Of course I do. I can protect you too! But for some reason you want to do everything yourself like a fucking asshole!!"

Levi's hugged me closer weakly. "I love you, Tyler. I love you so much." Levi started to kiss me. "I want to just do everything to you. You said you love me!"

"Shut up! You don't get any sex because I'm mad at you, and don't think I'll let go what happened. I'm suspicious and you know that! I want to know what happened. I know you don't want to talk about it but I'm not giving you a choice."


"Not right now, you need more rest. Just get some sleep for now." I kissed Levi so he wouldn't speak again. I didn't want to hear any excuses. I might forget later actually."Oh, on second thought, tell me now. I don't want to get distracted and forget later." Silence. "Levi?"

The motherfucker was knocked out cold! Stupid hospital meds. I forgot he gets knocked out by children's medicine.

They must've given him a Tylenol.