Levi Winchester

"Don't start slacking off now! Just because exams are over doesn't mean it's an excuse to act like wild animals!" Ms. Yoon snapped at us all. "Our class trip is coming up, so make sure you're all packed for tomorrow! Pick up your pants!"

Oh yeah, the annual school trip. Just a stupid luxury overnight stay at some senators hotel property. It was a pain in the ass, but I always spent my time hanging out with and watching over Tyler. I had gotten so many good pictures of him back then.

Of course, he didn't exactly know about those pictures, so I couldn't really get many good shots. But this time, we can take pictures together and I can get the best ones when he's actually looking into the camera. It might give the pictures a different feel.

I could get some sexy new ones for my album. It might help me forget that Tyler ditched me for Liam. It also might ease my guilt for suspecting that Tyler would try anything with someone else.

"I'll meet you near the buses tomorrow, I'm going to see what's up with Jay. He's been sulking a lot and I'm kind of worried about him." Tyler whispered as Ms. Yoon droned on. I just wish he wasn't worried about someone who was tryna kill him. "He's also become very distant for some reason."

But it's not like he knows he's being targeted like that.


"Yeah, since you got out the hospital he's kind of kept a distance. It's been two days so now I'm a bit worried." Tyler shrugged. "We are his only friends after all. There must be something wrong."

"What would be wrong?" Besides the obvious.

"That's what I want to find out! It's just annoying to use my brain sometimes. Ignore my rambling." Ugh, just forget about him Tyler! You're worrying about him makes me want to kill him now! He doesn't deserve your sympathy!

We should be planning how we spend our time together on an overnight trip! He should be excited but instead he's worried about that fucking guy!

"I think Ms. Yoon is going to chaperone our class." I changed the subject before I could let my irritation out. "So we won't be able to really have any fun like that."

"Man I wish she wasn't coming on the trip. Ms. Yoon is such a bitch." Thank god that Tyler was easily distracted. "She's super uptight for no reason, we won't have much alone time."

Ms. Yoon hated everyone. She was the typical pick me girl who never got picked and will be forever bitter about it. Or that old neighbor who screams at you to get off their grass. "I hear you, she'd suck all the fun out of everything we do."

"I think she has some inferiority complex or something, because the girls are younger than her. She's always a bitch to them." Tyler rolled his eyes. "Then she thinks boys only think about sex so she treats us all like perverts when she's the only one who makes everything sexual."

"That's because she's the one who's a pervert and she's projecting," I said.

"Ew, I don't want to know that. Who would even want her like that?"

"Someone desperate," I chuckled as Jay flashed in my mind. He's desperate enough to use her to get back at me. I just couldn't find his angle.


"Who are you sitting with on the bus? Probably Tyler, huh?" Liam rolled up to me relaxed. Why was he speaking to me? Why was he back in his chair? Regardless of that, we weren't cool enough with each other for casual conversation. I thought we had an understanding.

Tyler said be nice. Do it for Tyler.

"Probably, he's not here yet," I avoided his gaze and kept walking forward. The deep pang in the pit of my stomach made me unable to look directly at him. It was unpleasant and I've felt it before.

It's guilt, right?

I scoffed at myself. I didn't feel guilty for hurting him, I just wasn't interested since he already knows his place. Who needs to look at his annoying face? I'll just want to kill him and I'm letting him roam free because he's Tyler's friend. He crossed the line! I'm not wrong. "What's it to you?"

"I was just asking," Liam fell back from my pace.

I boarded the bus and glared at anyone who tried to take the seat next to me. Seriously we should've just came together. What was I thinking actually coming here by myself?

Finally a messy curly red head popped up. "Ty-"

"Tyler!" Liam called out louder grabbing Tyler's attention. Shit. "Come sit! We gotta catch up! I have great news!"  Tyler perked up and sat down....without seeing me. Geez, first he ditched me to hang with Liam at the arcade and now this?

Does he like spending time with Liam more now?! I guess I have been taking up a lot of his time. But isn't that normal? We're dating after all! I've been injured and keeping him close as I should.

So why did he ditch me that day? He just left and didn't say a word after telling me to wait. He's never done that before. I never asked but this was bothering me a lot.

Am I suffocating him? Is my greed for Tyler going to become my karma?

I looked directly forward at the Liam a few seats up.

I wasn't greedy at all! Liam fucking did this shit on purpose! He knew I was going to be next to him for the goddam bud ride! All he ever does is try to ruin things between Tyler and I! Constantly being a distraction to Tyler! Obviously I didn't teach this guy enough of a lesson! I should've ended him when I had the chance.

I looked at my phone as it vibrated. It was from Tyler.

I miss you too❤️ can't wait for some alone time😜

I found my face twisting into a smile against my will.

Well i guess, it doesn't matter much that Tyler sat next to his friend. I've got a lot of pictures for the ride and I am about to take a million new ones, so I can let this part slide.

I'll calm down for right now. Liam isn't a threat to me at all. How could I let myself get worked up over some bug?

"All right, restrooms everyone! We're not stopping again!" Ms. Yoon snapped.

Everyone exited the bus quickly as Tyler helped Liam down the bus stairs. I made my way to the bathroom by myself close behind Tyler and Liam but far away enough to not be noticed in the crowd.

It's been so long since I've done this it felt almost foreign. Almost wrong how naturally this tendency occurred to me. Why did this feel so different now? I used to do this with no qualms and felt justified about it.

Now I just felt like a stalker.

"Hey, Levi!" Two guys I didn't recognize stepped in front of me. "Remember us?!"

"No." I said. This seemed to really piss them off but they wouldn't move out of my way. "I said I don't know who you are."

"We can't let you off for what happened!" One snapped at me. I looked at them confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"With Stephen!"

"Oh, you're still friends with that asshole? Where is he, I haven't seen him around?" This was probably Jason Ryan retaliating. He obviously thinks that I hurt Stephen.

"He died two weeks ago!!" One guy snapped at me.

"Oh, I forgot," I honestly did. There was way too much going on recently. Stephens death doesn't really effect any of that so I just put it out of my mind.


"You should've cut ties with him completely anyway. Do you also want to die?" I smiled. Sure I didn't kill Stephen but if rumor has it that I did, then I'll run with it. The guys hesitated. A bluff was better than nothing right now. I wasn't going to get sent home and miss this trip with Tyler. "Now fuck off and don't bother me again."

Tyler was no where in sight, and now I was pissed. I couldn't off them here, even though I was mad enough to. "You-"

I shut the guy up with a punch to his face. "You guys just don't know when to fucking quit! If I see your faces again on this trip, I'll fucking murder you!" I quickly got up and scurried back to the bus fully confident that I wouldn't get snitched out.

Now to just wait this bus ride out.


"Hey, it's free time until dinner!" Someone shouted as we put our things away and chose beds. I wasn't in the same room as Tyler but that was to be expected since the entire school knows we're dating.

Still it left room for romance.

I left the room I was in and set out looking for Tyler. The halls were a little packed but I shoved my way through with ease.

"HEY!" I snapped as my arm was grabbed and I was pulled into a room and shoved onto the floor. Two guys stood over me menacingly. "Who are you?" I asked considerable annoyed.

"From earlier!" The guys snapped at me.

"Oh, what is it this time? I have nothing else to-" they quickly lunged forward and as I raised my arms to defend the other grabbed my phone.

"Now you can't record anything, you creepy stalker! Now we can teach you a lesson!"

"Are you really trying to be like Stephen and his brother?" I laughed. I stood up quickly. "You guys don't scare me and neither does Stephen. You asked for whatever happened at this point. Tell the guy to fight me himself!"

"He's dead!"

"Right, I keep forgetting!"


"Let go." A familiar voice stopped everyone in their tracks. Tyler stood at the door looking pissed off.

"Fuck off and mind your business, Fag!" One guy yelled.

Tyler smiled and swung his arm from around from behind his back. A pink retractable stun rod he most likely stole from his mom. Tyler's dad must be into some freaky shit? She had so many tools of submission. "I think you guys didn't learn from the first time. Let's turn this up to full voltage! I heard it can fry a cow!"

Tyler ran forward to attack. The two guys scrambled around him before running from the room. "Tyler, does your mom know-"

"Oh 'gee babe, thanks for saving the day before I got too violent. You looked so cool handling that. If the principal caught me, that would've been my ass. I miss you too.'  You can start with that. Now get up." Tyler chuckled.

"Thank you, and I do miss you still," I grabbed Tyler into a long hug. I've missed his smell and feel. It had been four hours but it felt like a lifetime. "The bus ride was awful, Liam stole my place. I was so bored, I had plans."

"I missed you too." Tyler hugged me back. "I don't actually know how to use this. But I brought it just in case for you. You keep getting attacked and hurt and I can help you at least a little bit."

"What if they tell people?"

"They'll talk shit regardless. I just want to know that you're ok with me hanging out with Liam. He's my best friend, but he misses me too. And the truth is that he's back to normal and I have my best friend back now. I know you worry but there's no reason for you to be any-"

"I'm ok. It's fine, I have you all the time, so you should enjoy having friends. I'll be ok baby." I smiled.

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not, you told everyone, Liam has George. You don't like anyone else. I know, as much as I don't like it. I can't help but react badly to anyone I don't like...but I'm working on it."

"Great!" Tyler threw his arms around me and gave me a long kiss. "By the way, let me know if you see Jay! I haven't heard from him in a few days. And he's making me worry."

I tried not to let my discomfort show. "How can I make you stop worrying about that guy. Your boyfriend is right here."

"Fine, there's lots of time left," Tyler smiled before closing the room door. "Let's start this trip off right."

Tyler slid his arms around me and kissed me quickly before sliding down to his knees and unbuttoning my pants.

"Tyler, what are you doing?" Sexual fantasy #631 Tyler blows me after we sneak off from a group of people. Mild and soft-core but still hot. I can't believe Tyler's making my dreams come true little by little.

I'll kill anyone who tries to interrupts this moment.

"Im doing what boyfriends do," Tyler said before deepthroating me in one go sending me onto my toes.