Jay Vanity

"Please!" This girl pleaded. She had never spoken to me before I made myself over a bit. Now she wants me to hide things for her because I don't look like an uptight student? Ugh, she's making those stupid puppy eyes. Everything was based on looks here? "Ms. Yoon is going to check the girls room very throughly! You know how she is!"

She handed me two full soda bottles. "Is this booze?" I asked curiously. Surely soda isn't contraband. Did she think I was dumb? What else could it be? What a fucking moron!

"It is, can you please keep it for us! We'll owe you big time!" The girl pleaded. What could I possibly want from this girl? What could she possibly do for me? Did she know what the fuck I could do to her if she pissed me off?! I wasn't interested in her and it's not like she would've ever spoken to me if I didn't look like this. She had nothing to offer me at all.

At least Tyler wasn't this fake.

"N-no problem," I fake smiled still playing the pushover. Her heart looked like it was melting as she grabbed me into an unwelcome hug before running off. It took everything in me not to push her off of me and spray myself down.

How dare she touch me so carelessly?! Who did that dirty person think she was?

Still, A rich girl like her might come in handy later on. And collecting favors isn't so much a bad idea until I could come up with a cohesive plan to kill Levi.

I shuddered a bit.

I could feel her sweat on me and it felt like it was burning. I hated being touched with a passion! Girls think they can get whatever so freely just by being a little touchy...I shouldn't have taken this at all, but I had a part to play.

I was too distracted when I should be finding a new way to get rid of Levi and Tyler. Levi especially has been getting on my nerves with how cocky he's been.

How the fuck was Levi getting thru all my shit though? I'm pretty sure I broke his fucking ribs! A normal person wouldn't have ever gotten thru that and be in their feet already to fight back. A normal person would've been begging for my mercy in their hospital bed by now.

But, like me, Levi wasn't normal.

And fucking Tyler was so stupid he doesn't even realize I want to kill him. He was the only one of the pair who really believed this act wholeheartedly. His pity made me even more pissed off.

How dare he pity me?!

Ugh, High School and it's students are so stupid! I couldn't take this anymore! Was this really worth all the trouble?

Yes, if this is what the kidnapper needs to come out of hiding. And if I don't play, I'll probably be killed.

I opened a bottle of the soda and smelled it. A strong smell of rubbing alcohol and peach assaulted my nose making me gag and threw it down making it spill everywhere.

This smell was hurting my brain and I was feeling dizzy.


"Mommy's sorry, JJ. I didn't mean to hit you again! Stop hiding!" The lady flipped over the table I hid under. She looked down at me disappointed and disgusted. "There you are! You little shit! You think you're all that?!"

"No stop! Stop it!" The blows rained down, one harder than the next. I lay their trying my best to block my tiny body from her fists.

"You should've died earlier! You ruin my life! Now I don't have to stop drinking because your asshole  fathers going to take you! Just like he took everything else!" She grabbed me by the neck. "All because you're not that little crotch goblin!"

"I don't want to go!" I cried. "Mommy!"

"Shut the fuck up!" The lady slapped me across the face before wrapping her hands around my neck. "I'm not your fucking mother anymore kid! Stop calling me mommy! You ruined everything! You should've fucking died!! I never wanted to have you!"

"Mommy! Mommy!"

"STOP CALLING ME MOMMY!!!" She swung her hand back.


"Ugh," I shivered. She smelled just like this and now I'm in cold sweats and I can barely breathe. It's that girls fault! I should kill that girl, she'll just end up like that lady. She'll end up a worthless-

"What's that?" Ms. Yoon was suddenly right next to me. She grabbed the other bottle of booze from me. Is this alcohol?! You're bold enough to carry this around?!"

"That's not mine..." I trailed off. I can use this teacher, right? When Ms. Yoon got in one of her moods, she takes her anger out on the girls. Especially the ones with boyfriends. I remember noticing her extreme inferiority complex when I got here. The rumours match her body language.

Inferior huh? She just needs a man that needs her, right? I can play that part.

"Causing trouble now that you're hanging around those two delinquents?" Ms. Yoon snapped. She had no idea that those two were actually the perfect students, just annoying and in my way of freedom.

Then again, I think having Ms. Yoon on my side to do some dirty work would be possible. She was so desperate for a man she'd do anything after all.

I grabbed both of Ms. Yoons wrists and lowered my head apologetically shutting her monologue down with a gasp. "Let go! W-what do you think you're doing to a...a teacher?"

She was flustered. It was almost too easy. She wanted something more with someone no matter who it was with. Classic desperate woman. Classic horny pedophile. "Ms. Yoon, Can you please let me off the hook just this once?"


I looked up with the perfect pitiful face and the same tears I used to lure Tyler in closer. "It's not mine, I was asked to hide it. If it gets found out that I got caught I'll get bullied again just like at my last school. Please Ms. Yoon, I'll never do it again. I just need help from someone."

"B-but you're a student. You shouldn't be-"

"Ms. Yoon, I'm so sorry!" I let a tear escape my eye.

"I have too-"

"Please! I'll do whatever you say!" I cast the hook. This is what pathetic people like her search for, right? Someone they can abuse in return for what they suffered.

"Whatever I say?" Ms. Yoon asked. She took the bait as I expected.

"Yes, ma'am," I pleaded. "I promise, I will."

"G-get out of here," Ms. Yoon handed me back the soda bottle. "I'll let you off this-"

"Ms. Yoon! There's a fight!" Some male student yelled. "It's Liam and Levi!"

I smiled, regardless of this little distraction, my new plans are sure to succeed. A true genius sits back and enjoys the chaos he creates thru his minions.

When I succeed they'll both be dead, and I'll finally be free.