Tyler Moss

"What are you doing?" I asked Ray who was leaning his ear against Liam's room door. Levi was in there, so what the duck was he listening too? "I just went to get some ice."

"Tyler!" Ray jumped. "Nothing!"

"Why so jumpy?"

"I'm not jumpy!" Ray squeaked.

"What's going on? It's not like I'll snitch," I frowned.

"So after you went for ice we started talking about asking people out. We all know who Levi likes and then he asked if Liam likes you. Liam wouldn't answer but it was obviously a no, everyone knows about him and George! Then Liam hopped out of his chair and they started fighting!" Ray said in one breath.

"You didn't stop them?"

"How could I? The entire team is on probation right now for fighting! If I get suspended again my dad will take my car Tyler! How will I get bitches without my Ferrari, Tyler?"

"Are you serious?! Ray, you-"

"HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN THAT WERE ON A SCHOOL TRIP!!!" We jumped at the Deans sudden yelling. We were so immersed that we didn't see the Dean walk up for room inspection. "It hasn't even been that long since you two were caught fighting! What's your reason now?!? Is Liam bullying you?!"

"No, sir," Levi said. "He just annoyed me so I hit him."

"What....you....what?!" The Dean turned tomato red as he looked for what he should say. "You! I thought you would've cleaned up you act since you got injured! You gave me your word! Why can't you two stay out of trouble."

"Sorry sir." Liam said. "I shouldn't have bothered with him."

"It's not like we hit each other that hard." Levi muttered.

"Yeah, we were just messing around."

Ms. Yoon suddenly appeared and ran into the room. "MS. YOON!!!! DO I HAVE TO KEEP DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU?!? Watch your students dammit! A student in your class got killed with a brick! The bullying incedents are out of control! Now even one has gone missing! A teacher shouldn't be so careless!" The Dean stormed out still muttering as Ms. Yoon turned to glare at Levi and Liam.

"Ms. Yoon, don't take it too hard, the dean's on edge and under a lot of pressure so-"

"YOU TWO!!! I'M CALLING BOTH YOUR PARENTS WHEN WE GET BACK!!!!" Ms. Yoon fixated on Levi suddenly. "Ah, but you have no parents, huh? Maybe that's why you keep making trouble. No one can keep a tight enough leash on you."

"Ms. Yoon, that's-" I tried but was cut off.

"Shut up!" Ms. Yoon stormed out with Liam. "I'll talk to you after dinner!" What a bitch!

"Levi? You shouldn't be fighting again," I scolded a bit. Levi kept quiet. Ms. Yoon had no right to say all that regardless of what the Dean said. "Honestly, how did she become a teacher? Did you eat?"

"No," Levi looked unbothered. I took this as my chance to sit with him. "It's ok, I'm just a little pissed."

"You really did get in a fight with Liam, look at that bruise on your cheek. He got you with the right hook good. Your ribs as well, you're inhuman."

"I just have a high pain tolerance." Levi said. "Something happened."

"I told you Liam is a nice guy if you can get past his teasing. Ray and I will probably be in a bit of hot water too because of this, lucky Liam covered for you guys. Why did you guys fight anyway? You know about him and George. Shouldn't you try talking it out?" I asked.

"I hate it when you take that guys side," Levi let go of my hand. "In fact, it's dam annoying hearing you take up for that asshole. He can do no wrong can he? I'm always the bad guy."

"I'm not picking sides, I just want you two to get along. He's my friend."

"I'm your boyfriend!"

"Yeah, so you should get along with my best friend."

"So now you guys are best friends?!"


"I can't get along with him! S-sorry but I've been feeling so weird lately. I get angry for no reason and super anxious! I'm sorry I'm not making any sense! I'm just really stressed out. I don't know what to do!" Levi wiped his eyes a bit. Levi crying?

"Levi?" Did the blowjob not help? Was it not good?

"I've always wondered, if there was no one left but me and you, would you only want me still?" Levi said trying to straighten his face out.

"Of course I would, I've always wanted to be with you, even when I didn't know exactly how." I assured him. Levi looked so adorable when he let his guard down. "Let's go to the balcony. We'll be able to see the stars."

Levi stood up and led me across the room. On the balcony sat a sky full of beautiful stars with no light in sight.  "I guess this is better. It feels better."

"I was told that the balconies are perfect for star gazing. You know the questions we asked easy other? I remember you said something about star gazing and astrology, so I thought this would cheer you up a bit." I smiled. Levi kept staring. "Do you feel better at all since you can't talk about it?"

"Tyler....I'm so in love with you...my chest hurts." Levi smiled. It was so cheesy I almost couldn't look, but I was also thrown off. Levi grabbed my hands and started to kiss each finger. "I feel a lot better. Though I'm sorry about not being able to tell you."

This "I love you" felt extremely different. It felt real life serious. Like serious serious. It didn't feel like high school shit, but something so much deeper.

My heart fluttered then started pounding, I started sweating, and my head itched as I fought the urge to bite my cheek. I was speechless because I knew how serious this actually was.

And honestly I felt that it was time for this feeling to come to us both. I could even feel my face get hot.

"Please don't answer now," Levi hugged me. "You look a bit speechless, but I want you to think about it. I love you, I want you to be mine forever, I want to marry you and have kids with you and grow old together."

"I can't have kids."

"I'll do it harder then, so you can get pregnant."

"Levi, it doesn't."

"Then we'll adopt and live happily with our kids. Mr and....Mr. Winchester."

I buried my face deeper in his chest. This crazy motherfucker is actually crazy enough to do this and I know it. But he wouldn't do it now, right? "Is this-"

"A proposal, yeah. I don't really have anything prepared and I'm winging it. The moment just felt correct. Oh, but, I'll get you a ring, I just have to get a job for a bit but I'll do everything I can to take care of you and-" I'm not sure why but Levi seemed to snap out of it. He looked absolutely scared. "Anyway, uh, thanks for checking up on me. Let's go eat."

"But-ah," Levi was already pulling me off the balcony, into the room and to the hallway. Did I make a face that made him stop?

Geez, way to kill a moment Tyler! You got proposed too and you made a face!

Still, don't I get a chance to respond?

For the rest of the school trip, I never got the chance to talk to Levi seriously. It was only overnight so I basically had no time and Levi tried his hardest to stay missing from my sight.

"He's still avoiding me, Liam. So is Jay." I ate Liam's lunch while he was packing his bag for the day.

"That's my lunch, Tyler." Liam snapped at me. "You should really pack your own shit."

"Liam, I swear if you joke with Levi like that again I'll kick your ass!"

"Whatever man, just be grateful that Ms. Yoon wasn't here today and left last night, stupid bitch. She lectured me because I'm in a wheelchair now. I guess she was pretty hard on your man too. I didn't know he had no parents. Still Ms. Yoon always takes it too far, not that I'm on Levi's side. Whats he avoiding you for?"

"He told me he loved me."

"So? That's the only thing he talks about."

"Yeah but like serious love. He proposed and spilled his heart out. Said he wanted kids and to live happy together forever."

"Did you make a face? You always make this face when people get deep. One like you're disgusted." Liam pointed out. "You probably made that face and he freaked out. That's a huge blow to a man's ego."

I knew the face he was talking about, but still, I should've at least had a chance to answer. "You know me too well, Liam."

"Tyler, I'll walk you to the bus," Levi popped his head in the room but he was obviously not going to enter.

"No, I can't go with you today," I crossed my arms. "I won't actually.

"I'll go first then," what the fuck did I just hear?

"Don't you have anything to say to me? Stop acting like nothing happened."

"What happened?" Levi asked nervously.

"What you said on the balcony-"

"What I said that night, just forget about it. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing. I shouldn't have unloaded that on you at all." Levi said.

Ouch. I was taken aback. "Then why'd you....say all that?!"

"I told you a spur of the moment decision." Levi smiled.

Spur of the moment?

I thought long and seriously for hours about a 'spur of the moment' confession. I'm not sure how to react right now. Was this all fake? What else was spur of the moment?

"I was trying to be understanding because you're so unpredictable, but spur of the moment? How could you say something like that was just a spur of the moment?"


"After everything you still don't think I'll choose you, don't you?"

"I thought-"

"Shut the fuck up.....you're the worst!" I heard my voice crack before running out of Liam's room. He didn't trust me in the slightest did he?!

Spur of the fucking moment?! Are you fucking kidding me?! Why do that?! Was it all just a cruel joke?

Does this mean we broke up? I felt my eyes tear up again. Are we done?! Was I just dumped? I don't even know what just happened!

Am I just too stupid?

I started to turn around but stopped myself. If I was dumped he wouldn't want to talk to me! He wouldn't follow me!

He won't follow me!

Somehow that thought made me feel even worse.