Levi Winchester

Class was awkward when I walked in later than usual. It hadn't started but I had to sit next to Tyler. Who was already there with his head Down on his desk.

He wouldn't even look at me.

I am such an asshole and I don't deserve him! He just looked like he would reject it all and I panicked and let my insecurities win! I went too far this time. I mean I've seen him look disgusted before but never to that extent.

I promised him I'd back off once he was safe. But why am I wanting more and more from him knowing I don't deserve it? This isn't like me! Would Tyler be happy with someone like me? No he wouldn't. He deserves to be with someone better that won't do what I do!

There's no way I can make Tyler happy. All I keep doing without trying is pushing him away. All I have to do is protect Tyler, that's my job. Protection that's all.

"Ma'am you're in the wrong classroom." Liam called out. A lady had entered the room.

"Oh, no jokes, it's too early." The lady chuckled. My jaw almost fell open. There was the grouchy frumpy  Ms. Yoon made over like into a supermodel. Did she get a makeover? "It's me, Ms. Yoon. Let's start the lesson."

The class erupted in hushed whispers. Just what the fuck happened here? It could be nothing, but no way someone does a complete 180 like this for zero reason at all.

A teacher like her was irrelevant anyway.

I looked back at Tyler who lifted his head. "Oh, good morning." He smiled. He obviously didn't sleep or eat this morning. His dark circles were super prominent and his eyes were puffy. At least we could speak a bit.

"Morning," I smiled back.

He stretched and rubbed his eyes. "Sub? Can I go back to sleep?" Tyler asked Ms. Yoon.

"Mr. Moss I'd rather you not." Ms. Yoon chuckled at Tyler's shocked face as he recognized her voice.

"Ms. Yoon?!"

"Don't look so surprised, pay attention."

"What the fuck? I thought I was just tired but, Ms. Yoon got...hot." Tyler whispered. "Maybe now that she's pretty she won't be such a bitch anymore."

I snorted. "I'll take notes for you. Go back to sleep, you look like you really need it."

"Knew I could count on you for that," Tyler put his head back down and immediately fell asleep.

At least I don't make him uncomfortable. He was acting as if everything was normal. What the fuck was I thinking asking him to marry me?! Of course he would look disgusted at it. I should've just stopped at I love you.

I should just be happy with this and not get greedy for more. I had no right to dream of starting a family with or to love this angel.

I'd never be qualified to actually have him for myself in real life.

"Ok, I need 2 people to carry some books over to Mr. Marrole," Ms. Yoon said.

"I'll do it!" Liam raised his hand. Ms. Yoon smiled then looked at me.

"Liam, Levi, you two can do the job," Ms. Yoon said.

Fuck! Of all people she had to pick us two? Was this something to promote reconciliation like this stupid school does?! If anything i want to push him out a window from a higher height.

But I still got up and started on my way with Liam. I guess I should try to get along with Tyler's best friend. It was the least I could do after doing what I did.

"Isn't it weird how Ms. Yoon changed like that?" I muttered. "Strange as hell."


"Something might be seriously up with her."

"How so? Jay changed after meeting Tyler." Liam said.

"Right. Somethings wrong with him too. How is it connected?"

"U-um...just hear me out real quick," Liam cleared his throat nervously. "Can you just stay friends with Tyler? I know it's not my place to say this, b-but I think Tyler would be better off with someone else. I think you're bad but Tyler doesn't, still I want my friend to be happy. I hate seeing him down like he's been since yesterday. It's like you came around and now he can't live without you."

"Why is that your business?"

"Tyler's my friend, and it feels like you're playing with him."

I glared at him. My hands were itching to launch this motherfucker into space by his neck. "I know I'm not the right choice for Tyler. He'd be better off with someone better off than me. I know full well that I'm bad. I know he deserves better, but I'm not letting go of him."

"So you're greedy and selfish?"

"I love him too much."

"Then don't just propose and take it back, stupid. Tyler loves you in that way back and you just say forget I ever told you? You're worse than I originally thought. At least what u did to me was for Tyler, fucking his head up then backtracking to save face is just such a dick move. Here I was thinking you were the big bad wolf in sheep's clothing with complicated mental issues. All this time,  you were just an asshole!"

They must've spoken about it in detail. My chest felt heavy because I knew what Liam was saying was right. "I know." I looked away.

"And you're a coward for not being able to hold your own about serious things. That's what makes all of this look like you don't take him seriously."

"I know."

"Tyler can't help the faces he makes. You know him the best right now, so You should know that better than anyone else, pussy." Liam said.

"I know."

"That's why he'd be better off with someone stable. You should just give him up."

"Watch it, Liam."

"Fuck you." I dropped my stick of books onto Liam's lap opened the door to the empty classroom. Liam almost threw the books on the floor but I stopped him and put them on the desk. "Now you act like a goody two shoes?"

"Don't misplace your anger at yourself. You're the one who hurt Tyler because you're stupid and self pitying. Not me."

We left the classroom in silence. Stupid fucking guy! I should've actually killed him when I had the chance!

"Ms. Yoon!" I heard from the next hallway. The Dean? Why is he here, it's not his period to teach yet.

I stopped Liam and shushed any protest by covering his mouth and putting the brakes down on his chair. He looked scared as hell. I gave him a calm look and motioned for him to shut up and listen.

"Hello Sir."

"You're looking good lately, I'm happy for you."


"I was thinking, that we should start seeing each other again," The Dean said. Him and Ms. Yoon? Ew! "I didn't want to break up with you but I had to for my family. But don't get me wrong, I've always liked you for your personality not your face. I just really miss our time together."

"Ha! Personality? There's no one in this world who cares only about personality!" Ms. Yoon snapped. Looks like her makeover got to her head. "All people care about is looks! It's a privilege to have this much beauty!"

"Ms. Yoon-"

"But you said it isn't because of my looks right? There's no need to lie through your teeth, just be honest for once, coward! It's because I look pretty now, isn't it? Your wife hasn't gotten pretty enough for you?"

"Stop this or I'll-"

"You'll what?! Fire me?! Go ahead, but what do you think will happen if I reveal our relationship as the reason I got let go? I can just find a new job, but your image will be forever tainted! No one will hire you again and you'll lose your family! You're the one who'll get fucked over more than everyone else for once!" Ms. Yoon reasoned. "I have a class to teach, don't disturb me again, you fat Pig."

Of all my years of observation at this school, I've never seen ms. Yoon react that way to anyone. Her transformation was way too similar to Jay to just be a coincidence.

Did she just grow a backbone and work on herself overnight? Where did she gain that sudden confidence? She was even late to class today. Or did someone make her do this and she's a great actor? Was she hired from the kidnapper? I couldn't tell which. Something is off. Nothings adding up anymore!

Liam twitched under my grip so I let him loose and uncovered his mouth. "Sorry," I said.

"Whatever, don't touch me again. Can you believe that shit, though? I might understand why Ms. Yoon acted how she did." Liam said. That's because that's how it's supposed to look. She's a no good person. "The Dean's a dirty dog. This can get me a passing grade for the rest of my school time."

A transformation over a day was something else. Something had to happen to her. Most likely a new man paying attention to her. Most likely Jay who was no where to be found suddenly.

"I don't get it at all."

"Good people can change. You're bad so you wouldn't get  it," Liam rolled his eyes. "But I'll take a page from your bad streak. I got some good blackmail material because of you."

You're the stupid one to believe something so easily. "You need photo evidence of it, genius. You don't even have audio of this conversation. Hence, all you have is hearsay."

Liam's face dropped immediately and he looked embarrassed. That felt good.

The rest of class was just Tyler sleeping and me taking extensive notes for us both. 

When the bell rang Tyler jumped up but I grabbed him. "Let me walk you over-"

"No time, I have to go help Liam. I'll see you at lunch." Tyler said shaking my hand off quickly and avoiding looking me in the eye. Shit. "Thanks for taking notes for me, see ya."

Tyler ran out leaving me there.

Ok, so Liam was correct? Thing's definitely weren't back to normal. I am fucking up hard for being cowardly. I'll apologize.

I got up and followed Tyler's usual trail to class but didn't see him. I couldn't find him in the gym or the roof or the cafeteria. I texted and called but no answer.

Am I too late?