Jay Vanity

What a lucky break, Tyler was avoiding Levi like the plague and it seems like Levi gave up all together. The cherry on top, Ms. Yoon saw me ask Tyler to skip, followed us and saw us hugging and eating together.

On top of that, ignoring her calls and texts like that really sent her over the deep end quickly. She's been punishing Tyler like a jealous school girl. Making him stay after school, extra homework, detentions for no reason. Sending him to the Dean for stupid reasons.

It was all so fucking hilarious. At this rate I just had to sit back and enjoy the shit show. And no delays by Levi this time, he's too much of an empty shell of himself to do anything about it now.

He was as Docile as Ms. Yoon because he needed Tyler's attachment.

"Ugh, I have a lunch detention," Tyler grumbled.

"What for now?" I asked pretty annoyed.

"Who the fuck knows. That stupid bitch Ms. Yoon is fucking my head up! On top of that she won't even tell me why she so pissed, all I do I sleep in her class. It's not like I ever disturb anything."

"That's all you do in her class?" Was he stupid? That's why he was getting in trouble.why was this idiot a target at all?

"Yeah, I just sleep so I don't cause problems," Tyler complained. Right, he was actually stupid. He really didn't see a problem "I'm gunna get going. See ya after lunch."

I stood up. "You seem amused," I heard someone say. It was that nosy cripple kid. What was his name? Lyle? Kyle? Chad?

"Amused?" I asked. "Was there a joke I missed?"

"Never mind, I'm probably just seeing things. You're no threat." He laughed his thought off and rolled away.

This humiliation was getting old. I could kill that stupid cripple with no hands if it wouldn't cause a public outcry. Who did this asshole think he was saying I'm no threat? I'm the biggest threat you'll ever face!

Why didn't Levi just kill him when he attacked him? That weak ass mindset of his was going to be his downfall.

I went straight to the detention room where Tyler stood sweeping up. He looked pretty pissed off but I didn't let that stop me. I had to put on a show for my pawn after all. "Hey! What are you doing?"

"Just cleaning up the classroom," Tyler rolled his eyes. "Because it's totally not the janitors job. I feel like I'm stealing a guys living, but I'm also too lazy to want to do this."

"Cleaning this whole classroom? By yourself? Why? Need a hand?"

"Ms. Yoon. And yes, I'm so fucking pissed about this shit."

Tyler chatted about pointless school things and then about our skip day last week. "What happened that day?"  He asked.

I looked behind me at the door window. Right on time, that shoulder and hair was definitely Ms. Yoon eavesdropping on us. She had been basically stalking me these past couple days.

She made my life so easy. "That day? Oh....I'm deaf in one ear and I have some trauma with loud noises."

"Oh, I shouldn't have asked."

"It's alright. But it's a secret, you can't tell anyone!" I said louder watching her flinch. She just needed a few more tweeks. "Promise."


"Excuse me, Mr. Moss. This is a cleaning hour," she came confidently into the room.

"I guess I'll get out of your hair, here's your lunch," I took the fresh order of Thai food I had picked up this morning and handed it to Tyler. It was his favorite meal.

"You're an angel, Jay, you remembered my favorite meal. See you after class!" I went out of the room and stood at the door.

"Look at this place, it's filthy, clean up again," Ms. Yoon said snatching Tyler's bag of lunch from him.

"Are you mad at me? You're giving me detention and making me clean and taking away my lunches. You have to be mad at me." Tyler said. "If you just tell me what I'm doing wrong I'll make sure not to repeat-"

"I don't know what you mean."


"You did nothing wrong, Mr. Moss."


"I SAID YOU DID NOTHING WRONG!!!!" Ms. Yoon stormed out of the classroom completely missing me standing there. She must be really close to her breaking point.

It was such a pathetic situation. Fitting for such a pathetic woman.

I walked forward past Ms. Yoon and like usual, she noticed me.

"Oh, Jay, are you going to lunch now?" She smiled. Snapping out of her rage.

"Where else would I be going?" I smiled back. "It's lunch time."

"I'm glad the weather was nice and cool too, you hate it when it's too hot," she giggled. She was so desperate I was almost sad.

Almost. "Yeah, I guess."

"I have tickets to a musical this weekend, do you have time? Let's go on-"

"Excuse me?" I couldn't help myself now. I chuckled at her words clearly to her face. "Why would I go do that with you? If that's it, I'm very hungry ma'am. I'll get going now."

I turned and walked away. No following this time? She must be freaking the fuck out. I held up my phone with the camera on to sneakily watch her.

She had literally fallen to her knees, tears streaming down her face quietly as she muttered something to herself. She even started to bite her nails.

I loved this. I felt so powerful and amazing, better yet, the sooner she snaps the sooner I could get out of this fucking place for good. In just a few days she'll be completely broken, and she'll kill Tyler without me telling her to. Then while she goes down I can leave with my hands clean.

I won't even have to get Levi after. He'd just give himself up, just like he gave up now. In fact, these series of failures are probably a blessing in disguise.

Levi lost the moment he tried to take his love for Tyler to another level. It made him weak and stupid.

I loved it when a plan just fell into place perfectly.

Yes, Ms. Yoon was predictable and normal....at least that's how she appeared to be. Even if Levi isn't active, he'll assume she's not much of a threat and become full of himself. But you should never judge a book by it's cover.

And he didn't learn his lesson with me.

This is only the beginning.