Levi Winchester

"This is yours right?" I put a rapport folder on Liam's desk.

"Yeah, where'd you find it?" Liam asked. I stole it from your bag because no one's ever seen the notebook. I thought it would contain information about Tyler, but all I got instead was the discovery that Liam could be a best selling author. "I was looking all over."

"In the last classroom. I meant to just read the name but ended up reading the whole thing. I couldn't put it down. Sorry." I sighed. I was incredibly annoyed because despite his pigheadedness, he was very talented. "Bye."

"Wait, what did you think of it?"

"Why would you want my opinion?"

"It would be honest."


"You wouldn't be biased....and I need feedback since it's for a game I'm working on making."

"The storyline is good." I admitted. "It's well written for sure."

"The ending? The monster sacrifices everything and thanks to that the girl lives happily ever after. Tyler said it might be too cliche a happy ending for a video game idea."

"Wouldn't it be selfish for a monster to even think of living happily ever after with the girl? It's a plausible ending." I said.

"Is it really? I don't want it to be cliche," Liam speculated. "There's a lot of possibilities if they can end up together."

"Monsters don't belong with normal people. It's selfish."

"Selfish?" Liam thought. "Forget what...Tyler and I planned a day at the arcade but something came up. Maybe you should go take this chance to talk to him and clear up the misunderstanding you guys have."


"I'm trying to be nice and help you out man!"


"Didn't you say you're not letting go?"


"Tyler's been feeling down especially because Ms. Yoon is being a total bitch to him."


"Jay is also absent so Tyler is alone. Just go take advantage of my kindness. He's waiting for me out front by the gate. Everyone's annoying and I need to go to George's house." Liam rolled his eyes. "Tell Tyler I have detention or something."

"Thank you-"

"It's not for you, I'm just getting Tyler to stop being sad. It's messing up his game on the field and I have other things to do."


I was dreading this talk. But It had to happen, I might have to go and just keep a brave face while Tyler dumped me for doing something so idiotic to him.

I walked and until I saw Tyler at the front gate. He looked bored as usual and I could see him tapping his foot and checking his phone frustratedly.

He was so impatient. But whatever I felt right now was completely irrelevant. Nothing matters more than making this right and standing my ground on this.


"Tyler!" Ms. Yoon ran up to Tyler before I could reach him and started talking frantically. What the fuck was she doing?! Tyler looked skeptical but started to follow her looking a bit pissed off.

I knew things were off with her but why does she want Tyler? Is she trying to bully him again? Why was she so suddenly focusing on Tyler only? I followed closely behind.

Why was Tyler getting into Ms. Yoons car?

I ran to the street and hailed one of the 50 taxis outside. "Where-"

"Follow that red car now!" I snapped. The guy glared but followed closely. "Don't let them see you!"

"Kid, this is illegal! Just because you're-"

"I'll give you a hundred dollar tip to not ask me any questions and another hundred for never speaking of this again," I yelled back throwing the money at the guy. "Another hundred to show my goodwill."

"You're the boss," the driver fell behind a car or two and followed obediently and quietly. After a good fifteen minutes, Ms. Yoon parked and got out of the car. "You won't kill that lady right?"

"I'm just a student trying to bribe a hot lonely teacher for better grades if you catch my drift," I lied. The taxi driver smiled deviously.

"You paid fifteen times the fare so just go before I have a change of heart. You're starting to make me feel broke," the driver said. He definitely thinks I mean sex, doesn't he?

I walked out and watched Ms. Yoon stand in line and order a red smoothie. Tyler likes those. On her way back to her car, she opened the lid and dropped something in. Powder? A pill?

I walked a bit closer so I could hear as she opened the door.

"Here! I've been wanting to apologize for a while, I was way too harsh on one of my top students. I hope you didn't take it too personally." Ms. Yoon smiled.

"Ok," Tyler took the drink but didn't sip. I got a bit closer.

"I had run into my childhood bully and you look a bit like her. I know it's wrong but it seems I ended up taking it out on you. I've just been so wound up. I'm very very sorry, can you forgive me?"

"Sure, whatever." Tyler sounded like he just wanted to leave.

"Great! Drink up! Your drink is melting! After I treat you to some takeout so this can stay our little secret."

"Ok." The straw tapped Tyler's lips.

"Tyler!" I acted like I was outta breath as I decided now was the time to jump into view. Please don't drink things that strangers give you Tyler! We talked about this before!

"Levi? Why are you here?"

"I....well Liam had detention and insisted I come find you to let you know. And I also saw a teacher with you so I thought I would say hello. It wouldn't hurt to be nicer, right? But why are you in a teachers car?" I asked innocently. "Is that a raspberry smoothie? Can I have a sip? I've been running all around."

Tyler handed the drink over and in an instant Ms. Yoon slapped it from my hands onto the ground. "Oh....sorry, let's go get some more."

"What we're you guys doing? Tyler did you get a new tutor? I'm hurt." I whined.

"No!" They both yelled.

"Tyler has helped me out immensely so I wanted to treat my student to a nice meal. I've been acting like a child." she smiled. I could tell she was pissed off that I interrupted them. Tyler, luckily seemed to notice Ms. Yoon acting weird as well. He gave her a once over.

"Can I join, I'm super hungry too!" I asked.

"Sure," Ms. Yoon unlocked her car for me to hop in. She look irritated to the max. Why would she put stuff in Tyler's drink? What does she have against him that....stop overthinking it!

It's much more simple.

This lady is too stupid to do anything without being driven to it. Most likely driven insane by jealousy. Jay....had he gotten to Ms. Yoon? He probably used her inferiority complex against her. She would be an easy pawn to control as it wouldn't take much to set her off.

Ms. Yoon drove us down the block into a parking lot. There we sat at an unfamiliar restaurant. Cuban food? "Thanks for treating us to this meal." I smiled.

Tyler looked at me confused. "Why are you overreacting?" He asked.

"I'm just happy to see you. Here want my plantains?" I tried to feed him but he rolled his eyes. It was going to be harder to talk to him than I thought. Not that I blamed him.

"Excuse me while I go to the bathroom." Tyler excused himself. When I watched Tyler close the bathroom door I started to glare at Ms. Yoon to her surprise.

"Oh, did you have something to ask me about class or-"

"I saw you earlier at the smoothie shop. What did you put in Tyler's drink?" I decided to get right into it since I had no idea when Tyler would return to the table.

Her smile faltered a bit but stayed. "It was just sugar. You were there also?"

"How many people put artificial sugar in a fruit smoothie. Especially since that smoothie shop puts artificial sugar in their base mixes anyway."

"It's quite good. You should try it sometime."

"Tyler likes sweets, but not that much. He's never drunk anything that sweet so I doubt he asked for extra sugar."

"You really should try it sometime." Was she really hoping I would just believe that coming from her?

"I'd rather not. You see, Ms. Yoon, I'm reminded of a saying, I was born at night, but not last night. Meaning no matter how hard you try, you can't hide the truth. I like the saying, because the way people like you try to hide the truth is pathetic. You too look quite pathetic Ms. Yoon. Like a rat."

Ms. Yoon looked at me shocked. "It was just sugar."

"Was it though?" I asked her stonefaced.

"I'm back, let's order." Tyler sighed and sat heavily back in the booth. "I'm kind of hungry."

The rest of the dinner was quiet and after about an hour we finished up.

"Thank you for a great meal, Ms. Yoon," Tyler said. Ms. Yoon quickly nodded before basically running back to her car. "The fuck is wrong with her? She's hot and cold. I thought she had a new man to take her anger out on."

"A new man?"

"Levi said she was with the Dean." Him and his big mouth. "he didn't record it though! We could've gotten passing grades for the rest of the school year with a video. I would've never taken another test again."

"I can walk you home."

"Cut the shit, Levi. You were following me weren't you? You said you wouldn't." Tyler glared. "Just cuz I acted like things were normal-"

"Not you, I was following Ms. Yoon."

"Don't play with me! Why did she act weird?"

"I think you should be careful, Babe."

Tyler shot me a dirty look. "Is that all you fucking have to say? Ugh! I'll deal with her myself so stay the fuck out of it." Tyler snapped. "Especially if it's a spur of the moment thing."

"It's not Tyler! Let's talk a little."

I know you're mad Tyler, but weather you like it or not I have to stick by you. Ms. Yoon won't be able to do anything for now.

Jay is using Ms. Yoon to go against Tyler. But he made a wrong move, she's not menacing and her moves are so predictable.

I will never let him win.

"Tyler please listen to me!"

"Your face is really pissing me off, Levi. I'm getting sick of even thinking about you."

"Do you really mean that?" Is it really too late?

"No, but you should give me some space to settle myself. I'm not sure how to make up without feeling stupid, Levi." Tyler explained. "Just stay out of my sight and away from me until I can handle it."

"Dammit Tyler! I just..." the sound of horns honking drowned out my voice. Not that it would have mattered, because Tyler was already walking away from me.

Dammit! Was what I did that bad?! I have insecurities too! So why is it bad when I let myself go like that sometimes?! Shit Tyler! Move however you want, just stop hiding from me so I can explain!

Maybe I should just lock you up! It'll be fine if I break your legs because I'll be there to help you recover! That way it'll be simple and you will stay with me! You'll need me and I'll have you!

What can I do? I know you would hate that bug I can't think of any other way! At first I thought it wouldn't matter if you didn't return my feelings fully, but now that it feels like you want things to be over, I can't take it.

I had no idea that it would hurt this badly!