Tyler Moss

Ms. Yoon came back but different. No makeup, she didn't do her hair, she was back to the same old boring Ms. Yoon. Except she looked ten years older than before.

Which wasn't good for us in class.

She was strange after that dinner with Levi and I. Ever since then she looked detached. Like she had lost all hope to live. Don't tell me Levi did something to her like he did to Liam. But he promised he wouldn't.

So I know Levi didn't do anything. "Liar." I scoffed.

"Who's a liar?" Levi asked. Oh yeah, this guys been stuck to me since this morning. At least he's trying a bit, I guess. "I need to tell you I'm sorry now that you're not spaced out."

"You're always sorry, did you even mean it?" I snapped. Levi opened his mouth but I covered it. "Forget it! It's my choice if I wanna accept your apology and I don't right now."


"What now?" I snapped.

"Nothing, sorry for wasting your time," Levi shut up. Fucking idiot, was everything just a heat of the moment thing?! Just say what you need to say! I know I'm not making it easy but goddamn.

But it's not like it's weird that he wont be forceful about it. Levi's never forced anything on me.

"Tyler, can you bring me everything on this list?" Liam said wheeling up with the soccer coach. "We need your help setting up for the fair."

"You need to go outside, Levi. There's an assembly. Tyler help us out," coach said. "We need to build up the booths."

Levi stood and looked at me for second but went without a word. If he's going to keep being a Whiny bitch I'll just continue my life. "Good, I was getting bored of not doing anything anyway. I need something to clear my head. What a long list. Hold onto my phone Liam I'll need both hands and my mind clear."

"How much brain activity does it take to pick up a few boxes?" Liam snapped. "Reflect on your shitty life on your own time."

"I'm reflecting on the time needed to fuck your mo-"

"Tyler!" Coach snapped. "Everything should be in the storage room. Watch your mouth!"

"Yes Coach!" I saluted sarcastically. I turned back to Liam. "Your mother!" I giggled before taking off to avoid Coach scolding me again.

I made my way to the storage space in the gym and got straight to work. I picked up a few chairs and boxes of flyers and noise makers as the list said. I hope nothings missing because I don't feel like a second trip.

"How do I carry this all in one go?" I mean if Levi could do it....STOP THINKING ABOUT LEVI!!!! "I'll just do this slowly so-"

Suddenly the door slammed making me jump almost a foot in the air. Who was there? This was a shitty way to scare someone. I ran to the door and shook the knob.

Locked? And I can't call anyone because I gave Liam my fucking phone! Everything's been going wrong and weird since I didn't have Levi next to me! I can't believe even now, he's on my mind!

I'm such an idiot! Life was never this stressful when I had Levi around! He would come save me right? Probably not after how I snapped at him earlier! Why didn't I just take him back that day like I wanted too? I'd have no self respect, but he'd be here with me now!

I tried the door again fully solidifying my anxiety.

I sat with my back to the door. If  i'm  going to die in here alone, At least I'm not going to die a virgin, right? That just makes me sad!


I could feel myself hyperventilating. I never  really had to calm myself without Levi. Where do I even start? I missed him so fucking much and I was stupidly not opening my mouth and saying anything.

I was so pathetic. I only had to be locked in a small room for five minutes to miss him to the point my chest hurt. It just seemed like I was losing oxygen quickly. I needed him!

"....chairs right? I'll carry a few." A girls voice sounded.

"And somethings from the storage room. Huh, it's under construction?"

"Coach didn't say anything about that!"

"They probably moved the stuff to a classroom."

I banged on the heavy metal doors frantically.

"What's that smoke?"

I heard a distant muffled yelling. "Wait I thought I heard something come from the storage room!"

"I didn't hear anything! Let's get out of here!"

What the fuck was going on? My panic level was on a million right now. Smoke? Was someone smoking cigarettes?

Ok, what would Levi do?

Break the door right? He would basically run right thru it. I picked up the closest hammer I could find. I swung at the doorknob to no avail. I needed something way heavier.

I turned to look but the door suddenly swung open. Did I manage to break the door correctly? How did....it doesn't matter! I just need to be out before the door closes again.

When I got outside of the room all I saw was smoke surrounding me. Somethings burning and it has been for a while? Did I miss it when I walked into the gym? How long has the fire been burning for the smoke to get this low?

That wasn't important! I was out of the room now, I just had to get out of here any way I could.

I put my shirt over my nose and started to move. It's hard to see but I just need to find the stairs and I'll find the exit from there. Should I be crawling? Or running?

A light caught my eye. A phone flashlight? A person!

What a relief!

I hurried closer but stopped as soon as I saw a better outline. They waved me over and I felt myself feeling a bit more relaxed. Someone else was here so at least I didn't have to navigate the smoke alone.

Thank god, it was solved quickly. The figure raised its other hand and it seemed misshapen. What was in their hand?

When I was a bit closer I saw a bit of a shine. What was that? A knife? They were holding a knife?

I turned and hightailed without saying a word or confirming what I saw. What's going on?! What the fuck? Why are you running stupid? You have to keep an eye on the person somewhat!

I looked behind me to see nothing but smoke just to run straight into a wall and fall back. Hopefully it was just a hallucination cause by inhaling a bit of smoke. For all I know I just ran around the gym four times, but I've lost sight of whoever was in the smoke with a knife.

That person....I wonder who it was.

I will probably keep running into walls because I can't see a thing and I don't think I'll last much longer in this smoke. No, I have to remain calm in this situation. The facts are that The school is definitely on fire and it was definitely started by gasoline. So it'll probably advance quickly.

In this case I have to drop to my knees and follow the wall. I just hope the fire didn't start in the stairs, then I'd truly be fucked.

"Is anyone here?!? Say something if you can hear me!!" Someone yelled out.

"HERE!!!!" I screamed out. Please be a teacher just please come save me!  I started to run forward but tripped over something. "Fuck my life!"

I started to get up and froze when I saw a light reflect off a silver surface. The knife, the person with the knife! It's real and they're walking right next to me.

"Is anyone here?! Say something if you can hear me!!" I heard the sound coming from a phone. They're using a recorded line to lure me out?! Why was their speaker quality so good? I need to get out of here!!! Who would even go this far to scare someone!! The prank has gone too far!

The person started to walk forward but suddenly sharply turned their head towards me.

I got up and sprinted knowing full well they followed behind me. I didn't care though, I just know they are swinging that knife like crazy attempting to cut me as I heard it slash through the air behind me. I ran as straight as possible at full speed not caring if it was still the gym.

Someone was chasing me with a knife through smoke filled gym and hallway....at school? Real or not, I couldn't think straight, I could just run. Just keep your feet on the ground and don't fall! Find the stairs, and if you can't, shout from a window, Tyler.

I kept running and running...

Until my right foot didn't hit the ground.

I stumbled forward and continued to tumble down harshly until I hit a wall. My entire body hurt like a bitch right now but I couldn't help but laugh at the outcome.

"The stairs! I found the stairs," I whimpered happily in pain. Everything hurt and my head was spinning. I sat up holding my throbbing head, which I felt was bleeding from my fall. "I did it."

I saw the figure looming at the top of the stairs.

I still wasn't paying enough attention? At a time like this?!

As they walked closer I tried to get up. But a pain so great shot up my leg making me fall back down. My heart dropped into my ass at the realization that my left leg wouldn't move.

In fact I couldn't move at all. I couldn't catch my breath and My vision was turning red. My fear was consuming me and I was paralyzed and in too much pain!

Think Tyler! What would Levi do?

I started to drag myself forward as the figure got closer towards me. My heart was about to beat out of my chest as I scrambled desperately Dammit, give me time to think! "LEVI!!!!" I screamed desperately. This was the only thing I can come up with! When I yell you always come! Please come save me! You always have! My tears fell at my hands making it harder to get away. "LEVI!!!! LEVI!!!"

They were just a few steps behind me! I was going to die here! And I was going to die regretting not speaking to Levi and being stubborn and being mad! I pushed away the love of my life because he had an insecure moment!

I should've told him I loved him more. I should've treated him better! I should've-

"TYLER!!!!" This voice! It's coming from downstairs!

I forced my self to my feet despite my pain, but I took too long. I felt a hot breath on my nape. I froze up again fighting not to pass out from the pain. "TYLER JUMP!!!!"

I screamed before just jumping. "LEVI!" I cried in fear. I was in the air for about three seconds. In that time I wondered if the voice I heard was real or a hallucination, but two strong familiar arms caught me and held me tightly instead of the floor.

My vision was fading, the pain was increasing but before I could pass out I grabbed fistfuls of whoever's shirt. "Levi! Is it really you?!"

"It's me baby!" Levi answered.

"You came!"

"I'll always come for you! You're safe now, baby. I got you just in time! Let's get you out of here." I heard Levi's soothing voice say as he started running the other way.

I blinked hard a few times as my vision started to blur just to take in Levi's smell. He really did show up when it really counted and that's why I couldn't help but trust him and love him. "Stay." I croaked.

"I'll always stay. The ambulance is coming baby, just sleep." Levi whispered into my ear. "I'll be here the entire time."