Tyler Moss

"Tyler, are you going home now?" The new hospital nurse asked me.

"Yeah, thank you for taking care of my grandma, I'll see you tomorrow." I waved to the nurse. Nice lady, shitty perfume.

"Careful out there! It's pouring!"

I checked my phone for the hundredth time. Still no call from Levi. He must be really busy. I should wait, he spends all his time with me so of course things need to get done on his side, so I can't expect him to there every second of every day, right?

I turned down a darker hallway. My chills only intensified as I heard a creek behind me. Then footsteps coming at me faster. Is that possible? The floors were only this hard at school.

I started to feel my blood run cold as I could feel the goosebumps. A sudden pressure started to fill up my chest as I struggled for breath. Someone was right behind me right? That person came back to finish me off completely, didn't they?!

I'm going to die!


"L-Levi-AH!!" I lost feeling in my legs and dropped to my knees. I couldn't breathe, and the smoke was quickly filling up the hallway. I couldn't see a thing! The room started spinning and my heart started to beat out of my chest.

The final blow is coming! They're going to kill me! I'm going to die!

"T-Tyler....you forgot your umbrella," the voice said. "Are you alright? You're crying and your shaking! McNugget, are you ok? You're having an attack!"

I looked up quickly to see a blurry Grandma in her usual squeaky wheelchair. There was no smoke, the hallway wasn't dark! I quickly must've wiped my tears and tried to ignore my heart about to beat out of my chest.

"Y-you scared the shit out of me. Why aren't you in bed?" I said. "I'll be back to visit."

"You left your umbrella."

"You should've called me on the phone, I would've come back," I smiled taking my umbrella. I could still feel myself trembling. It all looked so real, like I was back at the fire. "Thank you, I would've gotten soaked. Bye gran!"

I rushed off before she could ask any follow up questions. no one was more perceptive than her and I didn't feel like intense therapy. She was definitely going to force me to go after what she had just witnessed from me.

Even though it might help, I'd rather just deal with it tomorrow.

"Tyler!" Levi stood outside holding an umbrella. I was shocked to find him but I couldn't believe my luck.

"Levi!" I immediately broke into smile. My heart slowed a bit. Suddenly my anxiety disappeared. Without thinking I ran straight into his waiting arm and got a good hug in.

"Hey, you ok? You look panicked! Did something happen? Did you see something weird?" Levi held me close to him. "Babe, you're shaking. Did anything happen while I wasn't here?"

"No, just grandma creeping up behind me." I admitted leaving out my full blown hallucination from earlier. Levi frowned. "I just had a little freak out."

"Freak out?" Levi asked.

"It wasn't much of anything," I launched into what gas actually happened in that hallway, or what I think happened, and how real the fear was as I could only freeze in place. How I could feel and see the smoke filling up my lungs again and slightly choking me.

"Sorry, I didn't come up sooner. I had no idea you would be so scared." Levi told me.

"It's not like that! Levi you calm my nerves so much! I'm really glad to see you right now, you have no idea!" I said quickly. I hated how clingy I sounded right now.

"I finished early and I wanted to see you so bad," Levi took my hand sporting a huge smile. He was like a puppy after you praised it. These simple things about him is what made him so attractive.

"What's that bandage for?" I pointed to a spot on his neck that was covered up.

"I'm fine, just some muscle pads with bandaids over it. Sore muscles, you know." Maybe I spoke too soon about the honest thing. It was indeed a muscle relief patch...but how'd his muscles get so sore?

Is this guy getting into random fights again or something? Did someone at school attack him again? "Why are you sore?"

"The hospital chair fucked me up a bit. About four days of soreness I need to get out." Levi explained. "Sitting up is a bitch, bad for your neck."

"Whatever you say," I rolled my eyes. "Soooo, what should we do?"

"I reserved us some seats at the movie theater...The Conjuring 3....if you're up for horror genre. I mean I can switch it too-"

"Let's go! I've been waiting for another date!" I smiled excitedly watching Levi turn pink with joy. "You were right to keep the horror genre."

"I almost chose a romance out of concern but I'm glad I didn't." It was almost annoying, that I knew what he would say next. "I know you just want it to be normal."

Unfortunately the movie was...awful. I've seen shitty films and this is one of the top layers. What a waste of time and money.

"I was worried because all the reviews were good, and the two jump scares at the beginning were alright but...." how do I say it without sounding ungrateful? I truly can't think of anything nice to say about it.

"It's fine. I didn't know it sucked, majorly. What a disappointment that was. This place is already expensive, so why can't they put on a good movie?" Levi agreed. "Two jump scares at the beginning and nothing else after? And a troll like that? I was supposed to think this was based on a true story thing is crap! What life was that based on? We should've just watched anime at your house. Why do we even go to the theatre again?"

Levi was fuming as he ranted about how he hated the movie. It was nice to see him complain about something for once. Even though he was mostly mad he paid for it.

"It was entirely too stupid!" I said. "But we still sat thru the entire thing. The only thing that would've made it great would be anything else."

"I was hoping it got better. What a waste of $14. It's what we get from going on a discount day. This was supposed to be a great date. I'm sorry, Tyler."

"It's ok, I lost interest about less than halfway through anyway. The movie ended earlier than I expected, is it too early to eat-"

"Tyler, what's that thing? People keep going in and out!" Levi pointed to a huge metal box with a curtain.

"Oh, a photo booth? You go in and it prints out your pictures. You've definitely seen one before...." Did he? I couldn't remember. I definitely brought him once. He never tagged along when I went to places like these with Liam, then I just stopped going and spending all my time with Levi studying. "You never came to the arcade with Liam and I...have you? Should we take a few?"

Levi nodded nervously and I pulled him into the booth. "We went one time. How does this work?"

"First the money," I put five dollars in the slot. "Look now our faces are on the screen now, right?"

"Uh, right!"

"Now a frame! This one has Samurai swords! How's this?"

"Pretty cool."

"Bam! Now pose!" I struck a pose while Levi stood there awkwardly. "Next pose!" I put up peace signs and Levi followed suit. "Last one! Pose-mm!"Levi had pulled me into his arms and planted a kiss on me as the next picture snapped. "Was that? You caught me off guard!" Levi kissed me again as the final picture snapped.

"Is it ok? I've been wanting to kiss you since I picked you up. I was just looking to make out with you, I didn't think we'd have to pay for it." Levi admitted. I blushed before rushing out and grabbing our pictures. Levi stared at his picture strip like a kid in a candy store.

When we got to our dinner spot he was still staring down the picture. "You really like the pictures that much?" I chuckled. "I'm right in front of you."

"Yes! We haven't taken a picture together in years! Oh, it really got all your good sides! This is also our first picture while engaged! Look you're showing off the ring in all the pictures! I love it!" Levi gleamed at the photos. "I wonder what kind of camera that booth used. It's pretty good."

"Well I'm glad I finally have a picture of you too," I admitted.

"We took more!" Levi remembered. "I s as Leo have money for as many pictures as you want!"

"They're all of us kissing! And you've spent enough!"

"But I want theeeemmmmm! Why can't you indulge me in my hobby?"

"To expand your weird collection of jerk off material?"

"Don't make a beautiful thing sound dirty! It's documentation! It's pure!"

"Until you jerk off to it! No!"

"Tyleeeerrrrrrrrrrr!" Levi whined.

"No! I'm keeping those and that's it. Keep giving me that puppy face, I'll burn the photos." I said.

"I can't change your mind?"


"It's good jerk off material, huh?"

I couldn't contain my laughter. "You're not going to trick me, and why jerk off when you have me?"

"Are you going to use it to jerk off? If not you should give them to me so they won't just collect dust. At least with me the pictures will be used." Levi justified. "I promise I'll look at them everyday."

"Not on your life," I chuckled. "You're such a horn dog."

"Fine, I'll just have to recreate the scene when we get to your house," Levi pouted. "Then steal them after I put you to sleep. But mark my words, I'll get those pictures back."

"What?" I choked on my water.

"Shrimp carbonara and guacamole, and your bacon pizza, enjoy." The waitress said solely to Levi. "Anything else you would like?"

"No, you can go," I waved her off. She shot me a look before walking off. "This is cool, Liam always raved about this place and the Shrimp, but isn't it too expensive?"

"It's on me, don't worry."

"But aren't you spending a lot?"

"Money isn't important, all that matters is that you're here," Levi stated before digging in.

Ugh, why the fuck was he so cute?

"Whatever, is the Shrimp Carbonara good? I heard a good things but I'm curious before I....Levi?" I quickly grew concerned when I noticed Levi starting to wheeze and go pale. "Levi, you don't look too good! Levi! Why-"

"C-can't breathe!!!!" Levi gasped before falling over in his chair with his eyes absolutely bugging the fuck out."Poison! Poison!"