Tyler Moss (Part 2)

Levi slowly opened his swollen eyes suddenly as he shot up from his hospital bed confused. He frantically looked around before I grabbed his shoulder. "Tyler! Are we at the hospital? Did I pass out? What's going on? Ow! Everything feels sore."

"Look at your dumb swollen ass!" I snapped at him. Seriously what was he trying to do right now? How fucking annoying! "What the fuck is your problem!?"

"What happened?"

"You know what happened!" I snapped at him.

"I passed out at dinner and woke up here." Levi told me. What an asshole.

"Tell me everything about you now, please," I demanded. I'm so sick of playing his games by his rules and being kept in the dark.


"TELL ME EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW RIGHT NOW!!!!!" I screamed. At this point I couldn't hold the tears back anymore. This was the last straw!

The restaurant trip really open my eyes to how little I knew about Levi. I don't even know what he likes to eat! Somehow it's only been about me all this time! And I let that go on without saying shit about it. He's made me completely dependent on him without me realizing it.

Everyone told me to stay away from this guy and my stupid sense of curiosity made me ignore everyone. I should be scared right now but....a fucking piece of shrimp almost killed him! I'm not scared, I'm pissed! How the hell would anything be ok after that? "Tyler-"

"Shut the fuck up so I-"

"Hello boys," the nurse walked into the room smiling. I just turned to face the wall quickly wiping my tears and trying to settle my anger. How embarrassing! I feel like a child! He's so lucky that I don't hit sick people! "Um.....well, Mr. Winchester, didn't you know about your shrimp allergy? It's pretty severe, that's why your skin is getting irritated and you have mild swelling."

"And when will it go away?" Levi asked.

"Just an effect of the allergic reaction, it'll clear up with some topical creams. If it wasn't for your friends quick intervention the outcome would be way different. You'll have to stay overnight so we can observe you." The nurse finished  taking his vitals and left the room.

Thankfully she ignored me the entire time. At least someone was kind enough to do that.

"Tyler...I'm sorry I ruined the date." Levi said. "I'll make it up to you as soon as I can."


Was I supposed to forgive him and hug him and be over with this bullshit again?! Just forgetting that even though we spent entangled ourselves with each other this much, I know almost nothing about him?! And he won't tell me anything about him.

I let this man inside me!!!

"I don't think I ever want to see you again," I snapped. Levi immediately shot up and grabbed my hand but I pulled it back. On his face was something I never saw before. Absolute fear and desperation. It was a bit jarring to see him like that for the first time.

"Tyler! Please don't leave! Please! I'm begging you-"

"Fucking Poison?! REALLY?!!! Why didn't you tell me you're allergic to shrimp?!" I snapped just letting the tears fall where they may. "I don't know shit about you! You won't tell me anything! Even those questions I wrote....you never even bothered to answer them!! Why don't you tell me anything about you?! Why can't I know?! Don't you trust me at all?!"

"I didn't know I was allergic, Tyler," Levi explained frantically on his knees. "I swear this is my first time eating shrimp. We never eat seafood ever! I didn't know this would happen!"

"How could you not be aware of something so serious?!" Levi looked extremely uncomfortable and looked down. "Do you really think I don't deserve to know anything about-"

"I have very little memory of life before age eleven. Really, there's nothing clear and none of the memories I do have make any sense. Nothing seems real if I do remember. I've explained that lady and how she kept me but I'm not sure of how I  even got there. I'm not exactly sure what happened but suddenly she was just dead. I don't know who my parents are for real, just a lady I never got along with." Levi spoke.

"Just a random family? No relation?"

"None. I don't know much about them, and I don't  know much about myself. But I did know about you, somehow, that's why I've always wanted to be with you. That's why I wanted to be your friend at first when we met. Then before I knew it, you became my everything. I know what I'm saying is super vague....but can you just wait for me a little more? Just so I have the courage to tell you? I promise I will tell you everything. I'm trying to find out my life as well! I don't know why it's blocked! This is the truth please believe me!"

"You sound like a fucking weirdo!"

"I know! Even I understand how fucked up and creepy I am! Everyone says so!" Levi blurted out before catching himself and taking a deep breath. "I can't socialize as well as others, I'm not nearly as smart as everyone seems to think, and my personality in general is twisted. There isn't anything there to like!"

"I'm only trying to understand because it's you! But things aren't adding up!" I hissed at him. Levi took my hand and held it tightly.

"Tyler, are you scared of me?" He asked.

"Why? All I'd have to do is throw a piece of shrimp at you!" I couldn't help myself. He's setting me up! "Stop that! I meant that I'm not scared of anything!"

"Tyler," Levi suddenly kissed my hand and I couldn't help but jerk it back. I'm freaking the fuck out right now! It feels like I couldn't breathe at all right now. Why can't I stay calm?

I looked straight at Levi who looked as if the world had just ended. If I can just think without distraction....I could handle this. Because, I'm just that stupid to believe him with everything I have.

Levi, you better make up for this frustration. I'm literally about to go gray because of you.

"I....I'm.....I need to see my grandma." I stood up quickly and rushed from his hospital room.

What the fuck?! Why did I feel like an asshole right now? I didn't leave him any words of comfort but I still told him where I was going!

Why couldn't I stay mad at him?

Half of me was extremely pissed! He still didn't tell me anything really, but I'm still doing my own investigation into him. After all, he keeps my curiosity peaked, that's why I started to like him in the first place.

Looking back...the look on his face wasn't really remorse or heartbreak. It looked more like Shame.

Was he that ashamed of everything? What could he have done that he was so ashamed of? Levi did everything so confidently and absolute with no mistake. He was perfect in every way!

It just made me have more questions!

I may have gotten sidetracked as I looked into him. No, in truth I never put in the effort it took. But if anything, let's start at the only lead I've ever found about him.

"Tyler? What a surprise!" Grandma smiled as I walked in and plopped down at her bedside. I knew she could tell I was fully bothered. "Where's Levi? Is he alright?"

"Yes," I spat. I was pissed because I still felt terrible for Levi. The half of me that wasn't pissed wants so badly to be with him right now. I want to be back in his room making him feel better like he always does for me.

I should be in there comforting him while he's sick!

I tried but failed to hold back more tears. Levi was my everything too, so why couldn't I know anything? I love him more than anything, and it hurts to be away.

When did I fall so hard?

"I've been thinking," grandma started, "Tyler, how about going to see a therapist?"


"You've been struggling to cope with the emotional trauma from the fire. I'm worried about your mental health."

"Shouldn't I just speak to you? You're qualified."

"No, I haven't been in the field in years. Bad therapy wouldn't help anyone. It can actually do more harm than good. I'll refer an old friend of mine, you actually met him when he came to visit me once," my ears perked up. I actually forgot about that man for a second. Levi's doppelgänger. "After he graduated he moved to Greece but it seems he back to stay. He even opened his own clinic. I can vouch for his skills."

Levi said he didn't know who his parents were and little memory before 8? That's basically nothing! "Maybe....."

"You don't seem to keen, give it a try first! Then if you don't like him we'll find u a new one!" Grandma tried.

"Grandma don't be silly, you know if you say it's good then it's good. And if you vouch for him then what's there to be afraid of?" I quickly covered up.

This could just be a coincidence, but a lead is still a lead. I can't even believe I forgot about this man who came to see my grandma!

Levi's distracted me so well, hasn't he?

Suddenly I felt empowered. If Levi won't willingly tell me what's going on, I'll try to find out myself.

"You'll really go just because I said so?" Grandma asked. This was out of character for me to just go with something without a fight. "What're you up too?"

"I mean if you were concerned enough to tell me instead of mom, it must be a very prominent issue." I explained. "I just trust you grandma."

"So you'll try it out?" She side eyed me.

"I'll go," I assured her.