Levi Winchester

I made Tyler pissed again, and I don't even know that he'll be back. I told the truth, I just left out some concerning parts. What more can I do to convince him to just stay with me?

He approached me first a few years ago and I remembered being so happy I could barely contain myself. Although I already knew what he looked like, he was even better in person. He was kind like I expected, but he was also so much more than that! As we hung out more and more I realized that having him next to me was the best, so I'd keep my feelings to myself.

But even after he accepted my feelings, and we starting dating, and we had sex, he still wont be only mine. Someday, to him, I'll probably be the creepy ex who stalked him.

I've always only care for him. I've never had interest in anything but him! His sadness, happiness, worries and complaints all bring me so much joy. I know every side of him inside and out and it's good that I'm the only one who knows everything about him.

He should only rely on me. Only confide in me. He's safest when he's next to me. I'll protect him and his happiness, I don't need anything else!

Is that so wrong?

I checked my phone. No texts or calls from him and it's been an hour! I mean I knew he was pissed off but how pissed off was he really? Was it about the shrimp? Or the date being ruined? Why did he just run out on me like that?!

I'm going to be dumped, aren't I?

My phone started to buzz and I immediately picked it up, ready to plead my case. Tyler knew I was shameless when it came to him.

"Hello, Tyler!" I felt relief wash over me, he isn't going to dump me.

"It's not Tyler." The voice told me.

Why was Liam calling me "Dammit."

"What room are you in?"



"Room 306." I answered quickly. Did Tyler send him? But why Liam of all people. They are best friends, so course they would talk it out. Tyler must've told him to let me know something!

About ten minutes later, Liam limped into my room. "You're walking?"

"Barely, but, my legs are getting better. It's a nice development," Liam sat down and stared directly at me. Why was he so comfortable right now? "I lied. This isn't about Tyler."


"To get your room number and to have a conversation without Tyler."

"Without Tyler?"

"So you don't have to edit yourself as usual."

Was he being serious? "Speak quickly."

"George's grandmother called, she said George and his father were found dead somewhere. George tailed you the day he disappeared, someone said they saw him following you even though I said to leave it alone. Tell me what you know, Levi."

"What do you think happened?" I asked.

"I think he bothered you again and maybe went too far....and you did something to him. But you've never killed anyone that messed with you, not even Stephen who messed with Tyler! Not even me! Things aren't adding up and the common denominator is you, so tell me what you know."

I sighed. He was at least smart enough to just ask this time. "Just listen and don't interrupt me, and don't even think about getting involved unless you want to die."


"Im not threatening you, but you'll end up like George if you get in the way." I told him. "Just listen to me then.

"Then explain."

"I don't know when exactly George died, but I'm guessing it was about a month ago." I said.

"A month? But George was in school-"

"That wasn't George, at least I don't think it was. George wouldn't usually act that way, let alone try to make you jealous with me. He was probably killed by the imposter who went around pretending to be him." If I told Liam it was Jay who impersonated George, who knows what could happen.

"Who would impersonate him?"

"I can't tell you that."


"I didn't really know 'George' except for those couple days he started a problem. He was just annoying but he never did anything, so I didn't notice any change in him. But the fact his own friends and boyfriend didn't even notice means-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! Are you hearing yourself?! If you don't tell me who, how am I really supposed to believe this bullshit?!" Liam snapped at me suddenly. Why was he so broken up about that guy?

"That's not my problem if you believe me or not. But it's true that George is dead, isn't it."

"Yes. Then....how the fuck did you know all that was going to happen?!"


"Before you saved Tyler you said if you didn't get in the building, Tyler will end up like George, right before you dropped a bunch of shit. When Coach Nichols tried to stop you from running inside. I heard you say it over the commotion. How did you know then?"

"Because it has something to do with me." I sighed truthfully. Levi stared at me in disbelief and shock

"George....he didn't even know about you until he decided to just randomly have an issue with Tyler....in just a few months....just who the fuck are you? I thought you were just a weirdo with some extreme stalker issues but-"

"George was just unlucky. It didn't have to be him, they could've targeted anyone really. George died for nothing. I knew he was as dead, but I lost the time to report it. By the time I went back, the building was on fire with him and his dad inside. I don't have any evidence on the guy who killed George, and it's not like I would be believed if I said anything to anyone else. So I-"

"Why did he have to kill and pretend to be George?" Liam asked. Because he was after Tyler. No way I was going to disclose that shit so he could meddle in my plans to kill Jay.

"That's all I've got to say. You know enough, and like I said, don't get involved, or else you'll die too. See you at school." I tried to dismiss him.

"Wait, you want me to just leave after you spewed such nonsense?! If you can't tell me why George was killed at least tell me who!!" Liam pleaded with me. "I noticed something was wrong, especially when he started with you and Tyler, but I just ignored it. Who was that pretending to be him?"

"I can't tell you that."

"You obviously know who did it! Tell me!" Liam looked desperately at me. He was silently pleading with me. There was nothing to do about it now, just let it go!

"Oh, are you guys fighting again?" The coach of the soccer team walked into my room. Why the fuck was he here? He has an annoying habit of popping up at random times.

"Coach Nichols?" Liam asked. Coach Nichols, a fucking eyesore who pops up every time things heat up. I never liked him, even after he took over for Ms. Yoon.

"Just here to see my daughter, but I see even out of school you two love fighting. I already had to break you guys up on the overnight trip, but the hospital now?"

"Liam was just leaving so I could sleep," I hissed shooting him a look. It made him jump a bit but he stood firm even though he shook. "Get out."


"Get out!" I repeated more seriously shutting him up. I felt bad triggering an untreated trauma but there was nothing else to say! He needed to just leave now because I feel uncomfortable!

"Levi, about-" coach tried.

"I'm not joining the soccer team. Get out of my room. I'm not in the fucking mood, sir. If you haven't noticed I've been hospitalized." I snapped. Coach sighed and walked out.

I don't fully understand Liam's sense of loss for George, but I knew he just reacted based off his feelings. I should've kept my mouth shut, luckily Liam was nothing to worry about.

But I thought the same thing about Jay.

I got up and put on my shoes and regular clothes. I'll just pick up some Benadryl on the way home. Tyler obviously wasn't coming back for me, was he? The longer I stayed here, the shittier I felt.

"Mommy!" I heard a little girl cry in the next room. "Don't go! I don't wanna stay alone here!"

"The nurses are here Sally! Mommy has to go to work!"

"No! I want to go with you, all the kids moms are here but you're not here! Then you say you'll come but you never show up!!! LIAR!!!!" I was about to walk away because of how annoying the louf whining sounded but I was frozen in place as the mom spoke again.

"Why are you giving me such a hard time?! Don't you see I'm working day and night to pay these hospital bills?! Your father won't even lift a finger! I'm sick and tired too!! If only you weren't sick then I...oh, oh, Sally please don't listen to what mommy just said. I'm so sorry baby! You didn't do anything wrong! Mommy's just so tired. I'm sorry!"

"I'm sorry mommy, I'll be good! I won't complain anymore! I'll be better!" The little girl cried.

I couldn't help but flinch a bit.


"I'll be perfect mommy! I'll try harder! Please don't cry!" I hugged the long haired woman. Her face was so blurry thru my eyes.

"You're my precious baby boy," she smiled. "Mommy will never leave you."


WHat the fuck was that? Why am I crying? I wasn't in the cage in the memory. So where was that? That couldn't be a real memory. Who was that woman? I didn't even see her face.

I wiped my tears and walked on.

Whatever that was wasn't important and I wasn't interested in finding out why it made me feel heartbreak. I don't care that Liam lost someone I couldn't give a shit about! I don't give a shit about anything else.

Only Tyler was important to me now. I had to get Tyler back!