Jay Vanity

This club stinks of cigarettes, but it was the only place to get away from that annoying school life I didn't need. Levi was finally starting to fight back, and I didn't expect him to go this hard right away. It wasn't like I tried to kill Tyler, that lady did it herself.

"What school do you go to? I'm at the local college!" An eagar girl told me. That wasn't impressive at all.

"It's a secret," I winked at her.

"Jay? Wow I didn't expect to see you here!" Some guy had his hand on my shoulder. Who the fuck was he? "Oh! We go to the same school! You've been the talk of the town lately! Let's talk! I have so much to ask you!"

Fuck my unfortunate life, still I had an image to maintain to the general public. I smiled and followed them outside knowing their intent.

"Is that really you in the photo?" He asked? He brought his friend with him, who looked like an even bigger douche bag.

"You're really curious, huh?" I asked back.

"You're not denying it, so it must be true. You should be more careful! Want a cigarette?"

I glared a bit. "I don't smoke."

"I thought you would! Tell us more about it, I'm dying to know!"

"More about what?" I can't tell you about something that never happened. I don't do drugs or sell them in real life.

"Come on man, we're all the same here," the guy laughed blowing his disgusting cigarette smoke in my face.

He's lucky there's cameras everywhere.

"Just a second, I'm getting a call, Yes hello," I faked waiting just to see them. I've already decided that something horrible should happen to these two. "Ok. There?....Ok.....see you soon."


"You know that girl I was speaking to? She wants to meet up with her friends so that we can all pair off." I lied. "She said to bring you guys since we're friends."

"Good shit man! Where does she want to meet?"

"In the back room."

"There's a back room? Sweet! You better tell us all about your secret later," the guy smiled.

"I will, let's take the back door to the back room." I suggested.

"I knew this guy had connections! Why'd you hide it for so long?"

"You can't trust the innocent looking ones these days!" They laughed as though I couldn't hear them. They both willingly followed me towards the only blind spot in 100 feet.

"It's weird seeing you here honestly since we never speak at school."

"Luckily, this isn't school." I smiled before lunging straight at them. With only a punch to the back of the head, douche number one fell unconscious.

"Dude?! What the fuck?!" The second douche Checked on his friend right away.

"Ow, my hand hurts," I chuckled. "This is what he gets for trying to be so nosy. Plus I'm kind of pissed off and need a good way to vent my anger." I saw the guy scramble a bit but hide his hand when he locked eyes with me. "Why are you scared, it was just one hit that was placed right."

"R-right," he laughed nervously. Is this what all mouth and no action looks like? How boring! He could easily overpower me if he tried. I guess there was no such thing as a macho man in this town.

"But why did you hide your phone?" I asked. The guys smile dropped quickly. Before he could deny it I punched him across the jaw then on the side of his head causing him to lose his balance as I took his phone from him.

"My face!"

"You should've just handed it over right away if you care that much about your face," I smiled and looked at the phone. "Jason? Jason Ryan? Stephen's brother right? He used to brag about trying to kick my ass! You guys sure talk a lot of shit in these messages!" I laughed.


"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!" I screamed. "Look at all this trash talk.....what's this? What's going on? This is a picture of Levi and Tyler." Levi was on one knee...this picture pissed me the fuck off! My anger was swelling up irrationally. "Why the fuck are they like this already?! And why the fuck do you have this photo?"

"Jason asked me to do it! He recently dropped out, he asked me to keep an eye on Levi." The guy backed up a bit. "You know how Stephen was killed suddenly with a brick, Jason thinks Levi did it!"

"He thinks Levi killed him?" I couldn't contain my laughter. "I'll take care of this."

"What are you going to do To Jason?"

"None of your fucking business," I walked off quickly. I was so satisfied with this new information, I decided I could let them live.

Why was I so upset?

When I was younger, like Levi, I was held in an unknown place. At first all I did was stare in black space, then I just slept all day, then a thought popped into my head.

Who am I? Why am I here? How long have I been here?

From then on I decided to read all the books surrounding me. It would be in an copy of The Art Of War that I found Tyler's picture. That's when I deduced that it was most likely because of him that I lost my freedom.

For that he had to die. Levi would come around when he realizes that Tyler is the reason we can't live normally. And if he can't accept it, I'll just kill him too.

I remembered the first time I tailed him. I thought my heart would beat out of my chest. He was alone! This would be so easy for me! What was the point of living like a caged animal if my task would actually be this easy.

Just to test it, I hired someone to kidnap Tyler and bring him to me so I could end him quickly. When they failed to get him, I quickly realized that Tyler was never actually alone. A boy followed him everywhere. We had the same habits, so obviously this guy had to be like me.

He had to be the one who played chess with me.

I had figured it out right away. The kidnapper is playing a game with the both of us. It was the only reason that explained why I wanted to kill Tyler while Levi just wanted to love him. I couldn't tell what kind of game this was but it was the first time I felt excited in my life.

I hired more People to kidnap Tyler again, I paid Chris to bully him, I even lured that psycho Giovanni into my corner to kill him. But every plan failed because Levi got in the way.

It was fun to have them bit under control, but then I miscalculated. Stephen was not part of my plans, and I didn't intentionally kill him.

But he tried to kill Tyler with a brick, he brought it on himself. Only I can be afforded that honor.

But every time I look at Tyler I get queasy. And that picture is the straw that broke the camels back. Levi clearly proposing to Tyler. Levi holding Tyler! Levi kissing Tyler! Levi never leaving Tyler's side! It was so fucking annoying.

Tyler was just a toy for my game, but nonetheless mine to kill! My chest felt extremely heavy and I felt like screaming. I've never felt a rage like this until I saw Tyler in person. Then again, I never felt anything this intense before I saw him.

So if I couldn't have him for myself, and I couldn't explain the heavy weight on my heart, then i'd just make sure he died in the most horrible way.

I'll kill everyone if I have to.