Tyler Moss

Why was I over thinking this so hard? Levi's been over here before...but that was before talk of marriage or kids. We even had a sex before too! Why was I so nervous this time?

Who cares! We're engaged! Relax, he's just showering....that body tho...

What am I going to do? I'm addicted to the very thought of him. He's made me go stupid on purpose, didn't he?

"Stop overthinking," Levi walked into my room in just a towel. I didn't even hear him come out of the shower. How did he know that I was overthinking? "I called your name four times and you were spaced out. I forgot a change of clothes. What do I do now?"

"Mine won't fit you," I stated.

"So stay naked?" Levi suggested. I couldn't take my eyes off his body. Even a towel couldn't cover up how big he was. He really looked like a rugged lumberjack. "Tyler? Are you ok? Want to make some babies?"

I felt my face heat up....because Levi was correct. "O-Only if the door is locked."

"I locked it when I came in. You know we have no school tomorrow, right?" Levi asked. "And your parents are busy being love birds so they're not paying attention to us. We have all night-"

"Why can't you just ask for sex like a normal person?" I whined. "Just be up front about it! It's less embarrassing for me!"

"See, that's what I like about you, Tyler." Levi grinned.


"Your indecisiveness."

"I'm not indecisive."

"Yes you are. Last week, you told me you wanted to go ice skating together, but by the time the weekend came around, you wanted to go get ice cream. Then you're basically fucking me with your eyes and telling me not to talk about it."


"So you're indecisive," Levi concluded.

"I am not!"

"It's ok, I love it." Levi kissed Me—just barely missing my lips.

"Hmph." I pouted.

"You want to see how well I know you?"


"I like...when I pull the ends of your hair like this-" Levi tugged lightly on the ends of my un-styled hair, causing the me to whine quietly. "-and you make that cute little whining noise, because the roughness turns you on."

"W-why do you like that?" I pulled my face away from Levi's chest to look up at him.

"I don't know, it's cute. But you know what's cuter?" I didn't say anything, I just cuddled back into his chest. Levi trailed his fingers down the back of My neck softly, just the way he knows I love. "When I kiss you right behind your ear and you squeak." I was about to protest when Levi kissed behind My right ear, his lips lingering there for a second or two. I squeaked, of course.

"Stoppit," i moaned. My intention was to whine but i couldn't help it with Levi biting my earlobe like that. His tongue made its way down to My neck. This was different as hell! He really know how to turn a mood.

"I also really like it when I bite your neck and you-" Levi bit down softly and I moaned rather loudly considering my parents were sitting downstairs. "-moan really loudly. I like hearing you make all those noises, baby."


"You're really beautiful, Tyler. Like really super beautiful." Levi kissed the tips of my fingers before staring at my intently. "You look even beautifuller when you're naked."

"Beautifuller isn't a word-" I tried to protest. I had to have some sanity left in me or I would end up letting Levi fuck my brains out with My parents right downstairs.

"And when I'm preparing you.... Mm, that's the best." Levi sighed to himself. I tried not to react to Levi's word but that was way too hard to not do. He knew me too well.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You're hard."

"So are you!"

"If I wasn't that would be weird. Anyone would be if they saw you like this." Levi continued his speech as he put lube on his fingers . "But they'll never know that when I push one finger inside of you and you arch your back and let out that long moan—this perfect fucking noise. And when you're ready for me to add a second finger, you wiggle your hips because you want more."

"Leeeeeevvvvvvviiiiiiiiiii..." he started to scissor his fingers inside me as he started to get a scary look on his face.

Obsessive. That just made this even hotter.

"Mmm. And I just keep on teasing you, not adding anymore fingers even when you're practically begging me to," Levi teased, his hands running down my body horribly slow. I couldn't hold my moaning back even if I tried. "I love hearing you beg. S'hot."

"Levi..." And suddenly, Levi rubbed against my boxers.

"Yeahhh... Sex with you is nice, babe," Levi concluded. "It might sound creepy but this is one of my fantasy's right now. #87 dirty talk. Forgive me for its simplicity, it was back in the early days."

"S-sex with you is nice, too." I smiled up at my silly boyfriend. "Stop dreaming about it though, I'm here now."

"Well. Too bad we can't do anything right now," Levi fake sighed. He let me go, offering the me a hand. I whimpered. I knew what He was doing, where did he learn to tease someone like that?

"What?" I asked anyway, I was a bit disappointed. "Why?"

"One of the rules is that we can't have sex if Your parents are downstairs, and they're here." Levi replied. "You hate breaking their rules because they just hassle you."

"W-well-" I tried to grab Levi's shoulder and pull him down on top of me, but Levi was an inch out of reach. This guy wasn't going to just leave me like this.

"What, Tyler?" Levi smirked.

"Stop playing, you can barely hold back yourself."

"Quite wrong of you to assume so. I held back for years and I can hold out for the rest of my life. You know that I can if I put my mind to it."

"You asshole, W-we could break that rule... Maybe one time..."

"Then I need to get those dam clothes off you," Levi fell back onto the bed and continued his fondling me while stripping me naked.

""Levi, please hurry up! I can't take any more of this!" I whined out pleadingly. I felt ashamed but I couldn't think straight!

"As you wish," Levi said pressing his cock against My entrance and slowly slid into me. Levi stopped moving letting Me adjust his size. I guess it's been a while. He looked at Me and lifted one of his hands up and ran it into my hair. "Are you okay, babe?" he asked me.

"Yeah, j-just please move," I begged him. Levi leaned in to kiss me and and pulled out slightly before thrusting back into me, making me groan again.

After a bit, Levi rammed right into my prostate making me moan, very loudly.

"Levi," I gasped again my grip tightening on his shoulders.

"Tyler," Levi groaned out, if there was one thing i never got tired of, it was how gentle but rough he was being. I enjoyed the obvious longing.

"Goooddd," i groaned out lowering my head, as waves of intense pleasure continued to pulse through my entire body.

This was too much, I was positive i was going insane with every thrust, every touch that Levi gave me. I couldn't think, I felt so fucking great. Why was he getting me this hot this time?

"L-Levi I can't take it a-anymore," I stuttered out. "So good, can't-" I gasped unable to form sentences anymore.

"Yeah, me too, but we have to keep quiet," Levi said and then reached down grabbing my erection and stroking me. I began trembling more now, i couldn't take it!

All these touches were driving his body absolutely insane.

"G-ganna..uuhh ooohh!" Levi covered my mouth as I groaned and came...hard splattering against both of our stomach's. A few thrusts later Levi kissed me as he moaned and filled me up inside.

We panted heavily as we lay in the aftermath. Levi slid out of me and collapsed gentle on top of my chest laying his head down.

I opened my eyes and looked down at Levi.

I combed his hair with my fingers. "I'll never treat you badly, Tyler. I love you."

"I know you won't, you're nothing like that man," I lifted Levi's head a bit. "I can't wait to start our family."

Levi pulled himself up a bit. "We have all night, I bet I can get you pregnant by the morning."

"You love to ruin a moment, don't you?" I laughed at his ridiculous line.

"Want to bet?"

"Just try it if you can."