Levi Winchester

I woke up  to a dark room in a nice soft bed. I was in Tyler's room, right we did it four more times after. I was honest with him about how I was feeling in the moment and that made the sex more intimate. Even when I slipped into my "unusual ways of thinking" Tyler got more wound up.

He might be sore, should I make him breakfast? I turned to my side to find Tyler not there. How could that be the first thing I missed?

I sat up and checked my phone immediately.

You looked so cute, I couldn't wake you up. Let's grab a bite after my therapy appointment😘

It was 11am.

I overslept? It's my first time waking up late ever. Sleeping with Tyler's arms holding me was definitely the way to go.

I got up and quickly got dressed. Should I hop from the window....no I can use the door now. It wasn't exactly a secret that I was here. And I don't have to sneak in and out of here anymore.

"Hello, munchkin," Drita called out before I could pass the living room. What a keen sense of hearing she had. "Tyler said he had something you two wanted to talk to me and Stan about. How about a hint at what it's about?"

"Uhhhhh, I can't. If Tyler said to tell you together., then I have to wait for him."

"But I'm his mommy! I should know."

"I promised him-"

"He came out of me and I'm part of him, so shouldn't I know something?" Drita got in my face and stared at me intensely. She's about to go nuclear on me, isn't she?

"I'm sorry, I have to pick Tyler up!"

"Levi, haven't I been good to you? Clue me in, munchkin."

"I promised Tyler we would tell you together. I'm sorry, I can't tell you anything right now." I hurried out of the house fiercely apologizing to Drita for ignoring her calling out to me. I felt so rude.

When I reached the clinic, I was directed to the waiting room.

I hope Tyler didn't mind that I came way too early to wait for him. But it was the only way to escape his mom for now. This place smelled like bleach and pine sol. Ugh, I hated this place already, I had too many complaints.

"Oh no!" A nurse next to me dropped all of her papers. If I help her pick stuff up maybe I can get some more of last night. Doing good things will feel good. I started to help her pick up the medical files. "Oh thank you."

"It's nothing," I smiled at her.

A guy walking past stepped on one. When I looked up I was shocked.

A tall man with dark hair stood over me, looking down on me with seriously cold eyes. Under his gaze I started to feel choked. My hands started trembling again for some reason. There goes that anxious feeling again, except now it's been magnified by twenty.

I looked back down and handed the papers back to the nurse quickly before I could seem weird.

This was extremely confusing to me. Is there another person to worry about amidst all the chaos? The scariest part being that he kind of looks exactly like me.

As soon as the nurse was good, I hurried out of the clinic and stood outside. I was still shaking and it was kind of hard to catch my breath. That feeling of someone staring down at me menacingly wasn't unfamiliar, but this was a different kind of menacing.

I was scared! And I hated it! The intensity almost made me piss on myself.

I found myself in front of the sighing in defeat again. Luckily, he didn't try and speak to me. How could I present myself being weak to Tyler or to our future kids?

Husbands have no fear from what I heard and seen! Husbands don't cry over little shit! Husbands can do whatever without being immobilized by a fucking stare from a stranger. Just like Tyler's dad!

I sat down and threw my phone down on the ground ignoring the calls coming in.

I was so pathetic.

"Why aren't you picking up Tyler's calls?" I heard a little voice say. I didn't have to look up to know who it was. I just got up and walked past Sally not wanting to unload my feelings on her. "You're not going to play with me today?"



"Whenever I look at you, I recall memories that I shouldn't," I admitted. "I don't like it at all."

"What kind of memories?"

"I keep recalling some kid, too cowardly, a crybaby, who can only ask for help. He can't do anything on his own and he's hopeless," I said. "It's nothing you can understand."

I walked forward a bit until I was a bit out of sight but stopped. Sally was just a little girl and I'm stupid for taking out my frustrations on her, maybe bouncing a ball around with her for a bit would help.

She was just trying to help me. I felt bad now.

I turned back but quickly ducked behind something as I sew someone come closer.

"Who are you?" Sally asked.

"I'm Tyler's friend," I heard Jay say. "We're in the same class with Levi."

"Oh! You know Levi?"

"What did you and Levi talk about?"


"Guess you're not that close with him. By the way should you be talking to strangers? Your parents should've told you. I could be lying about...why are you staring at me like that?"

"You're not a stranger! I've seen you before." Sally said. I took this opportunity to quickly walk back out. Who knew what this psycho would do to a little girl?

"Jay! What the hell are you doing here?!" I snapped. "Get away from her."

"Calm down, I didn't do anything. Why are you getting mad at me. I should be angry at you, I'm the talk of town thanks to you," Jay got up from kneeling. "You should be more careful anyway, someone's tailing you but you haven't noticed."


"What are you so distracted for?" Jay chuckled.

"Oh! I remember now! You have the missing tooth!" Sally jumped off the bench she sat on and pointed at Jay. "You took that boy away! Remember?!"

"You saw that?!" Jay snapped at the girl. Instinctively I jumped in front of Sally to protect her much to Jays shock. Suddenly Jay burst out laughing. "I love seeing you overreact. Sally, right? Do you remember exactly when you saw me?"

"One month ago!" Sally said proudly.

"Let's keep this our little secret. You can't tell anyone because you might end up hurt. You don't want that, right, Sally?" I grabbed Jay by his collar.

"Sally sit here and don't move. Let's talk Jay." I pulled Jay a couple feet away out of earshot and eye range. "She only witnessed something, she has nothing to do with this mess. Don't lay a finger on that child!"

"Is Tyler the reason you changed?" Jay asked.


"Did you change because of Tyler or is this all just an act. You only used to care about Tyler regardless if anyone else got hurt, but that's been changing for a while. And because you're being like everyone else, you failed to notice the guy tailing you from the clinic." Jay pointed behind me to a guy in black almost dragging Sally behind him. "He thinks you killed his brother. Why's he taking the kid? Maybe she said something too much."


"Looks like you have to go play hero again," Jay laughed.

"Ugh, shut up!" I tried to ran off after them. As if I had time to worry about."

"Listen, I'll do you a solid and take care of this Jason Ryan character. He's a huge problem for me. Don't try to stop me and I won't kill that little girl." Jay grabbed my arm to stop me.I couldn't find a lie anywhere on his face. "Go get the kid you're so worried about."

"Fuck you! I don't fucking believe you!" I had to keep him here, but I can't let Sally get taken. "Shit, fine! You better take care of it!" I yanked my arm back and took off in the direction I saw The guy go. Focusing intently I kept running, the streets were full of people so I looked around almost frantic.

"Levi! I've been worried sick all day!!!!" I heard someone scream. Tyler was stomping towards me with his face basically on fire as he was a bit out of breath. "Why aren't you answering your phone?!"

"Tyler! Sally was with me! She disappeared! Jason Ryan took her when I turned my back!"

"Sally?" Tyler immediately looked concerned.

"LEVI!!!! TYLER!!!!" I heard Sally voice yell from afar. I kept on looking until I spotted her across the street. When we locked eyes she managed to get loose and took off running towards us disregarding all traffic.

"SALLY, NO!!!" Tyler screamed as I ran into the road. As I grabbed Sally up, I was pushed a few feet by a large force.

"Ugh, Sal-" I cut myself off seeing the blood on her head. She was alive but passed out. A face of an older woman flashed into my mind she was sick. The voices almost overpowered the image.

"Love. Obey. Protect."

"You're a fucking stalker!"

"But if you die like this, it wouldn't be a complete failure."

"Because I get to help you too, you miserable misfit!"

"If you don't want to be locked in there again, you better do it properly!"

"Is that why you hurt him?"

"What about your family, Levi?"

Mom? But did I even have parents? Or any siblings? What was my name again? Who am I? What is this? I'm confused as to what's real and what isn't.

"Levi!!! Levi!" Tyler ran up and threw his arms around us. "Thank god you're ok!!!"