Tyler Moss

I wasn't sure what the fuck Levi's problem was, maybe he hit his head, but he was in a daze as we waited for Sally's mom outside of the hospital. Despite my pleading, Levi refused medical attention after getting struck by that car.

"Levi!" Sally's mom came running towards us.

"Ah, she just has a scratch on her head, she's in her usual room," I quickly explained. Sally's mom took off into the hospital towards her daughter. "I'm glad she's ok."

Levi just looked at me. "Yeah."

"Your hand is bleeding a bit, you want a bandage?" I asked. Levi ignored me and started to walk inside to the bathroom.

Jesus, this bullshit again. Did the sex put him in a bad mood or something? Should I have woken him up before I left for therapy? Did he hit his head too fucking hard?

Well I'm tired of being in the dark.

When I saw Levi exit the bathroom, I followed closely behind using every technique he taught me about sneaking about. He looked dead serious, like he made up his mind about him.

"...of money, hospital bills are too expensive!" I heard another male voice approach. Sally's drunk dad was rounding the corner complaining on the phone about hospital bills. I peaked from my hiding spot to see Levi walk straight up to Sally's dad. "What the fuck do you want?"

"You don't remember me?"

"You're that chickenshit from the other night. You must think your hot shit nothing my fam-" before he could finish Levi punched the guy right in the face. "You-Ah!!!" Levi punched him again causing a nice  loud crack to echo.

I was taken aback because the guy looked like he was hit by a truck. The sudden burst of hostility was surprising.

"Who's chickenshit? You mean you, right?" Levi pitched him down and continued to rain down blows. "You beat on women and children because you don't have the balls to hit a man! You should just disappear!" The guy was already laying on the ground beaten and bloodied, but Levi kicked him in the head causing the guy to let out a horrible gurgle. "Tell me?! Who would give a fuck if you died right here, right now?"


"Please spare your life? You don't deserve one, because you don't scare me," Levi grabbed a handful of the mans hair and dragged him to a storage closet before throwing him inside roughly. "Stay the fuck away from Sally and her mother, or else I'll kill you."

Levi's brutality was actually super scary to witness firsthand. I could see why Liam feared him so much. Liam told me he was savagely brutal and I could never picture it, but I never thought it was this bad. He didn't go that hard when he fought Giovanni.

I forced myself to stand and follow before Levi was out of sight.

He walked out of the hospital and started down the street. I got a bit closer just in case, but still he didn't seem to notice me. This was really weird of him.

He must be super focused on something. But what was so important that he would've left the hospital without saying anything after beating that guy up.

I followed for a few minutes until we got to a parking garage. He circled the block just to come back to the clinic? What the fuck was going on."

"...ok...ok....family comes first of course," I saw Grandmas friend walking out of the building into the garage. I ducked down out of sight but out enough to see Levi hide as well. "We can always reschedule. How's your son doing, sir? Good good, I'll have the nurse call with a new date. Have a nice day."

Grandmas friend pressed the button on his keys just as Levi jumped out.

"Since when were you so family oriented?!" Levi stomped forward. "Or are you just pretending to be nice since you and I both  know what kind of person you really are," Levi grabbed a handful of the doctors shirt and slammed his back on the car.

"What?" Grandmas friend looked scared.

"I know how vile you really are....because now I remember who you are! And your name!"

"And you are?"

"There's no way you could've forgotten me even after all this time. I finally remembered that you held me captive in that cage for all that time....years! Not only me, but my younger brother too! Stop trying to lie! Everything became clear! I don't know what the fuck you did to erase those memories but I know everything now! I know you're actually my father!"


"Why the fuck did you ruin our lives?! What could possibly come out of this?!"

Grandma's friends face suddenly twisted into a creepy smile. "So your memory finally came back to you, Nikolaos. It's been a few years, how have you been?"

"I asked why you did this to us?!"

The guy in the picture, the guys who's friends with my grandma, that guy was Levi's dad! I knew they were related in some way!

I'm glad I was right about something!

I felt something tap my shoulder from behind me. I quickly jumped around to see someone there. Fuck, I couldn't let anyone else see this go down, whatever it was. "Giovanni? What the fuck are you doing here?"


"There's a situation....working for who?" I suddenly got my wits about me. Giovanni was a fake student with ulterior motives. What's he doing in a parking lot?

"The doctor of course."

"Well it's nice to see you," I tried knowing full well I was caught out. If he's working with the doctor surely something is about to happen to me since I just got caught by the sidekick.

"Long time, no see. I'm actually really sorry about this," Giovanni laughed before showing off a silver bat.

"Can't i just run away and pretend we didn't see each other?" I tried trying to see how I can escape this. Shit, what the fuck was going on here?!

"Unfortunately, you don't have a choice in the matter. But I really am sorry." I couldn't do anything but scream as it made contact with the side of my head, and everything started to fade. "Just go to sleep, I won't hit you again."

Oh, I'm being knocked out not killed. Fuck my life.