Levi Winchester

Why do Humans have Emotion? Humans generally use less than 10% of their brain in their lifetime. Which means 10% contain useless emotions, so what will happen if we remove all those necessary feelings and replace them with more important functions? Then maybe humanity would've made more progress through evolution.

Emotions are needless annoyances throughout life. It makes one lose their reason, get sad and suffer because of these emotions. If emotions did not exist to begin with, there would be no reason for any suffering or sadness. There would be no hate or jealousy. Moreover, without emotions, humans wouldn't continue to be so weak.

Hence, the reason why I have decided to conduct this research on completely removing basic human emotions. Besides anger, despair and suffering there is also a need to study all different types of emotions. The kinds that's only surface when faced with an extreme situation. Emotions no one has ever seen before. I hope this exponent brings about great results.

"So what now that we've seen this shit?" Jay asked. "He got so many people to help him and he has way more money and influence on his side. He even turned it into a game for those assholes. Do you think you can come up with something to take down someone with that kind of support? Since when can an entertainer go against his management?"

"This isn't our father's actual plan! He-"

"It's so easy for you to call him 'our father', isn't it?" Jay started to laugh at me. "How hilarious! Are you actually a giant pushover or do you just have a strong stomach for these kind of things?!"

I grabbed a handful of his shirt ready to punch him into his wall! He's trying to provoke me for what?! This little shit! "Hey!" Tyler slapped my hand making me let go of Jay. "What are you two doing?"

"You're lucky Tyler saved you."

"Because you're so much of a threat?" Jay glared at me before chuckling.

"I'm shocked you aren't on his side. Didn't you say emotions make you weak? Aren't you guys likeminded anyway?" I glared back at him.

Jay stopped smiling. "We may have a similar opinion...but at least I'm not the spitting image of him. When you remembered, did you look in a mirror?" Jay stared into my eyes with joy. "I did, and I was quite relieved because I don't look anything like him! But you must be tortured."

"I'm fine," I hissed at him. Fuck what Tyler said! I'm going to fucking kill him!

"Why are you so upset at me? The one who locked us up is 'our father', correct?" Jay continued. I knew he wasn't the Kanstantinos I once knew, but I thought with his memory mostly back, he'd be more agreeable. If I ever really knew him at all.

"You two fighting won't solve anything," Tyler tried. "This is what the other side wants you two to do."

"What would you know, Jay? You don't actually know a thing, that's why you keep spouting nonsense, right? You're nothing but a fucking murderer! I should've never thought about joining up-" a pain sprouted in my cheek and few seconds later I heard another slap and yelp.

"You smart people are really like fucking toddlers all the time, aren't you? Aw, my egos so hurt let me act like a fucking cave man! You think this shit only effects you two idiots!? You should be putting your heads together to find us a way out of this shitty situation since you're SOOOO much smarter than each other! You're both two emotionally stunted man babies! Please think rationally for a little bit and stop acting like you're in kindergarten!" Tyler snapped at us both.

He was right.

We both had no idea how to manage our emotions and on impulse, we started attacking each other. I only got mad because what Jay said was correct. I looked in a mirror and I immediately smashed it as the sight of my own face made me sick as a dog.

Since then, I've been more depressed, but decided to ignore it by distracting myself with my father. But in my own way, I started to spiral out of control and almost became him.

Ugh, I'll have to apologize to Liam and Coach Nichols after this to ease my guilt, won't I? I couldn't help but feel my dad had a point about emotions being so annoying....which just made me feel more like shit!

I took a deep breath quickly and tried my hardest to stay calm. "I already have a plan. You mentioned he has rich and influential people back him up, right? We can have support too, though I'm not sure they'll side with us when it's important."

"What do you mean?" Jay asked.

"You stacked the deck we already have, Jay. You posted a viral story online, while pretending to be me. So we'll use the same methods as that. We'll post this online, and make the public side with us." I said.

"But what if it becomes saturated with cannon and becomes a rabbit hole that's too big?" Tyler asked. "And it's being perceived as a creepy pasta."

"There's always a percentage that believe everything they read and will investigate," I pointed out. "The point is the story will be known and someone will dig into it!"

"Or they'll just assume it's from a crazy person or it's the plot for an ARG," Tyler tried again. "Just like I did. This is something I'd read on WEBTOON."

"The point is that it'll garner the attention we need for someone to look into it." I said again.

"Whatever, do what you want," Jay said. "Just leave my house now. I have someone coming."

"You are just swimming in it, huh, Jay? Another new one, you slut!" Tyler chuckled.

Jays face went extremely red as he started to argue with Tyler. "Are you mad that I have normal urges, you virgin!"

"He's not a virgin anymore," I stated clearly for Jay to hear. His face turned a bit sour.

"LEVI!!!!" Tyler's face turned bright red and punched my arm. "And you, Jay! If you keep doing it like that, you're going to become impotent!"

"Sh-shut up! Get the fuck out of my apartment!" Jay snapped at us.

"Ok, ok, I'm going!" Tyler laughed.

"I'm going to break your legs!" Jay threatened Tyler.

"You'll have to catch the perfect moment first! Now's not a good time." Tyler teased. When did they get so close for real? I walked over to the door with Tyler in tow. "I'll come visit again soon! Enjoy fucking around, you trashy guy!"

"Don't come back here!" Jay snapped.

"Gotcha, I'll be back in a few days!" Tyler closed the door behind us before Jay could answer. We started on our way towards the park. "He's such a spazz, just like you, it's hilarious."

"When did you two get so close?" I scowled. I wasn't mad at him, per se. I was mad at myself for acting like a bitch all this time! That could've been my time with him!

Dammit Jay! You had a terrible personality as a kid but now you're a full blown dickhead! He makes it tough to want to save him.

"Don't be like that. Why do you think Jay even agreed to help us? It wasn't because you spent time with him and agreed to let him kill you. So stop being jealous and be grateful for the help." Tyler said.

"You said what?"

"I said-"

"I heard what the fuck you said! Why would you agree to let him kill you, Tyler?"

"Because if you indulge him a bit, he'll calm down eventually. Just like any other small child I've dealt with at the hospital. He just needs a bit of attention and TLC, just like you."

"Weren't you scared at all? Kanstantinos, uh, I mean Jay, he tried to kill you before and he might be planning something now." I grumbled. He willingly put himself in danger for me?

"No, I'm not scared. The guy just needs some therapy so he can stop being such an edge-lord."

"Really?" Was Tyler really a lot braver than I anticipated? Was I really just hindering my goals by being so secretive? I've seriously never felt like such an idiot before now. "Have you been treating me like a child this entire time."

"Not the entire time, but sometimes it's necessary." Tyler admitted. "I don't mind because it's you though, and it's not like I'm doing it in a condescending way. You have your demons so I have to deal with you differently-"

"Stop doing that, I'll start manning up from now on," I vowed. Now I just felt emasculated as fuck. He treats me like a child because he's being considerate, but it just felt painful to hear."I'm sorry."

"I wouldn't be with you if it bothered me." Tyler grabbed my hands. "I'll be a bit more honest too though."


"I'm actually terrified, more than terror though, I just feel bad for you two because of what you're going through. Of course it doesn't excuse anything he's done, but it'll be easier for him to take responsibility for what he's done after we deal with your dad. That's why I'll help make your dad pay for hurting you two, because you both deserve normal lives." Tyler explained. "Between you two I can only help make amends but- Levi what are you-"

"Thank you," I pulled Tyler into a tight hug.

Tyler wasn't just there helpless and afraid like I thought he was. I projected my fear onto him but he was going to fight for me too. "You make it too easy to love you."

"Well, then love me." Tyler giggled. I'm glad it was him, if it weren't for Tyler I don't know where I would be. I would probably be exactly like my father. But out of all people, why does Tyler, who has no relation, have to be dragged into my family mess?


"Levi! You said you would just post the paper! Why not try the police?"

"Because there's a lot of them working for my father," I explained.

"Then what if there was an officer we could trust? Not my dad, he'd blow things out of proportion and never let me leave the house. But my mom has a brother, my uncle Rhys." Tyler told me.

"Uncle Rhys? He works interpol right? He's back?" I faintly remembered him and Stan arguing when we were younger.

"That's him! He's been helping me figure somethings out." Tyler was looking for a way to solve things on his own this entire time I was gone. I'm such a failure as a man, what would his uncle think of me now? "Not bad for a dumb guy, huh?"

"You aren't dumb, Tyler. You never were dumb, or stupid or anything of the sort! Stop claiming that." I demanded.

"It's ok. I'm not booksmart so everyone-"

"You don't have to be book smart to be smart! I'm smart but I have no idea what to really do, half the time I honestly just wing it and get lucky! I also can't control what I feel and I keep on making the wrong choices based on fear! But you do amazing things without even thinking or trying, you're the smartest person that I know."

"Levi, that's a nice compliment, as backhanded as it sounds." Tyler blushed.

"But it's true! Never call yourself stupid in front of me again. I won't allow anyone to insult you, not even yourself."

"Well if you think so....how can I not believe it?"

Shit, it's been so long, I'm getting hard just holding Tyler's hand. "S-so you should call your uncle. It's important to get it done ASAP."

"Way to ruin the mood, genius," Tyler groaned. "Even though I was going to ask you to stay with me tonight! I've been pent up for two weeks now!"

"So should we do naughty things?" I got excited at the thought.

"No. You were right, we should talk to my uncle first. Time is of the essence as you only have month. Did I mention Liam told me everything?" Tyler pulled his phone out. "This does need to get done now. I'll stick to your genius plan, we shouldn't get off track."

"Yeah," I agreed. I sure didn't feel like a genius right now. Me and my big fucking mouth!