Levi Winchester

"Hello, Detective Moss," I said to Tyler's uncle as Tyler led me into his car. I wasn't happy to see him at all, even though it was my idea to stay focused. If it weren't for my big mouth, Tyler and I would be rolling around in the sheets like crazy!

I tried my best to force a smile.

Thinking back, his picture was on my dads whiteboard along with Tyler's grandfather. Which made him a target of some sort in some way. I just wonder what he had to do with anything.

"Hey, Uncle Rhys," Tyler waved nudging me a bit. I could be in bed with Tyler right now. He should be under me begging for more! Ugh! It just made me hate my dad even more. He's such a cock block!

"So, From what Tyler told me, you're staying with one of the inside guys and who betrayed Dr. Barros?" Straight to the point, just like Stan.

"Yes I am." I admitted.

"You didn't have to come all the way out here, you could've met me elsewhere." Detective Moss pointed out. "It's a bit reckless how you two choose to move."

"Levi thought it would be best to tell you quickly," Tyler pipped up. Yeah, me and my fucking bright ideas! "I'll leave you two to talk and get some drinks for us. I'm sure Levi can tell you more than I can." Tyler quickly exited the car and ran off.

"So, Tyler's boyfriend?"

"Yeah," I said.

Rhys cleared his throat and nodded like he understood something. "Right.....so this man-"

"I guess he's a whistleblower." I sighed and dropped the nice act. "Don't help me because i don't need anything from you. There's not anything you can do to help me out of this situation realistically."

"What?! Tyler begged me to help you! And you're clearly in a situation where you need help!" Rhys snapped at me. "You're a kid being so...never mind, why don't you want help?"

"Your father....did he really die by accident during that case?" I asked.

"What did you say? How do you even know about that?"

"You never questioned his death as a detective?"

"It was an accident, the truck driver even admitted it at the scene...but why are you asking me that?" Rhys concerned look turned into one of skepticism. He knew exactly what I meant.

"My father did it. You probably wondered why Tyler was involved in all this. I recall seeing his picture when I was young, along with you and your father and Tyler's parents and Grandma Ginny. He purposely showed them to me.

It was probably because he wanted to see how I would react or he was thinking about how I would react in the future. People are nothing but lab rats to him so it really doesn't matter to him if you live or die. My father hired people to kill your father, for some reason, so you should just help keep Tyler safe and stay out of this."

Rhys looked stunned, but he was related to Tyler, so he won't take this quietly. "I have my own agenda for helping you two."


"Don't worry about what my end goal is." We glared at each other for a few seconds. "Ok...ok, so your dad did all this, there's no evidence! You need evidence for these things! Especially for what you just told me."

"Isn't reasonable suspicion enough?"

"This isn't an anime set and we're not in Asia where word of mouth can carry some weight. Yes, there are officers who put reasonable suspicion first, but that's not enough and those who do that almost always end up with the wrong guy. It's all word of mouth which doesn't hold up in court. Not to mention you said you saw those pictures as a kid! How old?"


"Who would remember such a small detail from so long ago?"

"I remember Everything I see." I told him. "Recently everything came back to me."

"And you weren't just sitting on this information?"

"I can't sit on information that's been blocked by pills and trauma. I think my brain might've been somewhat damaged just getting those memories back."

Rhys shut up and started to think. His phone lit up with a text message after about a minute of silence. "I have to leave kid, go meet up with Tyler and we'll continue speaking next time."

"Wait there's one more person I need to tell you about. It might help whatever agenda you have."


"There's another person who worked behind the scenes with my dad, but he stopped suddenly and went overseas."

"Then why investigate him? Do you know his name?"

"Greg Davis." I watched Rhys stiffen up at the name. I guess every bit of information really does count.

"Greg Davis?" Rhys seemed to be turning a weird shade of green. Was he going to be sick? "The one who hit my dad with a truck all those years ago is named Greg Davis. That name was never released to the public."

I couldn't help but smile at how everything just fit together. "You should investigate the truth behind your fathers death. It was a coordinated attack that's been covered up, mostly by your superiors connected to my father."

"Are you sure you're ok telling me this?"

"If I wasn't, I wouldn't be here telling you all this. Why do you ask?"

"Because if it gets out, it'll damage your fathers reputation."

"Right! I don't give a shit about that. That man has never been a father to me and I don't care what happens to him."

Rhys turned to face me, but this time to study me. I stared back at him because I had no idea what he was thinking. "Fine, I'll do what you said....but tell me if I'm wrong first. Did you mention Greg's name because you knew it was the same guy?"

"No, I just assumed he was involved. But knowing that you were lead investigator on your fathers case, which a lot of strings were pulled for that, you might've put a name to the face. If the Perpetrators name was the same as the one I have, I would be 80% sure. Then you just confirmed that they are the same person. Then 20% is for you to fill in," I explained.

"But you're 100% sure?"


Rhys sat back in his seat and sighed. "You're a dangerous kid, aren't you? Kinda like Stan but more unhinged. It's not normal for a high schooler to think like you. I wonder if it's really ok to just let you go off and do this alone."

Of course he would think that, but there was no possibility of me being detained. He would accept my offer if he was smart.

Plan B ends a lot more-

"Fine, I'll start the investigation. My phone keeps going off so I have to go. I'll be diligent."

"That's all I ask. Goodbye, I'll tell Tyler where you went." I smiled and got out of the car.

"Wait! Levi!" Rhys called out before I could fully slam the door.


"Thank you," Rhys smiled gratefully.

"Uh, you're welcome," I slammed the car door so he wouldn't see me blushing. I felt like I was finally doing the good Tyler wanted me too.

I let out a deep breath and slumped over a bit. I could finally breathe clearly. This is really just the beginning, but why am I so exhausted already?

It doesn't matter!

My hunch was right. Just when I thought Coach was giving me unnecessary information, he actually gave me something useful. Everything he's been telling me has been spot on, so I guess he could actually be trusted.

I pulled out my phone when it started to buzz. Unknown number?


"Levi, I forgot to ask you something earlier-"

"Coach Nichols? How'd you get my number?" Did he just know everything?

"I got it from Tyler in school a few weeks ago. Anyway the plan to upset public opinion on him, do you really think it'll work? It might be effective in a way but it's only temporary. So how about using the press to draw attention?"

"I don't know any reporters." I told him.

"Of course you don't kid. I have a trustworthy reporter friend you should meet up with. Don't worry I'll let them know the time and a place. You should meet before you execute the plan. When do you plan on start-"

"I've already started, Coach."

"We'll just have to speed things up then. Get back here as soon as possible and don't waste any time." Coach sighed before hanging up.

"Levi!" Tyler called out as he was hurting back to the side of police station. "Where's my uncle?"

"Rhys went to work."

"Oh, well what do we do now?" Tyler asked. "It's been a couple days, want to go to my house and-"

"Yes! Let's have sex!" I scooped Tyler up making him spill the drinks he had just bought.

"I was going to say eat a meal, dummy!" Tyler whined. "My slurpee is gone now!"

"I want you to be my meal, Tyler. It's been so long." I pleaded. "I miss your smell and touching you."

"Fine," Tyler smiled and planted a kiss on me. As our kiss started to heat up my phone started to ring. "Your phone. Pick it up it might be important."


"It could be Coach. Time is precious! Pick it up."

"What?!" I snapped at whoever had the audacity to interrupt what was going to turn into public indecency.

"I've set up the appointment, Levi. You'll meet in 20 minutes! Come get ready now, no distractions."

"Like...right right now?"

"Are you joking?"

"Y-yeah, a joke, I'm on my way," I hung up disappointedly. "Tyler-"

"Don't apologize, you can make it up to me. This is more important. Work hard and come back so we can just do everything. I'm just so happy I got to see you and help you out!" Tyler hugged me tightly. "I really missed you so much."

"I missed you too, a lot," l hugged him back. "I'll definitely be back very soon."


"I promise."

~~~~~~~~~~20 MINUTES LATER ~~~~~~~~~~~

I really wasn't in any mood to talk to this lady. The only thing I could feel is my pent up sexual aggression. It was like tyler showed up to tease me. I'm totally losing focus on the mission at hand.

My father's bullshit was really cutting into my personal time wayyy too much.

"So, I've read your post. It's going viral actually. It's all over YouTube. Even people who questioned the legitimacy are starting to come around after seeing those documents you posted after. But you know as well as I do, the public won't stay interested long if we don't give them something new. So what's your new story?" She eyed me furiously.

"Your perfume smells awful." I couldn't help but point out how she had drowned herself in cheap chemicals.

"How honest. I was told you make horrible first impressions, and you really lived up to it," she faked a laugh. "I'll just get right to the point. Tell me your life story."

"Can we open a window first?" I watched the woman struggle to not break her fake smile. After a few moments of awkward glaring, she opened a window and let that dreadful smell out.

"Anything else?" I know I offended her at this point, but it was her fault for pouring a bottle of perfume on her. It was off putting.

Tyler said to watch how I said things though.

"No ma'am. I'm just a bit allergic and sleep deprived. I'm sorry if I've been rude," I tried to look apologetic. It seemed to calm the lady down a bit and make her relax. The plan is almost coming to a close. I can't fuck anything up now.

"It's alright. I was just caught a bit off guard. Anyway, let's begin. Tell me about Nikolaos Barros."