Tyler and Jay

"Is it true?!"

"Is it true Dr. Barros uses unethical methods in his therapy?!"

"Please calm down-" the receptionist tried to calm the angry mob forming around her desk.

"How can we calm down?! What if he was experimenting on my kid?!"

"We're trying to clear this ma'am! I'm only a receptionist, there's only so much I can know!"

"Bring him out here now! Is this how you treat your clients ?!"

"He's not here!"

"I need a full refund?! Did he run away with my money?! Tell me where he is now!"

So Levi and Jay succeeded in drawing attention to the article and the documents. Why else would a calm therapist office practically be up in flames? That poor receptionist looked absolutely terrified at the growing crowd surrounding her.

I knew they could do it! Things are working in our favor for once. Levi and Jay should be satisfied with this going so well.

I sat watching the carnage as my phone started to ring.


"Yes?" I quickly picked up the phone trying not to sound too excited. Stay still my beating heart!

"Hello...why is it so noisy? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine! The therapist office is in an uproar right now. They're mobbing the receptionist as we speak. Something about Dr. Barros running off with money and unethical treatment. But I'm thinking about skipping therapy today anyway."

"Cool, I'm outside."

"Are you?" I instantly perked up.

"I said I'd be right back. Come down when you're ready." Levi chuckled. "I want to go out with you. I miss you a lot."

"I'll come down now," I said before hanging up and rushing outside. When I ran out the front door I saw a crowded street. Was Levi not here yet? He said he was outside! Did something come up?

Suddenly I felt a pair of familiar warm arms wrap around me tightly. "You smell nice." Levi whispered in my ear.

"Well, that was adorable." I smiled.

"Yes, you are!" Levi snuggled his face into my neck and held out a beanie baby.

"Oh, another plush toy?" I asked.

"Another? Did you know I sent you the ones before?" Levi sounded shocked. A couple years ago, I found a super rare plush toy I've always wanted, but it was around the time I thought I was being stalked. when I told Levi about my fear, the gifts in my locker stopped, so I had my suspicions it was him, but brushed it off.

"I had a feeling." I admitted. "It stopped after I told you so I just assumed you took care of it."

"You were so scared at the time so I couldn't tell you that I left the gifts for you. You didn't throw it away?"

"I decided to keep it as evidence. B-but you get why right? I didn't know it-"

"It's ok, Tyler, it doesn't change the fact that it was still me that was stalking you."


"I met the reporter today," Levi took my hand and we started to stroll. "I told her everything I went through and she says she'll spin the story in my favor."

"Spin it in your favor?"

"She'll make me sound like a victim."

"I'm glad she's helping us out!" I looked over at Levi and was shocked at what I saw. He had Dark circles under his eyes like he hadn't slept and I saw him fighting tears back. "Levi?"

"I should've told you everything sooner, then I wouldn't have had to stalk you for that long. We could've been so much closer, so much sooner...if I had just told you everything. I mean isn't that the one thing you hated about comic books where a couple doesn't communicate simple things?" Levi wiped his face but the tears wouldn't stop. "I'm a really big idiot, right?"

"No, you're not an idiot. Being scared doesn't make you stupid. You can live a normal life like everyone else after all this is over. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you." I squeezed his hand. "And it's all water under the bridge."

"You promise?"

"Of course!"

~~~~~~~~~~~JAY VANITY~~~~~~~~~~~~

Man, this was hilarious! I can't believe this flimsy plan of theirs worked. People can be super naïve! If this continues I could actually be free of whatever this was.

But of course, I need to take care of the ones who know what I've done.

Ah, I almost forgot! Jason Ryan was still alive after I pushed him off that building. Penny, or whoever that bitch really was, told me he was still alive and hospitalized, and he would probably talk if he woke up. I need to take care of him first.

There's only one hospital in the area so he wouldn't be hard to find.

~45 minutes later~

"Here you are, I've been into almost every room," I looked down on Jason's sleeping figure. He looked broken everywhere as his entire body was bandaged. It just pissed me off more. "Starting shit until the end, huh? I definitely pushed you off a tall building, so why didn't you die? It can't be that you wanted to live to avenge your bitch brother still? I've got one bad relationship with you, don't I? Im glad to end it right now."

I grabbed the knife from my sock. I was going to finish you off this time for good! Things will finally go my way if you just die!

The door suddenly opened. Luckily a curtain blocked the view of me, so I was able to quickly shove my knife in my pocket and hide in the corner.

"Have you been sleeping well, baby boy?" A woman's voice sounded. She sounded tired...sad? "Your dads working late today so I'll sleep over night here. Are you happy I'm here? I also went to visit Steven today, I'm sure you'll love how his plot is redecorated. Wake up soon so you can come see him with mommy."

I suddenly started to feel dizzy as a woman with no face popped into my head. She had long blond hair and she looked so fucking familiar. She was calling me sweetie and telling me I was great and how much she loved me. What voice was this?!

My head exploded in pain. As images of amazing times flashed into my head a million miles per second. Good times and bad times and times when we just sat and relaxed.

"Excuse me ma'am!" A nurse called in. Jason's mother left the room and as soon as I was sure she was gone, I rushed out.

My sweet pea!

I'm counting on you!

My dear son.

My baby boy!

I love you!

Kanstantinos, my lovely son!

The voices stopped when I found myself falling. When did I reach the stairs? My head was pounding at the moment and maybe my ankle was hurt a little. I feel like throwing up and my face is wet! Was it raining? Inside?

No, I was sobbing. Sobbing hysterically! What the fuck is going on here? Why am I crying about nonsense?! I took a few deep breaths and wiped my face and nose.

The sudden onslaught of emotion was way too overwhelming for me. Those are just missing mementoes right? That was a long time ago! It doesn't matter! The past doesn't fucking matter!

But my chest felt tight.

"Jay?" I wiped my face again and turned around. My heart fluttered as I saw a smiling Tyler walking up to me. He was the only one who seemed to be able to bring a familiar sense of comfort to me. He was the only one who ever looked happy to see me. "Hi, Jay!" If I could have him, could I be happy too?

A smiling face, happy to see someone like me would be....nice?

"Tyler, I-" my light warm feeling immediately faded as Levi walked up behind him. That's right, I couldn't have Tyler because he was in love with Levi. I never had a chance. My mood went sour right away. My blood started to boil. The atmosphere became extremely heavy as Levi and I just glared at each other. "Ugh, this again."

"What the fuck? S-so....everyone is talking about the article." Tyler tried desperately to break the tension. "There's a petition to open an investigation and people are boycotting the therapy center! The plan is working!"

"Wait, I just noticed, that's the place my dad runs! Why do you still go there? It's dangerous!" I asked him.


"Because he needs therapy after he was traumatized," Levi scowled at me.

I scowled. I know I was the reason that he was traumatized, but still, why the fuck are they so fucking close that he could answer for him!? It was disgusting to watch! Fucking awful. I hated watching them flirt so obviously in front of me. "What the fuck do you want from me?" I hissed.


"If you have nothing else to say, I'll go now."

"But Jay-"

"You guys seem to only want to talk about useless things. I got business to take care of."

"Those gloves! I doubt you're wearing them because it's cold outside, it's only about 65 degrees. Those are the gloves you use to not leave fingerprints behind, am I right! Don't tell me you're doing stupid shit in the midst of all this?! Don't cause another problem among-AHHH!!" I punched the shit out of Levi as hard as I could.

"SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!!!!!" I snapped at him. "You don't know shit! Who the fuck are you to say that shit to me?! Your nothing but the son of a murderous bitch!"

"D-did your memory fully come back now?" Levi asked.

"No shit, I remember watching your mom kill mine. But that's it, I don't remember you at all, I don't fucking know you, so stop acting like we're close enough for you to criticize me or give me any advice! It sickens me that you're still confused about it! Did you think we could be the best of friends if I regained my memory?! Should I apologize for not meeting your expectations?!

"Do you seriously think things will change if I got my memory back? It hasn't been a year or  two! It's been ten years! We grew up knowing nothing of each other for ten years! All this....is just a temporary truce towards a common goal. So stop acting like you know me. We aren't brothers anymore! Once that Asshole is dead, you're next!"

Once this is over, I'll take Tyler from that asshole. I'll take him and I'll kill him good!

~~~~~~~~~~~TYLER MOSS~~~~~~~~~~~~

"He's right," Levi sighed as we watched Jay storm off. "Even if his memory came back, it would be naive to think we could just go back to good times. With that being said, Kanstantinos is dead."


"It's better to think of it this way. We're only on the same boat temporarily." Levi trembled slightly, I could immediately tell that he was shaken by all this.

"O...ok. Your face-"

"It's nothing. I braced myself so it doesn't hurt much. He must be emotional since he held back this time. I think he's just taking it out on me."

"Why would he do that?" I asked Levi. There wasn't even a reason for them to be playing their dads game at all! How could these two see that it was futile to fight each other?

"Because, he's in love with you as well. He's just having a harder time accepting it."

"How do you know that?"

"Because it isn't hard to see right through him. Also, I'm pretty sure I acted like that for some time when I realized my feeling for you."

I thought it would be easier once Jay's memory came back. Once the good memories of them returned, I thought they'd be able to accept each other and it would be water under the bridge.

Was I being too ignorant of their situation? "I-"

"Don't think about it too much. We both couldn't help but fall in love with you, but it doesn't make it your job to handle our feelings." Levi stroked my hair.

"I...I guess." When did Levi become such a people expert?