Tyler Moss

"We have to stop our sessions, Tyler," Dr. Lang told me. "I know you're having a rough time, but you saw the protesters, and heard about the boycott, right? You're the only patient we have left and we can't stay open like this any longer. I can refer you to a new therapist if you'd like."

"That's alright, my grandmother can refer me," I sighed and thanked my doctor before leaving. Honestly, I only came here to figure out a relation, not get treatment, even though the sessions I did have really helped me. There was still absolutely no reason to continue, though what I found out wasn't much help.

Levi and Jay were worried about me coming here anyway, so I shouldn't waste time coming here anymore. Why did I even show up in the first place? The chaos was bound to shut everything down eventually. What more was there to search-

"Have you finished your appointment?" A man asked. I looked up from my feet and immediately went cold. Still I didn't let him see that.

Hannibal Barros stood blocking my path, looking at me with an arrogant face.

"Y-yes, I should go-"

"Tyler, did you figure out everything you wanted to know?" He asked suddenly with an obvious frown. Was he trying to intimidate me? Because it was kind of working. "You wanted to know about my son and I, right?"

I could feel my heart drop into my ass. My nosy ass couldn't just.....no, I did this because I had a goal. There is no harm in seeing my plan through, I don't care about me as long as I can save Levi. I already came to terms with that. "Yes, I do want to know."

Hannibal looked unmoved by my straight answer. "I can tell you more than you already know. I can tell you in great detail, about our complicated relationship."

"My mom said not to talk to strange men because they're probably perverts." I might as well speak freely while I'm in front of him. After all, he wasn't going to kill me himself.

"But, how are we strangers? I'll tell you what you want to know."

"Are you trying to do dirty things with me or something?" I asked.

His eyebrow twitched. Good! I hope you're annoyed asshole! "I just want to talk to you."

Straight from the horses mouth? What better opportunity did I have to help? "Let's talk then." I said quickly. Hesitation means fear and weakness and it shouldn't be shown in front of a psycho.

This confidence lasted very little time.

Actually, this was incredibly stupid! I actually got in this motherfuckers car and willingly went into his house. There was nobody working in this huge space and my phone had zero signal. No one knew where I was or could reach me at the moment.

"You said you just want to speak, but you brought me to a house? There's also no phone signal as soon as I got in here. Just so you know, I have a weapon in case you're actually a pervert." I stated firmly. "I don't want to be molested."

"Tyler Moss," I jumped, because it was the first words he spoke since we left the clinic. I was talking shit the entire time and he just ignored it. "You really are something, huh? You know what kind of person I am, but you willingly followed me here and you speak to me like that."

"You don't plan on hurting me anyway, you're leaving that to other people as to not get your own hands dirty. You also promised Levi a month, and it doesn't look like you'll break that promise." I took the cup of tea I watched him make on the kettle. He added nothing but a teabag and lemon. Unless the tap water was poisoned, I would be ok. "Levi said you hate it when things don't go according to plan. So what do you need to tell me? It's hard looking at your fucking face knowing everything you did to my boyfriend, so get to it. Unless this is where you start trying pervy things."

"Aren't you scared?"

"There's no reason to be, you're not going to kill me yourself."

Hannibal stared at me with a blank face before looking around. "What do you think of this place?"

Why? Ah, there's a skylight. That's unique to have, but what the fuck does my opinion matter? As long as he's here it's creepy. "Why?"

"Though this place is near the city, you can still see the stars clearly from here," why was he telling me this? "About ten years ago, Levi....I mean Nikolaos enjoyed looking from this window too."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Though it's changed a whole lot, and we got rid of the cages, this is where Nikolaos and Kanstantinos were held captive for ten years."

I didn't know what to say. This mansion was a prison?! "What?" It was nothing like how Levi described it. "Oh yeah, that."

"I have something I want to show you, I wonder how you'll react to it once you see it. Will you be left in shock? Or break down and show me an emotion I've never seen?" He smiled as the lights suddenly cut off. My heart dropped. Why did I do this impulsive thing?!

"Please don't show me your dick!" I blurted out instinctively.

"I have no intentions too." Hannibal got up and started to turn a switch on the wall.

"What the fuck?! Why the lights-" I shut up as the TV brightened the room as sone video started to play. "I'm not interested in porn-"

"HELLO! Is anyone there?! I'm stuck in here! Please help me! Someone please help me! Someone please let me out of here!" A desperate younger kid pleaded from a room that looked like a cage. He cried desperate shaking the cage profusely. "Please help me!"

The kid continued to cry hysterically and shake the cage. His black hair was in a tangled crazy mess and his eyes looked terrified. He was covered in bruises head to toe and his clothes looked soiled. He was clearly having a manic episode. "Mommy! Mommy! I don't even remember who I am! Where am I?! Who am I?!"

Levi?! Just this video alone made me want to go crazy! Was I supposed to cry or yell?! How dare he be so bold?! How dare he revel in Levi's mental torture?! Enough to video tape it and save it this long?! There was literally no reason to all this!

Hannibal must've wanted a big reaction from me to show me this. His shit eating smile irked me to the core as I could feel him watching me watch Levi on screen.

Hannibal Barros mind games aren't subtle at all, so then how could he manipulate so many people. Is it because things aren't going according to plan that he's showing me this? Is it part of his plan? Whatever his reasons were, I wouldn't give him what he wanted.

Some people do things just to do it!

With a straight face I sighed and tried to look as bored as possible despite how pissed I really felt. "And, what was the reason to show me this? What do you want out of it?"

He looked visibly angry. I could see the doctor trying not to jump out of his seat. Composure seemed greatly important to him. "Humans don't know what kind of people they are."

"What's that got to do with me? Is this your jerk off material or something?"

"You achieved your goal in figuring out the relationship between my sons and I. But why do you keep looking for me?"


"You're looking for answers without even realizing it," I forgot this guy was a psychologist, he knew about anyones intentions right away. I guess my taunting wasn't going to work here. "You want to know why it's you of all people. If it's not a coincidence, how deep are you involved in this? Because of your obsession with making things right, you can't help but look for answers."

"I guess. I might also just want to kill you."

"You wouldn't be the first. That's why you returned to the clinic, correct? So I'll tell you what you wanted to know."

"I know a little bit about Psychological things too, Mister. Isn't your goal today, to see a miserable look on my face covered in despair? Like when my grandma lost my grandpa? Is it because I look like her? Or was the game set up to see her like that again?"

"How do you figure that?"

"You seem to love causing misery. You go on and on about obsessions and answers, but I noticed your obsession as well."


"I think all of the reasons I listed before is the reason you do this. But I'll still listen to what you have to say, if u really had anything to tell me. At this point I still think your a undercover pervert. I'm underaged you know-"

"Well, it's about your grandmother."

"I'm listening."