Levi Winchester

"Nikolaos!" I heard someone calling out to me from the front door. I gently put Tyler's bag down and went closer. "Nikolaos, come play!"


I hurried outside being extra careful so no one would've heard. It was raining hard and I had forgotten my shoes, but I heard the voice again.


"Kanstantinos! Where are you!" I looked frantically. I could hear him but he wasn't responding to my questions. Where the fuck was he?

I know I heard him calling out. Why won't he answer where he is? I stopped running suddenly.

"Oh yeah, Kanstantinos is dead," I put my head in my palms and shook my head a bit. But I heard him calling out to me.

A car honking took me out of stupor. The driver stepped out and I recognized him instantly. "Nikolaos, it's time to go home."

I took off running out of fear. I've never been more afraid of those words. What home was he taking me too? Home is where Tyler is!

I took off ignoring the pain on my bare feet and just the heavy water falling on my skin. Everything hurt right now, inside and out, but I didn't care.

I wasn't even scared, my body just kept on running. My vision was blurry and I could barely see because the rain was so heavy.

Why was Giovanni so fucking loyal to my dad? Enough to chase me like this? Hasn't he ever thought about himself?

Coach Nichols told me about him and the lady he controlled. Hasn't Giovanni ever questioned anything? If my dad experimented on his own sons, what made him think he wasn't being experimented on as well?

Just because they were born orphans, they had to follow my dad?

Don't cause a scene and just come with me, Nikolaos," Giovanni demanded.


"You both were just his test subjects. The only purpose a subject has is to show results of the experiment, and then they're disposed of," Giovanni stated. "It's time to go."

"So we weren't even human?" And that's why, most likely, Giovanni was the one who killed Kanstantinos. We weren't human to them.

"That's right, you're not," Giovanni pulled out his phone as it rang.

"I see, not humans." I chuckled in place. "Since birth we were just Guinea Pigs."

Giovanni turned around and answered the phone. "Don't worry I'm going to take him now. He's not even putting up a fight. There's no point in continuing this experiment any longer."

"So I will be disposed of because I'm not needed anymore?" I repeated. Our lives were that worthless to them.

"He completely lost his mind."

"I don't want that," I muttered. They'll regret hurting my brother and going after Tyler. "If I can't live as a human, then shouldn't I just live as a monster instead?"

Giovanni ignored me. He was vulnerable and I could kill him now. I grabbed the jagged rock from behind me and rushed to shove it into Giovanni's knee.

Luckily it broke the skin.

Giovanni screamed and fell down dropping the phone. I couldn't even help myself at this point to laugh at him. "Seriously! What took you so long?! I've been so fucking bored pretending....I've almost lost my shit!"


Looking at Kanstantinos being rolled away made me feel something I had never felt before. It was so overwhelming I dropped to my knees.

"Kanstantinos," I muttered. Wouldn't the correct response be crying? I felt the devastation, I felt the loss, I felt the pain. Why was I laughing hysterically?

Because I found my goal.

Everyone involved has to die now.

I got up and went to meet with Tyler and just hearing about his grandmother first was like an arrow to the heart. But when I told him Jay was dead, he held me.

I didn't deserve it.

I went with Rhys for coffee and told Tyler to stay with his parents. "Detective."

"Hey, what's going on? Why'd you cry?"

"Jay is dead," I stated. It still felt unreal to me.

"But then why-"

"Am I alive? I don't know."

"I meant to ask are you ok!" Rhys cleared up.

"How much can you help me, Rhys?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, I really did try but I was of no-"

"That's not what I mean. Can you really help me from now on? Ordinary methods don't work on him. Ordinary things don't work on him. Ordinary people don't work on him. There's only one way to deal with him."


"An eye for an eye."

"Levi, you have to let the police-"

"I refuse to use normal methods, as you saw, that shit didn't work and got my brother killed."

"What are you going to do?"

I was going to annihilate them. Make sure he knows he fucked with the wrong person. "I'll make him lose everything, just like I did."

~~~~~~~~~~~End Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~

"Asshole!" Giovanni snapped. Grabbing his now dislocated knee.

"I put on a great show right?!" I laughed. "I didn't think you'd be stupid enough to fall for it! Why'd you let your gaurd down?! Fucking idiot!! You're so loyal to your puppeteer!!!"

"YouAH!" I stomped on his good leg hearing the crack just like I did to Liam.

"No moving, that's my goal, the act got you to finally climb out of your rat nest! I'm not letting this operate go!" I looked around and there was an old wooden chair. I kicked it over and tore off a leg easily. I turned back and stared into his terrified eyes as I raised the peice of wood. "Just what I neeeded! Now, Giovanni, don't make a scene, it's time to go home!"

"What the fuck?!"

"I'm not going to kill you yet," I told him swinging the peice of wood down on his head effectively knocking him out. I propped him up on my shoulders and started towards my house.

~~~~~~~~~~~~a few hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey!" I said to Jason Ryan as he walked into the back room at his fathers night club where he usually hung out. At least this will go smoother than with Giovanni, he didn't talk when he came too. But I can find an answer here. "Jason Ryan, long time no see. How've you been?"

"Great, how have you been? You just skip school now? I thought you were a top student."

"Yes, but is school really that important?"

"What happened to my boys?" He finally noticed that his friend were sitting there beaten and scared. Maybe he also realized I made them call him too. "Did you do this? You're crossing a line-"

"42N13XX," that seemed to shut him up quickly. "I went out of town to look for someone important to me and saw it by chance. You know the weird thing is that rich people don't go to that area of that town, let alone bring their expensive cars. I still remember the plates on it. Then I got really curious."


"-so I asked a detective about the plates. The owner is a middle aged woman. A wealthy senators wife, with a son, your mother! So I just assumed she had some business there, but she was helping your father out at an event for his re-election. That's called an alibi! So who was driving the car that day?

"Then these guys here told me that you can drive. Even though the car belongs to your mom, you're actually the one who used it. Your mother turns a blind eye because she loves you so much."

"Wh-what are you saying?!"

"Why were you there? Actually, what did you do there and what did you see?" I watched his face turn fearful as he drifted into thought. This guy may have been a bully, but he was still someone who couldn't do anything himself.

"It....it wasn't....I don't-"

"Did you think I thought it was you? You're too much of a fucking pussy to do that. But you drove Giovanni there, right? You're all about loyalty so you couldn't turn him down, right? After all, they helped you find your brothers killer. That's why you drove Giovanni to the place he requested, right? That's where you witnessed Giovanni killing someone."


"Are you scared?" I smiled at him. "Because you feel like an accomplice? Then why didn't you call the police? Because of that useless friendship? You know Giovanni was never really a student right?"


"He was 26 years old. Are you afraid of going behind bars? Or your father finding out?"

Jason stayed quiet and I could tell he was looking for an out. I took advantage of his fear to lunge forward and tackle him. I broke a beer bottle on the table and held it to Jason's neck.

"Do me a huge favor Jason, get me that dashcam footage. Hand it over, or I'll kill you. You've got 24 hours.I'll meet you here." I smiled at him. He nodded before I let him go and walked back outside to my bike.

Jason Ryan's father was a well known politician with a high approval rating among young people. He was a young Bernie Sanders. And he's one of the people who supported my dad at that charity event my dad held with that lady.

But this man had no interest in the experiment. He just used it for personal connections that will benefit him.

Most likely he's trying to get rid of my father but since he's quite involved, it'll risk the connections he's made. So he just has to take a big hit.

But I couldn't just spread it around like Coach Nichols wanted me too, it'll be brushed off as a conspiracy. His weakness was his favorite golden boy, Jason.

Which means the world stops for his son. Coach told me not to take this route because it would turn me into my father.

But Coach was a normal person who didn't want to create a monster. He was naïve to think that wouldn't happen. I should've taken it into my own hands sooner.

I waited on the four way intersection waiting for the great politician to finally drive forward from the highway. The road was quite empty this late at night but it was safer for him this time.

As I saw headlights round the corner, i peddled the bike straight in front of the cars path looking straight into the lights itself.

Luckily the car screeched to a halt in front of me. I took this opportunity to hop off and walk to the tinted window and press a picture of Jason to the window.

A few second later Senator Ryan stepped out of his car. "Why do you have that picture?"

"I stole it."

"From my bedroom?!"

"How else will you take me seriously?"

"What is this?"

"Hello senator. I'm Nikolaos Barros. Did You know your son witnessed a murder and didn't report it right? Even though he drove your wife's car? The silver BMW." I simply stated so his security wouldn't get startled.

The senator closed his door leaving no one to hear us. "Threats huh? My son witnessed a murder and didn't report it to the police. So you're just assuming that my son is an accomplice?" He smiled. "You said your name is Nikolaos Barros."

"Yessir," I said. I knew the direction he would try and take.

"So it's true that Dr. Barros used his own sons as experiments. I don't understand how a father could do that to his sons." He faked sympathy really well.

"But you supported it."

"You're really just a kid. Getting rid of loose ends is nothing. If you want to threaten people you need hood clear evidence to-"

"Senator, I was only using Jason as an excuse to speak to you." I said having enough of him already.

"Then get straight to the point."

"You want to cut ties with Dr. Barros while keeping all the benefit, right? Then make a deal with me, and I can make it happen sir."

"If it were that easy then-"

"I'm going to kill that man, brutally, you can make yourself look like a hero." I smiled. The senator looked at me as if he were looking for signs of joking. But I stood firm so he knew I wasn't kidding.

"You're taking revenge?"

"Yessir, but I need your help."

"What kind of help?" The senator was definitely listening now but he was skeptical.

"First, I need financial backing. Second, I'll be breaking laws so I need you to watch my back." I stated.

"That's it? That's no problem, but Dr. Barros has many supporters. What are you doing about that part?"

"That'll be your job, sir."

"Excuse me?" He really thought he could sit back while I did everything?

"Politicians, at least the successful ones, need and have the ability to charm people. With that ability, you need to be able to turn people to your side. That's my third request."

"Are you telling me to steal his support? You think that's an easy thing to do kid?"

"What I think is that you aren't one to settle for where you're at? Don't you have plans to run for president? If you climb the ladder, you'll be the cleanest president elect to ever run. You should be able to do this. And infiltrating and stopping unethical experiments on humans can solidify your place with the voters."

"Fascinating. But how can I trust you?"

"You don't have to. At any time you can get rid of me like a roach. Just think of me as a tool."

"Roaches are hard to kill."

"If there's already a hoard." I pointed out. "I'm just one."

The senator smiled. "I can see that you're serious about this." He handed me his card, not the usual one people get for his office, but a personal card. In return I put a post it with my phone number In his hand.

"Of course we'll never mention each other's name." I smiled. "I look forward to working with you."

"When are you going to execute the plan?"

"After I attend to a personal matter, I'll do it after that. But it won't take long."

"I'll accept it, in turn what use will you have?"

"I won't rat your son out and damage your family image."

"I'll think about it," Senator Ryan said. With that I quickly exited his car and hopped right back on my bike. "I'll hear from him soon anyway."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I quickly walked behind a wary Jason Ryan. He had no idea I was following him which was weird. He should be more aware of his surroundings.

I followed him into a building close by all the way to the roof. Was this where Jay pushed him off the building? Why would he even come back?

"You're here." He suddenly said without turning. So he did know I was there. "Well how do you feel?"

"What?" Was he stupid?

"Do you feel shitty?" Jason laughed, he must've lost it. "That's how i felt when I lost my little brother! I'm glad I took Giovanni to murder that piece of-"

I landed a punch across his face sending him stumbling back. "Watch it!"

"You want to kill me don't you?! Go ahead!"

"I told you before, that if you show yourself to me again, I'll rip you to pieces," I scowled. "You and I definitely got off on the wrong foot. Let's say we end this once and for all, Jason."

"Just like your father said."

I couldn't answer to that because the asshole, who was heavier than I took him for, had me pinned to the ground and was throwing punches at me. I tried to block them, but it was actually really hard.

Somehow I was able to pull away a bit, long enough to throw the guy off of me. I regained my stance and stared at the guy, who for a broken arm, was doing not bad. I lunged towards him, landing a series of heavy blows to his head and chest.

It didn't last long though. I was suddenly thrown off of him and tackled to the ground. I was suddenly being punched in the stomach. Through the pain I flipped him over and slammed the back of his head into the concrete.

Good, bleed!

With both hands I grabbed his neck and dragged him to the side of the roof. At this point we were both at the point of exhaustion from our scuffle. It took way more strength and energy that I expected for someone who just recovered.

I really wasn't planning on this but I couldn't help but smile. "Hey, do you think you can survive a fall from this height? You were lucky enough to survive the first time but what about the second? Do you feel lucky?"

Kill him!

Kill him!

Kill him!

Kill him!

Kill him!

"Your father said you'd kill me." Jason smiled. It was the second time he's mentioned him. I wasn't going to hesitate again to kill this fucking guy!

But why?

"He came to you?"

"While I was in the hospitalUGG!" I tightened my grip to ship him up.

He visited Jason in the hospital? Which probably means Jason was manipulated into doing something. He most likely went to Giovanni because of my father provoking him. He was happy to drive Giovanni to kill Jay. And if I killed Jason now, I would probably be locked up burying the story of my fathers misdeeds even further.

Jason Ryan was the downfall of Coach Nichols plans in the end.

Who cares though? I had to make it right for Jay. "I don't care about that, you-" I was interrupted by Maniac by Stray kids playing. My phone, which had fallen from my pocket, displayed only Tyler's name.

Suddenly, I felt stupid. I made my own plans and I had almost messed it all up because of an urge to kill.

I picked up my phone staring right into Jason's eyes. "Hey Tyler." I tried to sound normal.

"Can you come to the hospital, I miss you." Tyler whined. What would he say if he saw this right now? He'd tell me to handle this the right way.

"I miss you too, a lot. I'll come right now." I smiled.

"I'll see you soon!" Tyler hung up.

Now what to do with this piece of garbage? "Lucky I didn't touch your face. I'll handle you properly."

~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~

"You're here!" Tyler jumped into my arms and planted a big kiss on me.

"You missed me that much?" I chuckled kissing him back all over his face. "I brought you some food too."

"Thanks so much! I totally forgot to eat. Were you home this whole time? Are you ok on your own?" Tyler asked. He was always so worried for me.

"Yeah, I feel a bit better now," I admitted. I still feel guilty for faking losing my mind while he was so worried.

"I see! I'm so happy you're feeling better!" Tyler hugged me tightly. "Want to say hi to Grandma?"

"Sure," I nodded trying not to show any emotion.

Tyler led me into his grandmas room. The once lively woman looked crippled and sickly on her breathing tubes. All down her arms were bandages as well as around her head and neck.

She looked like a corpse.

"Oh, she was awake just now. She fell back asleep so quickly," Tyler sighed. Was he disappointed? "She won't even speak as much, and when she does, she keeps apologizing to me."

"Where's Liam?"I asked. Tyler frowned and looked a bit annoyed. What was going on there?

"Levi, let's go on a dinner date tonight." Tyler suddenly said. He clearly didn't want to talk about Liam right now.

I guess these hard times were indeed overwhelming for us both. Just peace sounded great.

"Are you asking me out," I joked.

"Shut up. Thai food?"

"Sounds good."

"Awesome! Just let me inform the head nurse. Wait here!"

As soon as Tyler scurried out of the room I took a look at my phone. My phone had buzzed a few times but I needed to be alone to check it.

Earlier I had gotten the Black Box footage from Jason and sent it to Rhys. I also let him know where to find Jason and to take care of the rest. He couldn't run away.

Rhys had texted back simply saying he'll handle the rest and not to worry.

I had handled it properly like Tyler said....but it didn't feel very proper. I put my phone away, taking Rhys's advice to not worry.

Now for you, Ginny Moss.

Rhys was blaming himself for you getting attacked and ending up worse than before. I just wonder what you saw that day. I'm sorry I was too late. "I'm sorry." I told her sleeping form. "It's all my fault."

Tyler's grandma opened her eyes and looked at me a bit dead eyed.

She held her hand out to me weakly and I took it. Quickly she let go and started to draw shapes on my palm. Was she trying to communicate? "Wait start that over please!" I urged.

She was writing letters.

Blond? Woman? Actress? Fake Nurse? "Penelope Barros? Did you see her on TV?" Tyler's grandma weakly nodded her head. "She did this to you didn't she?" She gave a thumbs up. "I understand, get some sleep. You need rest so you can get better. I'll tell Rhys so he can help me handle it."

She squeezed my hand lightly and caressed my cheek like she did to Tyler often. She gave me a weak smile and I watched as she relaxed into her bed again and closed her eyes.

Things are getting a bit personal now.

I'll handle it after dinner.

"Levi!" Tyler grabbed my hand and pulled me close to whisper in my ear. "So let's go eat some good food before we go home."

"Ok." I smiled.