Levi Winchester


"Oh you finally picked up! I accidentally bumped into your car and the parking manager told me to call you directly," I lied into the phone.

"I'll be right down!"

That went smoother than I expected. Penelope Barros still had that shitty tone in her voice. I can clearly remember it.

"What the hell? My car's fine!" I looked up from my hiding spot and saw the back of Penelope Barros. I picked up my bat.

If she dies, she dies.

I ran at her a swung the bat down making direct contact with her head. She immediately dropped to the ground.

Fuck! She was still breathing.

I should've hit her harder honestly, but I'm not going to play into my fathers hands. I picked her up and opened her car with her keys before o stuffed her into the passenger side.

Surprisingly she was only a ten minute drive from my abandoned house. I parked across the street and braced myself to drag her inside.

My skin felt dirty handling her like this. She should just die. I pushed open the door and put her in the room adjacent to Giovanni.

They couldn't know the other was here yet.

After I set her down i tied her hands and ankles and put some tape over her mouth. It was dangerous, but if she dies, she dies.

I then headed to Giovanni and gently slapped him awake. "You know Giovanni, I actually didn't expect my plans to work out, since I'm nothing but a thorn in the ass to you people. But at some point there was a rift formed in your agreement. A house divided cannot stand.

"And to fall completely apart by one little hit means the foundation of your bond wasn't strong from the start. And within the debris, I found ego. All of you were like sheep following the Shepard, but then you strayed and started thinking for yourselves. One felt guilt for what he did, one turned a blind eye, and the other took things too far. After all you can't complexly block out ego.

"Anyway, You've been strangely quiet. Aren't you curious about what I'm going to do to you?" I asked finally getting a reaction from Giovanni.

I heard things shifting in the next room. "Who's that?"

"Stay quiet Giovanni. I'm just handling things properly." I gave him a gesture to keep quiet before leaving the room.

I opened the door and closed it quickly behind me. Penelope tried to turn to see me but I grabbed her head and held it down until I could rip the duct tape off her mouth.

She yelped but quickly composed herself. She didn't even scream like a normal person would if they were kidnapped.

"Nikolaos?" She started to tremble uncontrollably and tried getting up.

"Stop moving," I demanded. She stopped trying to get up but sat there shaking. "Grandma Ginny, Tyler's grandmother, it was you who pushed her, right?"


"I noticed you even hired someone to follow me, but that person easily switched after I offered him a better deal and a way out. And your associate in the suits....he's also switched sides. There's no one here to help you out....but one man might be willing, right? The man you love so pathetically. Too bad he's incapable of ever loving anyone."

"What did you do to Mr. Barros?!" She snapped. She hopped at me but I easily stopped her by grabbing her by her neck.

"You are a lady, i really don't want to hurt you."

"Shut up!"

"Stop overreacting. Don't you realize the position you're in? This is your karma for doing whatever the fuck you wanted. How do you feel now that the tables are turned? Afraid? Angry? Despair? I should've done this way sooner. Even if it meant joining hands with those scumbags, then Kanstantinos wouldn't have died." I threw her back down to the floor.

"Those boxes...." She suddenly said.

"Oh yeah, my food supply. I heard you made all the meals while Kanstantinos and I were held captive. It's been a while so let's see your skills. I've been craving food from the past."

I wanted to draw this out as long as I could.

I untied her hands and feet and let her to the hot plate in my room and motioned for her to start cooking.

She did warily. I wondered what Tyler was dreaming about right now. Gotta get back before he wakes up anyway.

"Here," she handed me a plate of food.

"Make more." I demanded. She gave me a shocked look. "Now!"

She went back to cook more food. I took a few bites and kept feeling my stomach turn. There's nothing good about the food.

In fact it was exactly as I remembered....disgusting.

"Your cooking sucks. You lost your touch for sure," I said as she handed me another plate of food. "Make another plate."

She went back without arguing and this time I watched her. The fact that I gave her a knife to prepare things means I'm not worried about her running. That must be killing her inside. She knows I'm just fucking with her head.

Her only exit was through a door since all the windows were painted and nailed shut. The only door that wasn't barricaded and enforced by me was the front door.

It was only a matter of time.

I watched as she picked up a pot of hot water and suddenly chucked the hot water at me. The water landed on me but I didn't move.

"What?! Wh-What?!" Penelope panicked. "How?!"

Behind the door she tried to escape from, was another door that resembled a brick wall. It made the room feel closed in even though there was a way out.

"How's the set I made? Do you like it?" I asked. "It's from memory, I tried to emulate the feeling of the rooms Kanstantinos and I were held captive in for all those years. You're stuck here too, and you can cook as much as you want...until you die." I chuckled at her horrified face. "Welcome to your grave."

"You freak!"

"Penelope, my brother is dead, and you helped the people that killed him. Did you really think my father would care about your karma? Who's the real freak here?" I smiled. "Now, go cook some more food."