Hannibal Barros

I was born without emotions.

I knew it when I was reprimanded at age seven after pushing an elderly teacher who had hit me down the stairs. The guidance counselor told my mother that I lacked emotion and couth compared to the other children.

It wasn't something that was curable still my mother tried in vain to fix me for a few years. She even vowed to find a cure.

That was when I learned that everyone lies. She ran away from me and I was all alone.

Shortly after I was introduced to a couple from Greece. I became part of that family and even took their last name.

Very soon after, I learned they had purchased me for personal gain because "a child with the brain of a psychopath is hard to find". The reason I was adopted was only to be subjected to experimentation.

It was truely hard to accept that I could be just a lowly test animal. It burned me up inside.

Suddenly there was an "accident" because I had cut their brakes and since I was their only child on paper, I inherited everything they had. They probably planned to abandon me after their experiments were done. So I had to take care of that problem before it happened.

That's when I realized that I was capable of making things the way I wanted. I could change the world if I wanted it hard enough.

I went on to meet an older woman who liked me for me. But Ginny Moss wasn't any different from the rest. I thought I would be okay without her, as I so callously pushed her away with my tricks. She was a married woman after all.

Still I couldn't forget the only person who knew who I really was and accepted me for it. It bugged me a lot.

I went on to have two children. I was told I should love them more than I actually do, but I couldn't care less. Until I saw Nikolaos crying over his goldfish.

He told me he was sad, so I asked him how it felt, but the child couldn't explain it to me. He just kept crying about done insignificant fish! That day I felt my anger swell, so I beat him.

I beat him to demonstrate, that if you show weakness, other people will jump on you in your weakest moment. Love doesn't exists in this cruel unfeeling world.

I also beat him because I was jealous, that my son, who most said looked like my twin, could feel things that I've never felt. So I needed to kill those emotions. Those emotions did nothing but hold you back.

When he could rid himself of those burdens, we could be a family again.

"Dr. Barros?" Two men in suits approached me.

"Yes, but who are you?"

"We're a security service, we were told to protect you if we couldn't get in touch with out client."

"Penelope?" What's that idiot done now? She was always messing things up. I hope she didn't do anything unnecessary like visit Ginny. Her jealousy often made her cross the line.

"Yessir, and we can't currently reach her. So please come with us-"

"She's wasting her time," I muttered. All this was just a cry for my attention.

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing let's go," I sighed heading for my car. Bodyguards were a useless idea. That woman was seriously trying to hard to appease me. It's getting really annoying.

"It would be better to go in our car since we know it's safeAh!" The gaurd jumped as the lights in the parking garage suddenly went out. "A black out?"

I couldn't see a thing, but black outs were normal here in ways. It's only a matter of time before the lights come back on. Why were they so panicked?

"Get the lights!"

"It's over there!"

"Dr. Barros! Somethings off! I think there's someone after you!" A security put his hand on my shoulder. "Stay clo-"

His hand disappeared from my shoulder. I knew who it was. Only my son was as cunning as I was. There was no need for me to flee this kind of situation.

"Hello, it's been a while. I've been dying to visit my father," I could hear the snark in his voice as he approached. "But you don't look all that surprised to see me."

I knew it was only a matter of time before he dropped those silly feelings for that boy and came to learn from me. He finally killed off his weakness! Finally we can be United as a proper family and he can continue my work. "Nikolaos, I knew you'd come-"

I felt a shock erupt all through my body. What was this? Did that ungrateful brat just tase me? I couldn't move and my vision was fading.

"...ies. If he dies, he dies."

~~~~~~~~~~Some Time Later~~~~~~~~~~

I opened my eyes to a voice. I was waking up again? "Dad? Father?" I looked up at the voice and rubbed my eyes so they wouldn't be blurry. "Oh, you finally woke up, I was hoping you wouldn't because I didn't tie you up."

Did he knock me out? Where was I? "Nikolaos, what is this?"

"I knocked you out so you wouldn't know where we were going." Nikolaos stated.

"What are you holding?"

"Oh, I made it just for you. It's my specialty that Tyler loves, I'm not sure how it tastes but I poured my heart and soul into it. Try it." Nikolaos smiled at me. "You may not know this but it was the first thing I had after I escaped from you. It was awful, but I needed something to eat."

"It's Moussaka?" His mother made it like a professional, and now he can? How does he still maintain that attachment after so long! I worked tooth and nail to severe that bond!

"Moussaka was the first thing I cooked when I escaped from you. It's not like my mothers, but it's still good. Despite everything, I turned out to be a really good cook just like her. I'm not sure if it was because I got used to it but I ended up perfecting a recipe somehow. I never thought much about it, but it hit me one day: the feeling of despair I felt in there was me wanting to finally get my revenge. To make the person who dared steal my youth pay the price.

"Hannibal Barros, enjoy these moments the best you can, because tonight will be your last."

"Are there other people here?" I can talk him out of this for sure. He was only a child and the deciple can never beat a master.

"You, me, and some loyal dog, also someone who wouldn't mind throwing their life away for you. You know who that is right?" Giovanni was here too? Or was it Penelope? "I gave the hound an opportunity to  save your life. I don't know weather he'll come though."

We stared at each other for a little. He was testing the waters, huh? I wasn't someone who could be scared. I gave him a smile but Nikolaos remained unfazed.

"Do you know what I put-"

"Is this it?" I asked. Picking up a forkful of the lamb dish. "You made it sound like I'm definitely going to die here. So you probably planned something, why don't you just get to the point."

Nikolaos stared at me for a second before busting out into laughter. He was getting seriously too loud to handle. "You know I really am jealous of you."

"What?" Why was he jealous?

"You know, I really hated myself, being emotionally stunted has more cons than pros honestly. I got hurt easily and what meant little to others almost destroyed me. Tell me, you're the doctor."

"That's normal to feel small after you acknowledge you want what others have."

"So I felt small because I wanted what they had?"


"Why do emotions even exist? What is this emotion? Why do we have to suffer at all? If we didn't have emotion, we wouldn't hate, or be jealous or even love. No meaningless pain. So I envy how you don't have emotions." Nikolaos looked at the door. When o followed his eyes I saw the gray smoke starting to fill the room. It was a little bit hot in here. "Do you smell the wood burning?"

"You're going to burn us-"

"I realized when Kanstantinos died that we shouldn't have been born at all. Actually you shouldn't have met my mother or Kanstantinos's mother. So in order to put things back as they were, you have to die here." Nikolaos stood up, he was dressed identical to me. Why was that?

It didn't matter, the air was thinning in here.

"What's that face for, Dr. Barros. You look like you're panicking. Don't worry, I'll go with you, I'll keep you company do you aren't alone." Nikolaos smiled. "We both have to die here tonight so everything will be alright."

"What are you playing at?" He knew what triggered me somehow. This kid couldn't have been smart enough to do this alone.

Suddenly the wall behind us collapsed exposing the raging fire inching towards us. The structure was completely falling apart. How long ago did he set the fire?

I only wanted Nikolaos to be emotionless like me! It was better to be like me and have everything than to be some weak loser!

How could he t  as me my lessons the wrong way?!

"Let me out."

"Beg for it." Nikolaos was serious about this for sure. I got up and threw him down to the ground. He didn't tie me up?

"Let me out now!" I snapped at him. I wasn't exactly sure what this feeling was right now, but it had to stop. "LET ME OUT!!!!"

"DIE!!!" Another voice? That didn't come from Nikolaos! I heard a loud bang suddenly. My ears were ringing and my chest burned painfully.

I was quickly losing energy.