She Had to Save Him!

For the first time, Jiang Hai was at a loss for words.

Wang Lianxiang was crying and screaming from the beating. Sun Qing stole a glance and quickly told Wang Tielan to stop.

"Mom, just hit her a few times. Anyway, she stinks. It's better not to touch her lest you stink and tire yourself out."

Everyone was speechless and even began to doubt their lives. Were these people really the unreasonable and fierce Liu family they knew?!

When Wang Tielan heard this, she quickly chuckled.

"My daughter still cares about me."

Sun Youcai immediately nodded. "Of course. Our daughter is famous for being filial."

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched again.

Immediately after, Sun Youcai and his wife flattered each other.

Sun Qing was embarrassed! The Sun family was indeed one-track-minded!

"You've already left. Why are you still causing trouble? Is there any point?" Sun Qing began to scold them earnestly!

The Liu father and son quickly helped Wang Lianxiang up and stared straight at Jiang Hai. Just as they were about to speak, Sun Qing beat them to it.

"You can't take this beating for nothing. Remember, that's my house, not yours. If you come again in the future, don't blame me for being rude!" Sun Qing's face turned cold.

Wang Lianxiang was really afraid of being beaten up. She kept poking Liu Chunwang to get him to talk.

Liu Chunwang was also afraid and didn't dare to speak loudly. His voice seemed to be stuck in his throat.

"I'm Jiang Huai's father-in-law. Even if my daughter is gone, there's still Xiao Hai. This relationship can't be severed!"

Sun Qing glanced at Jiang Hai and saw his face instantly darken. She took a step forward and stood in front of him.

"What father-in-law? Jiang Huai's current father-in-law is my father." Sun Qing was full of energy and basically relied on shouting!

Sun Youcai and Wang Tielan quickly nodded.

"As a former father-in-law, you have to step aside when you meet your current father-in-law!" Sun Youcai was as smug as he could be.

Wang Tielan was the same. Previously, she wasn't willing to let her daughter marry Jiang Huai, but she didn't expect Jiang Huai to be so popular.

If someone else wanted to snatch him, he must be worthy!

How could the Liu family not understand this logic? However, they still had their grandson, Jiang Hai. Half of the Liu family's blood flowed in him. They couldn't deny it even if they wanted to!

"Xiao Hai, where's your father? He hasn't given us his living expenses for this month." After saying that, Liu Chunwang deliberately glanced at the Sun family. So what if he was his ex-son-in-law? His ex-son-in-law still gave him living expenses every month? His current father-in-law definitely didn't receive any.

Liu Chunwang was deliberately angering the Sun family and stabbing them in the heart.

Wanting to shake off the Liu family? No way!

Sun Qing quietly turned around and lowered her head. Her expression was as gloomy as it could be, and she immediately burned with anger.

Even if the eldest son was a big resentful seed, he was still a resentful seed that had been hurt by his original family. Old Liu did this to open Jiang Hai's wound over and over again.

It was all thanks to Jiang Huai's teachings that Jiang Hai didn't grow into a sinister villain.

She had seen many children like Jiang Hai walk into a dead end in the past. For this reason, she had specially established a rescue foundation to save children who had been hurt by their native families. She had even personally gone to their native families to save people. The gazes of those children were exactly the same as Jiang Hai's current appearance.

She had to save this resentful child!

"What are you doing? Even if our Old Jiang isn't around, I'm still here, our Jiang Hai's stepmother. You want to bully my child? No way!" Sun Qing placed her hands on her hips and roared at Liu Chunwang.

The Liu family's expression was as ugly as it could be, but they didn't dare to shout. They could only look at Sun Qing with resentment.

Liu Xingcai stammered and retorted, "We didn't bully Xiao Hai. He promised to give our family living expenses previously. Xiao Hai knows about this too. If you don't believe me, ask Xiao Hai!"

Sun Qing rolled her eyes at him. "Why should I ask him? Let's not talk about living expenses first. Do you want living expenses? If I didn't know better, I would think that you local hooligans came to collect protection fees!"