Old Jiang!

After hearing Sun Qing's words, the neighbors' hearts surged.

After all, he was his former father-in-law. It was reasonable for Jiang Huai to promise to give him living expenses every month. It was just that this behavior was wrong. Jiang Huai could give them money out of kindness, but it wasn't his duty to. Why did they smash his house's door?

Sun Qing continued to criticize, "Our family doesn't owe your family anything. It's not like your entire family is missing an arm or a leg. Why do you still need our family to support you? You only think that our family is rich. Didn't you see how hard our Old Jiang works to earn money? You're not asking for money, you're asking for his life!"

"Pfft~" A suppressed laugh suddenly sounded from behind. Sun Qing turned around and glared at Jiang Hai, who was holding back his laughter.

Alright, she was charging in here with guns blazing, but the eldest son was sniggering behind her?

She stepped on his toes to shut him up!

Jiang Hai's face contorted in pain. This woman was too violent!

After dealing with her eldest son, she immediately dealt with the troublesome Liu family.

"You keep calling him your grandson. Now that such a big grandson is in front of you, hurry up and take him away. It just so happens that you can make room for my son. In the future, your grandson will go to school, buy a house, marry a wife, and have children. He'll get all the money from your family. It's best if you change your surname again. In the future, his surname will be Liu, lest you raise him unwillingly."

Wang Lianxiang panicked when she heard that. As the saying went, with a stepmother, there would be a stepfather. If this wretched girl had a son, Jiang Hai would definitely not get a single cent.

"Why? He's not my child. Why should we raise him?"

Liu Chunwang was also so angry that his face and neck turned red. He panted heavily as if he was about to suffocate. "Why did Jiang Huai marry someone like you? My daughter didn't even enjoy a day with him. She gave birth to a son for him and left the world. How can he treat my daughter well?"

Liu Chunwang sat on the ground and started crying. Seeing Liu Chunwang like this, Wang Lianxiang and Liu Xingcai also followed suit.

"Back then, Jiang Huai's family was so poor. If my daughter hadn't been willing, no one would have married him…"

"Why is my daughter's life so bitter…"

"Xiao Hai, my poor nephew…"

The Liu family of three cried and shouted, as if they were afraid that no one could hear them.

Sun Youcai and Wang Tielan couldn't take it anymore. Wasn't this embarrassing for their daughter?

"We hit you too lightly just now. If you don't leave, I'll break your legs!" Sun Youcai glared threateningly, but the Liu family cried even louder.

Sun Qingcai wasn't afraid of them and happened to be here to clear Jiang Huai's name.

"Pfft, you're really shameless. Who in the surrounding villages doesn't know that your daughter was a sickly person? No one wanted her even if you threw money at them. If it weren't for the fact that Jiang Huai had a shameless and evil stepmother like you guys, do you think your daughter could marry Jiang Huai? Dream on!"

If not for the fact that Sun Youcai and Wang Tielan were afraid of making things difficult for their daughter, they would have fought the Liu family long ago. The Liu family was from the neighboring village and everyone knew what they were like.

Sun Qing roared, simply reminding Sun Youcai and Wang Tielan.

"Yes, Jiang Huai is such a good young man. He has skills and can earn money. He's also good-looking. If you hadn't joined forces with his stepmother to lock the two of them up in the house, would you have such a good son-in-law? I'm so embarrassed for you!" Wang Tielan exploded the moment she spoke.

Sun Qing immediately listened to the gossip with sparkling eyes! There was no such thing in the plot book.

Old Liu was about to refute when Sun Youcai immediately raised his fist and punched him.

Sun Qing sighed and said with a pained expression, "Poor Old Jiang. After marrying a sickly wife, he still has to raise her entire family. How many years has his wife died? How many years has your family leaned on him and sucked his blood? Just hearing it makes my heart ache!"

After saying that, she looked up and saw a certain man carrying a box.

Oh no.