Specialized in Treating All Kinds of Pretentiousness!

While Jiang Huai and Jiang Hai were talking, Sun Qing bought another pile of small items. Just as she was about to stuff them on Jiang Hai, she turned around and saw Jiang Huai with a bag hanging from his hand.

Sun Qing said without even frowning, "Hubby, where's our son?"

Jiang Huai naturally took the things from Sun Qing's hand. "I got him to do something. There's no need to wait for him for dinner."

Sun Qing nodded casually. She glanced at Uncle Li and Auntie Li's dumpling stall and hurriedly pulled Jiang Huai over.

"Hubby, you must be hungry. The dumplings here are delicious. Eat some to fill your stomach first!" Sun Qing was afraid that Jiang Huai wouldn't go over, so she pulled him over without another word.

She really felt that Jiang Huai didn't look like someone who would appear in a bustling city at all. He was like a tyrant who should appear in a five-star hotel, eating Michelin and sleeping in the presidential suite.

Sun Qing hurriedly shook off the goosebumps on her body and casually pressed Jiang Huai onto the bench.

"Aunt Li, give me a bowl of vegetarian dumplings!"

Aunt Li was busy setting up the stall when she heard a familiar voice. She looked up and saw Sun Qing.

She had heard from her husband that this little girl was amazing!

"Alright, do you want chives or anise?" Aunt Li asked loudly with a smile.

Sun Qing's watery eyes looked at Jiang Huai eagerly. "Hubby, what filling do you want?"

Jiang Huai: "Anise."

Sun Qing immediately waved her hand energetically. "Aunt Li, a bowl of anise filling!"

Jiang Huai raised his eyebrows. "You're not eating?"

Sun Qing immediately raised her finger and waved her hand playfully. "No, I just ate a bowl of meat dumplings at 1:30 pm. Aunt Li, your meat dumplings are really filled with ingredients. I ate a big bowl, but I'm not hungry yet!" When she reached the second half of the sentence, Sun Qing immediately raised her voice as if she was afraid that Aunt Li couldn't hear her.

When Aunt Li heard this, she immediately laughed.

"Of course. Our dumpling stall has been able to survive until now because of the amount of ingredients. In a while, I'll scoop you a bowl of dumpling soup. Then, you can stroll home. I guarantee that you can digest it."

Sun Qing smiled and looked touched. She said very seriously and sincerely, "Aunt Li, you're too kind. You're good at cooking and have a good temper. I've never seen such a capable person like you. You're more than 800 times better than my mother."

Aunt Li's old face turned red from Sun Qing's praise. She smiled until her face was tired.

"I'm not as good as you say."

Sun Qing said seriously, "Really, really. If I lie, I'll fall down on the road."

Aunt Li smiled until her hands were almost tired from kneading the dough. As she chatted and laughed with Sun Qing, she didn't forget her work and quickly pinched a bowl of dumplings.

She nimbly placed the dumplings on the table and turned around to bring Sun Qing a bowl of dumpling soup. There were still four or five dumplings floating in the dumpling soup. Their fair, fat, and round bodies floated above the dumpling soup, making them look extremely pleasing to the eye.

"Xiao Qing, try the vegetarian dumplings I made. They're not inferior to meat filling at all!"

Sun Qing looked at Aunt Li with a touched expression. "Aunt Li, how can I…"

Aunt Li smiled as she kneaded the noodles and urged Sun Qing to eat quickly.

"The dumplings won't taste good when they're cold. Hurry up and eat. Don't worry about me. I'll go buy two handfuls of coriander from the side!"

Sun Qing immediately raised her voice sweetly. "Alright, I'll look after the stall for you!"

The vegetable seller and the dumpling stall were only four to five meters away. As soon as Aunt Li left, Sun Qing immediately began to open the braised food.

"Hubby, why aren't you eating?" Halfway through opening the bag, Sun Qing saw Jiang Huai staring at her.

Would looking at her be able to fill his stomach?

Could it be that the big boss had started to be pretentious after he became rich and looked down on roadside stalls?

Great, she specialized in treating all kinds of pretentiousness!

She casually grabbed two pairs of chopsticks and stuffed one into Jiang Huai's hands.

Jiang Huai was in a daze as their fingers accidentally brushed against each other. This scene made Sun Qing misunderstand completely.

He's not eating? There are plenty of ways to deal with him.