I Know How to Live Well, Right?

She cooled a dumpling and brought it to his mouth. Let's see if he eats them!

A strange emotion flashed across Jiang Huai's eyes. He lowered his head to look at the dumplings that were fed to his mouth, and his eyes inadvertently met a pair of dark and shining eyes.

Sun Qing gritted her teeth and said stubbornly, "Eat!"

Jiang Huai quickly came back to his senses and subconsciously turned his head to the side.

"I can do it myself!"

Sun Qing grabbed his moving chin and exerted a little force with her fingers. "Hubby, you've let me down!"

Jiang Huai: "Would I be letting you down if I didn't eat dumplings?"

"Let go of me first!" Jiang Huai's tone was filled with panic that even he couldn't detect.

"If you don't eat, I won't let go!" Sun Qing continued to lean forward. The two of them were about to touch.

Jiang Huai glanced to the side and saw that someone had already noticed them. He closed his eyes and bit into the dumpling.

Sun Qing chuckled. The medicine gets rid of the disease. Today's another day of doing good.

"Hubby, is it delicious?"

Jiang Huai swallowed the dumplings quickly, but he couldn't taste anything.


Sun Qing smiled brightly. "Eat more if it's delicious. If it's not enough, we'll order another bowl."

Jiang Huai quickly buried his head in the dumplings. He didn't even hear Sun Qing's words and simply nodded.

It wouldn't do to just eat dumplings. There was no fridge now. If she bought a pile of braised food and put it away tomorrow, it would definitely stink.

Jiang Huai ate the dumplings and put a piece of duck leg into a bowl.

"Hubby, eat more. I bought it for you."

Jiang Huai swallowed the dumpling in his mouth in a few bites, and the chopsticks immediately put the duck leg into his mouth.

Sun Qing looked at the scene before her and smiled like an old mother.

Not only would the illness be cured, but it would probably not happen again.

"You can eat half of the braised food I bought and leave half for Xiao Hai. He'll definitely be hungry when he comes back tonight. I'm good to him, right?"

Without waiting for Jiang Huai to answer, Sun Qing also started eating dumplings and drinking the broth.

The meal lasted until almost five o'clock, and there was no need to eat tonight. Sun Qing pulled Jiang Huai straight to the department store.

She had asked Aunt Li just now. The department store closes at six o'clock. It wasn't far from the department store and could be reached by walking for 10 minutes.

She had enough time to buy a watch.

At five o'clock, people had already gotten off work on their bicycles. Sun Qing nimbly walked through the streets, followed by Jiang Huai, who was carrying bags.

Her sweet voice coupled with her beautiful face made the young men's thoughts fly.

However, her sweet voice, coupled with her words, broke the hearts of the young men of the right age.

"Hubby, hurry up!"

The young men looked at the man carrying her bag with helpless expressions. Their hearts broke all the way!

Industrial products weren't cheap these days. Sun Qing didn't compare the items and directly chose the cheapest watch with a peach blossom brand. Under the shocked gaze of the salesperson, she quickly paid the bill and happily hugged the watch to study how to use it!

Previously, when she was buying things, Jiang Huai thought that Sun Qing was someone who liked to spend money. He did not expect her to buy the cheapest watch.

This woman was mysterious and unfathomable.

Sun Qing happily began to claim credit. "Hubby, I know how to live well, right?"

Jiang Huai hummed softly. He had never seen someone who liked to praise herself so much. If it were someone else, they would definitely hate what she said about the Liu family. However, if it were her, no one would hate her at all. Instead, they would find her straightforward and cute.

When Sun Qing heard Jiang Huai's response, it was as if she had heard a big boss's praise. She was delighted.

Although it wasn't for the sake of living well!

It was almost time for technological advancement and the fastest upgrade. She would be stupid to spend a lot of money to buy old antiques to serve. It wouldn't hurt to buy cheap ones to exchange for.

Besides, the quality of things nowadays was good. Even the cheapest one could be used for 20 to 30 years. At that time, the smartphone would have changed countless generations, and this watch would have gone somewhere to be remade.