Tsk, Tragic!

Sun Qing looked at the money in the hooligan's hand regretfully. In the next second, she shouted angrily and sadly, "You guys are too much!"

The hooligans were dumbfounded. What was going on?

There was a group of middle-aged people standing nearby. The women were holding a shovel and a broom, while the men were holding a shovel and a stick. Seeing Sun Qing's tears and her trembling body, they raised their weapons and attacked their children without hesitation.

"Who told you to not learn well and be a hooligan? I'll beat you to death, you prodigal…"

"How did I raise a heartless thing like you? If I don't kill you today, I'll be letting down the little girl!"

The middle-aged people who came were all the parents of the hooligans. Sun Qing rested her head on the young lady's shoulder and secretly glanced at the hooligans who had been beaten up.

Tsk, tragic!

The young lady who had called for help thought that Sun Qing was crying on her shoulder. For a moment, she was filled with sympathy and kept patting her shoulder.

"It's okay, it's okay. Don't be afraid!"

Sun Qing was taller than the young lady, so it was a little difficult for her to press down on her shoulder.

"Yes, I thought you ran away and left me alone? I didn't expect you to go and call for help. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have thought badly of you!" Sun Qing swayed and stood up straight. The young lady quickly held her, afraid that she would collapse.

"It's fine. Don't be afraid. Uncle and Aunt will definitely give you an explanation." The young lady was also a little flustered. She was afraid that Sun Qing would take things too hard again, so she quickly comforted her.

The hooligans had something to say, mainly because their parents only wanted to kill them and not give them a chance to explain.

Sun Qing was puzzled. Why did Jiang Huai take so long to put the things away?

Sun Qing cowered and nodded, looking scared out of her wits. Upon seeing this, the parents grew even angrier, and hit their children harder.

The wails grew louder.

"Mom, Dad, it wasn't us. It was her. She hit us!"

"Mom, Dad, we really didn't do anything…"

No matter how the hooligans explained, it was useless. The more they explained, the more they angered their parents and the harder they were beaten.

The young lady kept comforting Sun Qing. "It's fine. They won't dare to do it again."

Sun Qing finally nodded as if she had thought it through. "I hope they remember this lesson and behave themselves next time."

When the adults heard Sun Qing's words, they stopped.

The hooligans were their biological children and they wouldn't really beat them to death. In front of the young lady, they had to vent their anger.

Beating up their sons was also an attitude of admitting their children's mistake.

"Young lady, look at this. Can we get them to apologize to you?" A middle-aged man quickly came out to make peace.

Sun Qing hurriedly hid behind the young lady. "If this gets out, how can I get married? I want to go home and find my family and ask them what to do."

When the parents of the hooligans heard this, they punched their children a few more times.

"Who told you to only know how to cause trouble all day? I'll beat you to death!"

One hooligan said, "We were just playing around."

When the hooligan's father heard this, he was immediately furious. As he beat him up, he shouted, "Who told you to play around? Now, you've caused trouble!"

When the other hooligans saw how miserable the hooligan was, they didn't dare to say a word, afraid that if they did, they would end up like him.

When the hooligans' parents heard that the young lady wanted to call her parents, they panicked. If the young lady's parents made a big deal out of it, their children's lives would be ruined.

"Young lady, how about this? Our family will pool some money to compensate you. Go buy a few clothes and treat it as our apology to you, okay?" a middle-aged man said quickly.

Sun Qing shook her head with a righteous expression. "No, this isn't about money at all. If they dare to treat me like this today, they'll dare to treat others like this in the future. I can't let other young ladies be hurt like me!"