If You Don't Know How to Speak, Don't Say Anything!

Alarms immediately sounded in the hearts of the parents' heart. Their thoughts were surprisingly the same. The young lady was going to call the police!

No matter what, they couldn't let her call the police!

The middle-aged men and women quickly gathered together to discuss.

Sun Qing stole a glance at her watch and saw that it was almost seven o'clock. Even if Jiang Huai had fallen into the toilet, he should have climbed up already, right?

It was still the middle-aged man from just now who ran out to make peace.

"Young lady, how about this? The four of us will pool 100 yuan together, so please be magnanimous and spare them this time. If they commit any more crimes in the future, we'll break their legs. How about that?" 100 yuan wasn't a small sum and was equivalent to more than two months of their salary. If not for the fact that this place was close to the school, they wouldn't be willing to take out so much money.

If Sun Qing hadn't seen the hooligans casually take out more than a hundred yuan, she might have believed them.

"No, Uncle. Nothing happened today, but what if something happens next time? How much would you have to fork out? I know you're soft-hearted, but let them receive education and nurturing. That's what's really good for them. At this time, you can't be soft-hearted!" Sun Qing said with a determined expression.

The parents of the hooligans thought to themselves, 'Why is this young lady so stubborn?'

The young lady beside Sun Qing also put in a good word for the hooligans. "Little girl, give them a chance. They're still students. If you really sue them, their lives will be over."

Sun Qing was overjoyed. Sue them? Does she have a grudge against the hooligans?

When the parents of the hooligans heard the young lady's words, they were instantly dumbfounded.

If you don't know how to speak, don't say anything!

Sun Qing said firmly, "Then I should tell their school and let the teachers punish them."

The parents thought, 'Forget it. Our children are already thorns in the school. With this commotion, they'll definitely drop out of school.'

The parents quickly gathered together and there was another round of muttering.

Sun Qing casually glanced at the entrance of the alley and froze.

Since when had he been standing there?

How long had he been standing here for?

She glanced not far away and froze again!

Did I not look at the almanac when I went out today? Why do I fail so easily under the noses of Jiang Huai and his son?

Can I still live with them?

The parents had also finished discussing. It was still the middle-aged man who came out to talk.

"Young lady, our families don't have it easy. It's not easy for us to squeeze out our living expenses to let our children go to school. If you report them to the school, not only will their lives be over, but our lives will also be over. We've worked to death to raise them from the size of a brick to their current size. It's really not easy. Please let them go this time!" The middle-aged man wiped his tears as he spoke.

When the parents of the other hooligans saw that the middle-aged man was crying, they also wiped their tears. When the hooligans saw that their parents were crying, guilt rose in their hearts and they lowered their heads without saying a word.

Sun Qing stole a glance at Jiang Huai and his son. Just as she was about to speak, she heard the middle-aged man wipe his tears and say, "The four of us will pool 200 yuan as compensation. Young lady, if you still don't forgive them, I'll break their legs with a stick in front of you."

Sun Qing made a prompt decision. "Let's talk nicely. As the head of the family, you shouldn't hit your children for no reason."

The parents and hooligans thought, 'Although it sounds wrong, there's finally hope.'

The young lady must have relented.

In order to prevent Sun Qing from going back on her words, the parents of the hooligans quickly took out their money and stuffed 200 yuan into Sun Qing's hand like a hot potato. Seeing that she didn't return it, they were relieved.

Sun Qing secretly glanced in the direction of Jiang Huai and his son. 'I didn't want it. They forced it on me.'

Seeing that Sun Qing was silent, the parents of the hooligans quickly pressed their children down and apologized to her.

Sun Qing's sharp eyes saw Jiang Huai and his son coming over and quickly waved them away.

"Be a good person in the future. You can't let your parents worry and be disappointed again."

Although her words sounded wrong, at least this matter was over.

The hooligans were pressed down by their parents to bow to Sun Qing.

"Hurry up and thank this little girl."

Sun Qing enjoyed being called a little girl. Who wouldn't want to be called a young girl?