Was Once A Language Genius

Qin Jianxi only spent ten minutes finishing the test paper.

To her, this was simply too easy.

Not to mention English, she could even finish Japanese and German test papers in about ten minutes because she knew ten foreign languages, and this did not include the local dialects that she knew.

She had nothing to do, and she couldn't leave the classroom early, so she held her chin in her hands and stared blankly...

Her current state was quickly noticed by the English teacher. She couldn't help but frown. She thought for a moment and was about to go over and remind Qin Jianxi.

When she walked to Qin Jianxi's table and was about to speak to her, her eyes glanced at the test paper. She realized that it wasn't completely blank. Instead, it was full of words.

At first, she thought that it was just random writing, but after taking a closer look, she realized that it was all correct.