The Person Who Blocked The Road In The Middle Of The Night

Li Si's expression froze for a moment, then she nodded obediently. "Aunty Wan, I understand. In the future, I won't go in again without Brother Fu Ge's permission." 

Mrs. Fu thought for a moment, then said, "Sisi! Aren't you going to start filming in two days?"

Although Li Si didn't understand why Mrs. Fu would suddenly bring up this topic, but she still nodded, "Yes, we'll start shooting the day after tomorrow." 

"Since you're filming the day after tomorrow, it's not convenient to go back and forth. How about this, I have another house over there. It'll be convenient for you to live there every day. I'll get the butler to bring you over to take a look." 

When Li Si heard this, she was stunned for a moment. She wasn't a fool. Was she being chased out?

"Aunty Wan..."