You Are My Medicine

Qin Jianxi looked in the direction the two of them had run off to. She turned around and rode her bicycle back home.

If she investigated properly, she believed that she would be able to find out, but she was not prepared to waste her effort on it.

In any case, if she didn't succeed this time, there might be a second time. She just had to wait.

If it really happened a second time, she would naturally not let it go.

When she arrived at the apartment building, Qin Jianxi folded the bicycle and carried it into the elevator. When she reached her floor, she carried the bicycle out.

Just as she was about to open the door, she realized that the door opposite her had opened.

When Qin Jianxi saw her neighbor clearly, she was speechless. "You're not telling me that you bought the house here, are you?"