
Qin Jianxi was doing questions in the classroom when a student at the door shouted at her, "Qin Jianxi, the dean wants you to go to the office." 

When Qin Jianxi heard this, she raised her head and looked at him.

The student saw her looking over and repeated herself.

Qin Jianxi nodded at her, stood up, and walked out.

She didn't want to guess why the dean was calling her, but when she came to the office door and saw Han Xu's mother standing inside, she frowned slightly.

Haven't they broken off all ties? Why did she come to the school?

The dean saw her and greeted her warmly, "Qin Jianxi, you're here. Come in quickly." 

As soon as he spoke, Mrs. Han also looked up at her. The young girl was wearing a school uniform, and her bright and beautiful face was fair and glowing. Qin Jianxi was even more beautiful than the last time she saw her.

Her temperament was also better.

It was not bad to have such a beautiful goddaughter.