Stealing The Exam Admission Ticket

The person slanted his head and turned around. When he met Qin Jianxi's cold eyes, his heart trembled.

He wanted to run away.

However, the next moment, Qin Jianxi grabbed him by the back of his collar. "If you want to leave, give me back my exam admission ticket." 

The person who was stopped was an 18-year-old boy. When he heard Qin Jianxi's words, his pupils shrank. "I... I don't know what you are talking about."

He wanted to struggle, but he found that he couldn't break free at all. This made him a little anxious.

Qin Jianxi immediately shouted at a teacher who was walking away, "Teacher, please come over here. This person stole my exam admission ticket." 

Her voice wasn't soft, and it instantly attracted the attention of many people. They looked over in unison and saw an extremely beautiful girl grabbing the back of a boy's collar.

As there were students from several schools, many of the people present didn't know Qin Jianxi.