Ji Luo Is A Little Stupid

Zhu Rui glanced at the shocked Zhu family members, and his expression became even calmer.

"The person who poisoned her at night has nothing to do with me at all. I've been with my father all this time. You can also check my phone records."

"Brother, Auntie, if I wanted to harm you, I have many ways to do so. I definitely wouldn't use such a method that is full of loopholes and would even get myself involved. Whether it's Zhu Yudai or that person from the Shu family, it won't do me any good if either of them dies."

Mrs. Zhu's voice suddenly became sharp. "What? You want to kill us? As expected of a wolf with wild ambitions. He covets the family property. Let me tell you...Dream on."

Zhu Rui was speechless.

Can she understand human language?

Zhu Shuohai naturally stood on his youngest son's side. "What are you talking about? Was that what Zhu Rui meant? What he's saying is that he didn't do it at all."