Picture Secretly Taken

Fu Ge's face was extremely dark. He sneered. "Looks like you've been living too idly recently."

"Tsk, don't be angry. Actually, I came here with good intentions." Zhu Ji chuckled as his dark eyes swept across another person in the car.

"Someone took a photo of your intense makeout session just now. That person ran too fast, so I didn't catch him."

Fu Ge narrowed his eyes and looked at him.

Zhu Ji's scalp went numb from his stare. This kid's eyes were really terrifying.

"Anyway, I've already reminded you. You can do whatever you want!"

He leaned his head forward and the smile on his face deepened.

"Miss Qin, I still have to thank you for crippling the hand of my old man's favorite son. I'll definitely treat you to a meal another day. However, you have to be careful of my old man."