I Like Testing On the Edge Of Death

Qin Jianxi was slightly surprised when she heard the news, but she didn't feel anything.

What happened to them had nothing to do with her, as long as they didn't bother her.

"Let them be. I don't owe Zhu Zhongjun anything."

She had saved Zhu Zhongjun, healed her broken body, and... She transferred all the money she got from Qin Likun, including the money from selling the shares, into Zhu Zhongjun's account before she left. She even gave an additional 100 million yuan to repay Zhu Zhongjun for giving birth to her.

In other words, as long as Zhu Zhongjun didn't spend all her money, she would be able to live a good life.

Fu Ge looked at her indifferent side profile and suddenly felt sorry for her. He didn't want to tell her those disgusting things.

However, after thinking about it, she would find out about it sooner or later. After all, the capital was only so big.

It was better to tell her himself than to hear it from someone else.