Young Master, You're A Mature Adult

Before Qin Jianxi could understand what he meant...

She saw Fu Ge pounce over.

In the next second, Qin Jianxi's lips were sealed...

It was only when the two of them were having trouble breathing that they separated.

"Do you have what you want?" Fu Ge stared at her, his breathing clearly unstable.

When Qin Jianxi heard his words, she immediately hit him with her hand.

To hell with you!

Fu Ge grabbed her hand and looked aggrieved. He asked, "What's wrong? I'm doing this according to your request. What's wrong with that?"

Qin Jianxi glared at him and snapped, "Shut up."

Fu Ge did not let go of her hand. He said, "If you want to go on a blind date with her, you have to go with me."

Qin Jianxi was really speechless this time. She asked, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, but if you don't let me follow you, you'll be in trouble." When Fu Ge said this, he smiled and revealed his row of neat, white teeth.