
Because it was on speaker, Fu Ge heard it clearly.

When he heard that the mastermind was Murong Hong, he was quite surprised.

This person was also someone he had never expected.

"Kiddo, do you think I've made a mistake?" Fourth's voice was filled with dissatisfaction and schadenfreude.

"I might as well tell you that this was investigated by Boss. There's absolutely no mistake. He knows about your matter and helped you investigate. If you have any doubts, go look for Boss."

Qin Jianxi didn't have any doubts after hearing his words.

"Send me the evidence you have first."

"Okay, I'll send it to you in a while. Check it carefully. Also, I have to continue my vacation. Don't disturb me if there's nothing else. Of course, if you want to introduce a girlfriend to me, remember to contact me."

Qin Jianxi rolled her eyes. She didn't want to listen to his nonsense anymore. She immediately hung up the call.