A Call In The Middle of the Night

In the middle of the night, the two of them were woken up by a piercing ringtone.

Qin Jianxi opened her eyes first and said to Fu Ge, who had also woken up, "Your phone is ringing."

Fu Ge was a little angry. Who called in the middle of the night?

This was his private number, so only a few people would know it. Therefore, he turned on the light and took the phone from the bedside table. When he saw the number on it, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Qin Jianxi also saw it. She commented, "Murong Jiu is calling now. Did he get agitated today? Then..."

Fu Ge didn't want to pick up the phone at first, but after thinking about it, he still picked up the phone.

Before he could speak.

Murong Jiu's hoarse voice came from the other end, "Fu Ge, my grandpa and grandma are both gone..."

Fu Ge did not expect to hear this, so he was quite shocked.

"What did you say? Your grandparents..."