How to Say This

Mrs. Fu was so angry that her lungs were about to explode.

Fortunately, her son had the foresight to not accept this red packet. Otherwise... She wanted to give this person a slap right now.

Thinking that her father was still around, she endured and restrained herself from starting a fight.

However, it was absolutely impossible for her to let this woman off so easily.

If she didn't protect Xixi, wouldn't others look down on Xixi?

She said directly to her father, "Dad, you saw it too. It's really not that I'm targeting Tian Xuehong. Look at what she's doing. She doesn't even have basic manners. Dad, I'll say it here today. Whether Eldest Brother and Tian Xuehong divorce or not, I won't acknowledge this sister-in-law anymore. In the future, she can't come to our house again, or else... I'll definitely set the dogs on her."

These words were also ruthless.