Please Let Me Go

Qin Jianxi touched his forehead.

"You don't have a fever."

Fu Ge was speechless.

Qin Jianxi glanced at him and said lightly, "Since you don't have a fever, then don't talk nonsense. Am I someone who can marry you abroad? Have you forgotten what I do for a living?"

Fu Ge's mind instantly calmed down.

That's right, she was no ordinary person now. She was in the special forces.

He sighed deeply, "If you don't get engaged to me, I'll be very anxious. What if you don't want me anymore?"

Qin Jianxi couldn't help but roll her eyes and retorted, "Did you have a lot of time on your hands the past few days?"

Otherwise, why would he be so free?

He was thinking about all this kind of rubbish.

Fu Ge took the opportunity to hold her hand and said affectionately, "Don't I love you too much? Only deep love would cause me to be so worried. Speaking of which, you give me too little sense of security."

Qin Jianxi was speechless.