Don't Worry About Having No Successor

Fu Ge and Old Master Fu were also more concerned about Qin Jianxi's legs.

If it could be cured, it would naturally be the best.

Qin Jianxi looked at their concerned expressions and said, "I'm really fine. I'm already recovering. I'll be back to how I was in half a year."

She repeatedly emphasized this, and the Fu family finally felt relieved.

Mrs. Fu asked Qin Jianxi a few more questions about how she had been living outside for the past five years.

Qin Jianxi explained briefly.

Fu Ge listened quietly and didn't say anything. He had been hugging Qin Jianxi the whole time.

After Mrs. Fu finished asking her questions, she could not stand it anymore. She scolded, "Gobi Desert, don't always hug Xixi. A human chair is really not as comfortable as a fabric sofa. You won't be tired, but Xixi will be in pain. Please be kind and let Xixi go!"

Fu Ge, who was originally as quiet as a mouse, became gloomy after his mother said that.