Treat Her Then

Mrs. Fu was a little surprised when she heard this. She asked, "Can her face be saved?"

When did her Xixi become so powerful?

It was unbelievable that her face could be treated.

"Mom, answer me first. How is her relationship with you? If it's just a normal relationship, then I definitely won't do anything."

Although that woman might look a little pitiful, what Qin Jianxi lacked the most was sympathy. If it was just a normal relationship, she would definitely reject their request to treat Sisi's face later.

Mrs. Fu was also a little conflicted. She said, "Mrs. Li and I were best friends in our early years..." After thinking about it, her daughter-in-law was still more important, so she said, "Xixi, it's better to follow your own wishes. If you're really unwilling, then we'll reject her. Anyway, those experts can't do it. Even if we reject her, they won't have anything to say."