My Heart Crumbled

Qin Jianxi was stunned when she heard Fu Ge's words.

She had never thought that he would ask this.

Looking at his worried expression, could it be that he fainted because he was too worried?

Her heart warmed at the thought of this. The corners of her lips curled up as she said gently, "Don't worry, there's no danger because my body is relatively strong."

Fu Ge expressed his worry.

He really wanted to ask if he could reduce the number of children in her womb... However, he realized that if he said this, he would probably spend a long time in the bedroom, so he swallowed his words.

For the first time in his life, he expressed a little dissatisfaction with himself for being too strong.

How could he be so powerful? Wasn't it good enough to have one child per pregnancy? Why did they have to conceive five? Did he consider the endurance of his heart?

He almost had a heart attack.