My Wife Is Also Pregnant

Xiaoya recovered from her shock. She had already digested the fact that the person in front of her was the one who saved her husband and pulled him back from the brink of death.

She asked anxiously, "Doctor, how is my husband? Will he be alright?"

"The operation was very successful. You don't have to worry. Just take good care of the baby."

"Really? The burns on his body... Will it cause complications or something?" Xiaoya had seen her husband's wound before. It looked so shocking and terrifying.

Qin Jianxi glanced at her and replied, "I've already treated it and used medicine. Don't worry."

At this moment, Fu Ge walked to Qin Jianxi's side. He said, "The other doctors will take care of it. She needs to rest for a while now. Also, if you need to see a doctor, go to the gynecology department."

He gave Lin Hengxi a cold glance. He was very dissatisfied with his wife's increased workload.