Second Meal - Golden Egg Fried Rice (1)

The sun was rising on the horizon and bathing the land beneath it with golden sunlight.

As the sunlight came across the land, it also went into the window of the hunter's hut that stood alone in this forest.

The sunlight that came through the window fell at just the right angle that it fell onto the face of the man sleeping in the bed.

As the rays of the sun hit his face, the man slowly opened his eyes and woke up to face the new day.

He didn't hesitate at all to get out of bed since this was already routine for him. Even on cloudy days, he would still wake up around this time.

After getting up, he quickly took a slice of bread off the table and grabbed the bow from the stand by the door before heading out.

For a hunter like this man, it was second nature to head out early in the morning since that was when his prey was most active.

As soon as he entered the woods, he found the tracks of a deer on the ground and he immediately started tracking it.

It didn't take him long to follow the deer to a lake.

This deer was currently drinking by the side of the lake, not paying any attention at all to its surroundings. This was perfect for the hunter who nocked his bow with a faint smile on his face.

In one swift motion, the arrow created a perfect arc in the air before impaling itself into the deer.

The deer staggered when the arrow hit it, but to the hunter's surprise, the deer didn't fall. Instead, the deer stood firm on its legs and after a second of pause, it suddenly started running forward.

"Damn!" The hunter cursed under his breath before quickly putting his bow on his back and chasing the deer.

However, even if he did swear, he wasn't actually that worried.

He knew that this was nothing more than a last struggle from the deer since he could see how much it was bleeding out. He knew that it wouldn't take long before it collapsed, so all he needed to do was follow it.

The deer would normally be faster than the hunter, but with an arrow in its side, that wasn't the case.

The only problem would be if the deer's blood drew out other predators which would bring more dangers to him. However, the hunter also knew that there wouldn't be any predators that would appear during this time.

So the hunter was able to chase the deer all the way into a cave that was near the lake.

The deer ran straight into the cave before collapsing.

The problem was that it was too dark in the cave and the hunter wasn't able to scout out the cave properly. There was a chance that there were other animals in the cave and if that was the case, the hunter would need to be careful.

So he carefully came up to the cave and lit a match that he casually tossed in.

As the match flew through the air in an arc, the faint light that it gave off allowed the hunter to see what was inside the cave.

He could make out the deer on the ground with the arrow sticking out of it and he could confirm that it had indeed run out of energy as it just laid there.

But the most shocking thing that he saw was the door that just stood in the middle of this empty cave.

This was a door that didn't seem to be attached to anything. It was a door that seemed to just be floating in space.

There didn't seem to be anything special about this door, but when the hunter looked closer, he found that there was a picture of a dog hanging on the door.

After confirming that there was nothing else in this cave, the hunter couldn't hold back his curiosity anymore and moved towards the door to check it out.

He lit another match to give him a bit more light to see the door, but the sudden sound of this match being lit woke up the deer.

The deer suddenly jumped up off the ground and with its last burst of strength, it charged at the door.

The moment its antlers hit the door, the door suddenly opened on its own.

The hunter had been caught off guard by this and in his panic, he immediately charged forward after the deer. As he charged forward, he followed the deer through the door.

The cave had been very dark, so his eyes had adjusted to the darkness, but the place behind the door was very brightly lit.

The hunter couldn't help squinting his eyes when he was hit with this sudden change in brightness, but when his eyes adjusted to this brightness, he was shocked by what he saw.

It was a restaurant, but the layout was much different from any restaurant that he had seen before.

There were many different objects that he didn't recognize that were scattered all over the restaurant.

But he could tell that it was still a restaurant since he could see people that were currently eating food inside of this place.

Though the scene inside of the restaurant was very different from normal.

After the deer had burst through the door, everyone inside of the restaurant had been shocked by the sudden appearance of this deer.

This deer wasn't even able to see anything from its loss of blood, so the only thought that was on its mind was to run forward as much as it could in hopes of escaping. Which was exactly what it did as soon as it burst into the restaurant.

The people in the restaurant had been eating their food when they suddenly saw this deer bursting in. The one that was the most unlucky was the one man who was at the table right in the path of the deer.

Everyone tried moving out of the way of the deer, but that one man who was at the table right in front of the deer reacted slowly and wasn't able to get out of the way in time.

However, right before the deer could run its horns right through this person, there was a black shadow that dashed right past this person at the deer.

There was also a black arc that formed in the air before a single maid shoe fell down right on the deer's neck. With the force of this drop kick, the deer was slammed right into the ground, but to everyone's surprise, the floorboards weren't shattered at all.

The deer just laid there in a pool of its own blood as it was dazed by the sudden kick that fell onto it, unable to move at all.

As it breathed its last, it still couldn't understand what had hit it.

Yami stood over the deer with one foot still raised, but that foot quickly came down before she turned to the man who had been sitting at the table in that path of the deer. She asked in a concerned voice, "Dear customer, are you alright?"

The man who had been sitting at the table was shocked by the deer charging at it, but he wasn't surprised to see Yami suddenly appearing in front of him. This person was a regular of the store, so he was already used to seeing this kind of thing from Yami.

After a moment of being dazed, that man just waved his hand and said, "It's alright, it's alright. It's always amazing seeing Yami like this, plus I got to see something quite interesting." As he said this, he couldn't help revealing a sly smile.

Yami glared at him when she heard this which made him turn away with an awkward smile, but she didn't do anything else.

She knew that he was just teasing her since that was the special way that the regulars teased her, he didn't actually mean anything by this. Otherwise, the next one to be lying on the floor would be him.

So she ignored him after glaring at him and turned her attention to the deer on the ground.

After staring at the deer for a bit, she couldn't help clicking her tongue and saying, "This really will be hard to clean out of the floorboards…"

One of the other waitresses came forward and said, "Boss lady, I'll take care of it!"

Yami looked at her and then suddenly thought of something as she said, "I'll be counting on you then, Anna!"

Anna gave a nod and then raised her hands towards the blood on the ground. As she raised her hands, there was a white glow that suddenly appeared around them.

The white glow became stronger and brighter until it suddenly shot out towards the deer. Once the corpse of the deer started glowing, it didn't take long before the glow disappeared along with the pool of blood that was on the ground.

Now the only thing that was left was the corpse of the deer on the ground.

Yami looked up after seeing that the floor was clean and her eyes fell onto the hunter who was currently standing at the door. She immediately raised her hand and pointed at him as she said in a stern voice, "It's you isn't it! You're the one that let the deer into the restaurant!"

The hunter had come in just in time to see Yami drop kicking the deer to the floor, so when he saw her pointing her finger at him like this, he couldn't stop himself from trembling.

He tried taking a few steps back, but his back hit the door that had closed behind him. He had walked out far enough into the restaurant that the door had automatically closed behind him.

But before Yami could come forward to beat up the hunter, there was an orc that suddenly stood up and came in between them.

This was the orc that had talked to the researcher last time.

The orc raised his hands and said, "Boss lady, boss lady, please calm down! I'm sure that he didn't do it on purpose!"

Yami had already raised a hand to send out a punch, but seeing the orc suddenly appear in front of her, she stopped moving forward. She looked up at the orc and raised her fist up to threaten him before moving away to help other customers.

Seeing that the scary lady in black was letting him off, the hunter let out a sigh of relief before turning to thank the orc.

However, the moment that he saw the face of the orc, he couldn't help revealing a stunned look and spurted out, "It's the Destruction Orc King!"